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Everything posted by xcowwyx

  1. Thank you for the message. I appreciate it a lot, I know I should think like that and I try to but sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me. I have been doing pretty good at not worrying about it too much after we sent the package in may but got anxious again about the same thing I stressed about in may when we sent it😅. you’re right, it’s not the end of the world. It’s a little bump on the road. It’s just scary, especially since it’s the first time dealing with USCIS, I don’t really know what to expect and what they all sent RFE’s for and deny petitions. I just pray to god they at least won’t deny it and at least give us the benefit to sent an RFE. but I don’t really see a reason for them to deny it, only the RFE I do see. But I mean you never know.
  2. that’s cool! We should get the approval of the I-129f by beginning of July and then hopefully it will only take 2-3 months to get the visa in my hands. im going to move straight in too when I get the visa, so I’m hoping for like October/November/December. But I like to broadly take everything in case of an RFE or a delay or whatever it would be so I won’t disappoint myself. So I’ve said as long as it’s before summer 2024 when I turn 22, then I’m more than happy. it would be absolutely lovely to be able to spend Christmas in 2023 together in our house, newly married and everything. That be the best Christmas gift although that means the whole process would’ve taken longer 2 years and 2 months so hopefully it won’t take that long but you never know. I rather not fixate on a date to keep myself from disappointment. As long as we end up being able to get married and live together then I’ll be happy.
  3. We filed it may 8, 2022 and receive date is 12 may, 2022. So we’ve only been in processing time for a little over 4,5 months. when are you guys expecting to move in together and get married? we are hoping for end 2023, beginning 2024. Broadly taken (hopefully😅)
  4. He checked it afterwards and sadly didn’t see the mistakes either. We triple, quadruple checked everything and overlooked those two date mistakes. I understand that it’s his petition and he’s responsible which I know, I just feel bad since I helped putting everything together with the pictures and getting his court documents and all the documents he needed from me. I tried helping and I made a mistake which I know he’s responsible for, luckily it wasn’t a huge mistake but I still feel guilty nonetheless.
  5. Oh yeah I’ve added my I-94 and copy of my Dutch Passport too. We have only met 2 times in the usa so far since before that it was just a 1,5 hour train ride and we’d be together. I have my fingers crossed that your package gets a fast approval and that everything goes well for you both!💗
  6. I feel the same way, I’m the beneficiary but I feel so guilty for making that mistake. I feel like I messed up our whole visa application and I’m just having a hard time trying to figure out what’s the best thing to do. Since I don’t want to wake up a sleeping dog but I also rather not get an RFE. And if we get an RFE I will just blame it on myself and that I caused a delay in us getting married/living together. But I heard an RFE this time now takes max like 3 months, on top of an already 13,5 month waiting time for the first step would be a blow to the face.
  7. I just checked the guide and we have everything that we needed filed with our original package. the only thing is the small mistakes on our declaration letter. we also didn’t mention in our declaration what kind of evidence we would add in our package. I just wrote on the cover letter this: -letters of intent to marry -letters of declaration -proof of having met in the past two years -proof of ongoing relationship and put everything behind each other in that order. I stapled my two boarding passes when I visited the usa together and dated/signed them. I then added on two of the pictures we had and dated/signed those too. I also stapled our hotel intinenarys together and dated/signed these too.
  8. We don’t have documentation of every single meeting as we lived decently close by each other. do you think this will cause an RFE too? That we didn’t add pictures of every single time we met and we just picked 2 random pictures of us together? so you think if I now add documentation of every single time we met and sent documents in to correct the mistakes I made it would just cause it to make our progress even longer? is the RFE kinda destined to happen now? Since I only added 2 random pictures and multiple meetings, on top of the small mistakes with the dates. im doomed and will just get an RFE 😞 thank you for helping though, I appreciate it
  9. So you think I should just leave it like this? I just don’t want to get the RFE
  10. But it wouldn’t hurt sending this extra information in right? It would only confirm the bona fide relationship more, I suppose?
  11. We were a semi long distance relationship for the first 8 months or so and saw each other every week or every 2 weeks. then I mentioned our first time going to the usa together in November 2021. then I mentioned seeing each other last may for 2 weeks. we have a picture of us holding pickles in the usa and we have a picture of us at my graduation from college.
  12. So it doesn’t make processing times any longer? They just add the paperwork to your package and you don’t start the waiting time all over again? that’s what I’m worried for too, I don’t want to get an RFE since it’s already such a long processing time and we are planning to move end 2023, beginning 2024 latest. my fiancé, like the other people here say I should just let it be and not wake up a sleeping dog. I don’t think it would do any harm, I’m just worried about it pushing our case back
  13. Do you think it would cause our case to get delayed and pushed back? Or does the process time still stay the same? im anxious about it but I rather avoid an RFE and just sent it now since processing time is still so long anyway. how did you guys sent in the additional paperwork?
  14. Mhm, I plan to bring more pictures to the interview. do you think I should sent in documentation about the dates rn or just wait until an RFE or the interview?
  15. Okay thank you, the whole process is just nerve wrecking and I’m nervous I didn’t do it well even though I’ve filled the I-129f in properly, added all the mandatory documents and the additional declaration letters. do you think it’s okay that we only added in 2 pictures of us together? We have added multiple plane tickets, USMC ball tickets, hotel intenary’s and then the 2 photos.
  16. We have our intent to marry letter saying that we are legally allowed and going to marry writhing 90 days of arrival once issued the k-1 visa and then we have a letter stating how we met and a few times we met, when we got engaged and what we love most about each other (declaration letter). hopefully an RFE at most, so just do nothing for now? cuz if I can avoid an RFE by sending in documentation rn I’d love to do that, bc we are trying to get married/move in together end 2023/beginning 2024. And we just hit 136 days of being in the i-129f process.
  17. So currently not do anything about this? Sent nothing rn? cuz it won’t cause a denial right? Just an RFE at most? (If everything else is correct ofc)!
  18. We have our intent to marry and declaration letter separately. do you think this would cause us to get an RFE or be denied?
  19. Hi everyone. So on our official papers and required documents for the I-129f there’s no mistakes but we added declaration letters from us both where 2 dates are different from each other. I wrote March 26th, 2021. He wrote May 26th, 2021. And I wrote we went to the usa on November 10th and he did on November 15th. We didn’t notice this small mistake until later on but we have strong proof of bona fide relationship. I also have proof that we actually met on March 26th with train ticket+Airbnb booking. And that we left to the usa on November 15th with flight tickets from both of us and on my I-94 it has the entry date nov16. I’m just very scared it will be denied cuz of this and I don’t want to have wasted over a year if it ends up getting denied. But I also don’t want to wake up a sleeping dog and cause more hassle for us in case they don’t believe it was a typo even with the evidence. I hear people saying you shouldn’t sent in more unless they ask. What should I do? Ps. We have called USCIS before and the lady said this wouldn’t be a problem but we could sent up paperwork to the address about the mistake if we really wanted to. But I’m worried this could push back our petition and we are already quite a bit in the process. I just don’t want to get denied cuz of this, I’m ready to receive a RFE for this since I have enough evidence to back things up but I’d rather avoid that. Should I inter file the documents rn and correct my mistake?
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