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Posts posted by Manifest2022

  1. 15 hours ago, Kor2USA said:

    There is another UK/US couple on VisaJourney is going through the CR1 process and got married via Utah. They married while the USC was visiting the UK.


    My favorite thing to do is compare K1 to CR1/IR1 processing times according to country. 


    Last 10 K1s for the UK

    Filing to Interview:  384-630 days 


    Last 10 IR1/CR1s for the UK

    Filing to Interview: 248-785 days 


    (Click on Immigration Timelines at the top of the page to keep tabs on the situation- you can also search by NOA2 to see how many people (on VJ)  are waiting for their interview date). 


    Currently NOA1-NOA2 is taking about a year for K1 and IR1/CR1 can take 4-12 months. 


    Nothing is stopping you from filing either the K1 or CR1 this year and then filing the L1 next year year if your company agrees. 

    Have two petitions isn't a terrible idea. 







    @Kor2USAthank you so much! This is super helpful as trying to see trends and figuring out approx timlines has proven difficult- with the only consensus of both are not quick and well past a year! 


    When drilling down (the filters are a bit confusing for me so not sure I did it right) it is showing that there are far less people waiting from NOA2 to Interview for CR1 than K1 from applications filed in 2021. Also when going into some of the profile timlines the K1s are much longer from application to NOA1 and NOA2 than CR1.


    In regards to the L1, I have confirmed that as its dual intent it is not impacted by or impact either CR1 or K1 so absolutely no harm in doing it. I guess it will be a case if they do decide to provide me with one, where I'm at in the process with which ever visa we choose and deciding what legally is possible.


    Thank you for your help and guidance!

  2. @mam521thank you for your perspective and open thoughts.


    although we have been long distance across many years,  we have spent considerable time together, months living together, getting to know each other, spending time with family and friends etc we know that marriage is what we want and a future together, family etc we are in our mid 30s so have alot of certainty around what we want. So really as a couple we don't need to figure out If that is something we want.


    I have also spent alot of time in the US to feel comfortable with the decision of moving there leaving family etc. I did indeed put alot of thought into it to come to that decision.


    But I do completely understand the environment of being a breadwinner and then moving to being a dependent and with the K1 visa there is more restriction in being able to do that.


    For the L1 visa it's not confirmed, a year could go by and the company decide they don't want to do it for me. That's the tricky part.


    It seems based on this thread CR1 is the most logical route.


    But thank you again for your thoughts, appreciate it 

  3. @Boileryes that would be the ideal situation, but as mentiond this is not confirmed from my company its a maybe and they would only look to do it next year and we don't want to waste a year on just a maybe... if that makes sense 


    @Crazy Cat yes this is a good point! Howeve not an option right now as im not fully vaccinated so cannot enter. It would be better for him to travel to UK on marriage visa and we get married in the UK

  4. @madhatter204thank you for your input! 


    I know that you are not able to go on an ESTA, get married and the file for Adjustment of status as that's seen as fraud but I didn't know you could do that- go on and ESTA, get married and then come back and file for i-130 without border control getting all suspicious or difficult?


    Only issue is right now is I'm not fully vaccinated so boarders are shut to me right now. Am hoping that changes or being fully vaccinated by the time the visa comes through.


    Can I kindly ask, I assume you are doing the CR1 how long it's been since you filed the form/application? How long do you anticipate till you get the visa?


    This is the dilemma, ideally we want to be together as soon as possible. Due to my age I want to start a family as soon as possible and we've been apart for so long now. From what I've been reading the timlines for both seem similar but then I see other information and feedback that the K1 is still the shortest because of the less processing time at NVC


    In terms of a job, we can survive without me working for a few months, it's more of the leaving the country and not being able to travel to the UK incase anything happens to my family.


    I was also hoping the L1 somehow would allow me to work if I did the K1 and bypass the work permit.


    This whole thing is just so overwhelming trying to understand which one is quicker, which is better etc 



  5. Hello everyone,

    Having come across this forum and reading many threads I thought this would be a great place to get some guidance from you all : )

    I am a UK citizen residing in London and my partner is a US citizen residing in New Jersey.

    We met 6 years ago and have been in a long distance relationship since then with many visits within US and London aswells as holiday destinations, and everyday communication calls and msgs (WhatsApp).

    We have no children and never been previously married.

    Our goal is to be married, settle down build a family and for me to reside in the US.

    We are now in the process of gathering information around the best route to take K1 (fiance) or CR1 (spousal) for our situation.

    I have read alot of information including the threads in this forum about both. I understand the differences between each (k1 involves AOS- greencard and work permit after entering which can take upto another year, CR1 all done before entering)  and that covid has impacted both types in terms of timeframes and they are both averaging the same 1 year plus. I've been reading that the consensus now is CR1 is the overall all best approach.

    With the K1 visa our concern is my ability to not work or leave the country and how long that would take. But with the CR1 our concern is just the timeframe itself having to apply for him to get a marriage visa for the UK, register intent to marry, actually get married even if registery office along with work commitments etc (3 months plus to do this) and the file for the CR1 (1 year plus) just seems longer than K1 in terms of being together.

    We are leaning more towards the K1 because if feels more natural ( I haven't met his parents) and I can do this before getting married and they can attend the wedding in the US.But again work and leaving the country is an issue. I know I can apply for advance parole to leave the country but that can also take 8 months plus.

    My work is a huge multinational with offices in New York and they have said they may be willing to do an L1 visa and transfer me to that office at the beginning of next year. We don't want to wait around a year knowing how long this process takes and it just being a conditional offer at this point.

    I know that the L1 is a dual intent so is not impacted by or impact either visa.

    But I'm not sure on a few things if I was indeed able to get the L1 from my company:

    1) if the L1 came before the K1 visa would I go on this and do AOS and my K1 visa be scrapped?

    2) if my K1 visa came before the L1 can I still do the L1 visa so that I'm able to work rather than wait for a work permit?

    3) what would happen if my L1 came before my CR1 would I be able to come to the US on this or have to wait for the CR1?

    Any guidance is appreciated in general and in regards to my questions.

    Thank you so much!

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