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  1. Hello folks, I came to the US 12 years ago on a Student visa - Im a citizen of Argentina. After a while I met my ex husband ( US citizen ) and we ended up getting married After a while the lawyer told me I could quit my school and that everything would be forgiven because Im marring to a US citizen. I did because we needed the money. So I stayed out of school, I believe for 4-5 months before the lawyer send the GC paperwork.... When I filed the GC paperwork I remember I have to mark the box saying that I broke the rules of my visa ( like the Lawyer advised ... ) and the officer asked me about that on the interview.... I got a 2 year GC, after that I got a 10 year GC. In 2013 just after getting a 10 year GC my husband died and I decided to go back to Argentina. I sold our house in the US and the lawyer told me that I should formally return my GC when I arrive in Argentina ( what I did, I filled a form giving up the US residency and shipped my GC to the US embassy ) ----- years later, I married again, and I moved to France. Now Im a french citizen. my friends wanna go on a trip to New York next year, but because I broke my visa rules 11 years ago, before I was granted a GC, I would like to know my chances of getting ESTA ou even a B2 visa??? I kinda already read the forms for ESTA and B2 visa and one of the questions is "did you ever break the rules of your visa"....so I believe that is pretty much them saying that my visa gonna be denied.... do you have any data / information of people getting a visa / Esta approved after breaking the visa rules / abandoning residence?? thank you very much
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