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Everything posted by Bh_sarah

  1. Today's numbers [April 24th, 2023] Also counting weekend numbers. USCIS server is having issues and Case Tracker is also then giving me some errors, so take this totals with a pinch of salt. I had to re-un the numbers in so many ranges and I'm still not super confident they are accurate. So hopefully better results tomorrow! 46500 - 1 approval 48000 - 2 approvals 48500 - 7 approvals, 1 RFE 49000 - 1 RFE 50000 - 1 approval, 2 RFEs 50500 - 2 approvals, 2 RFEs 52000 - 2 approvals 52500 - 1 RFE, 1 other 53500 - 3 approvals, 1 RFE 54000 - 1 approval 54500 - 2 approvals, 1 RFE 55000 - 3 approvals, 2 RFEs 55500 - 7 approvals, 1 RFE, 1 other 56000 - 6 approvals, 1RFE Today's totals: 37 new approvals, 13 RFEs, 1 other Totals so far: 1629(+37) Approved 294 Denied/Rejected 567(+8) RFE/RFERs 883 Other Action/Untouched 145 Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Today's numbers [April 21st, 2023] Seems like it's about 30 approved per day now. Not too bad but definitely slower. Also counted some RFEs already dated as tomorrow, the 22nd, for some reason. 46500 - 1 approval 47000 - 1 RFE 48000 - 4 approvals 48500 - 7 approvals, 3 RFEs, 1 withdrawal 49500 - 1 approval, 2 RFEs 50500 - 1 approval 51500 - 3 approvals 52000 - 4 approvals 52500 - 1 approval, 1 RFE 53000 - 1 approval 53500 - 3 approvals, 4 RFEs 54000 - 1 RFE 54500 - 3 approvals, 2 RFEs, 1 other 55500 - 3 approval, 4 RFEs 56000 - 2 approvals, 1 RFE Today's totals: 34 new approvals, 19 RFEs, 1 withdrawal, 1 other Totals so far: 1592(+34) Approved 294 Denied/Rejected 559(+4) RFE/RFERs 926 Other Action/Untouched 145(+1) Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  3. I have a thing with dates! haha so we better be using aaaall this wait in our advantage in the future! Kids will *looove* it, I'm sure! 😂
  4. Yep! Great advice from @Naterson! It's all going to be worth it. I am pretty much a realist but these couple of weeks my irrational side took over and I went spiralling about what could I have done differently. Things like "why didn't we file earlier? Why we didn't meet earlier? Why we didn't start talking earlier?" that aren't helpful at all and only brings me down. It will all be over soon though. I joke that we will have a lot of stories and will look back at this time kindly. Whenever the kids complain it takes them too much time to clean their bedrooms, we can always say "don't you dare complain about 15 minutes! We waited 600 days to get your mom into this country so we could get married!" It will be fun.... eventually. Haha!
  5. Oh don't get too caught up on this too. We only discover those details later and when we can't change anything, unfortunately. I can see the difference between first and last half, but at the end there are people from the first half of February being left behind too. It's all a gamble and we can all be caught up in the last 50%. I also thought of blaming the lawyers since we were supposed to send it 1 week before it was sent but they took long to confirm it, but honestly it comes down to luck and we're all at mercy of a random bureaucratic process, unfortunately. It will be fine. The increase in speed also helps us. I was expecting them to start February around now, so that would mean I would know I was left behind only in May. And I'm one month earlier than my estimate! Yayyyy I guess hahah
  6. I think it was like this before, right? With 50%, 75% etc. Now it's basically the worst scenario ever so it's a safer estimate. I would also say that the probability of you being left behind (I mean inside the last 50% to be touched since it's proving more accurate than the 20% we previously discussed) is higher when your NOA1 date is by the end of the month. At least that's what I am seeing with February – it's easier to see that because it has 4 weeks only. Most of the cases left behind are from the last 2 weeks, while the cases filed on the first two weeks have a higher percentage of cases completed. Another sign that this is true to me is that, now that they moved on to March and truly slowed down with February, most Feb cases being approved now are on the last 2 weeks, not the first 2 weeks. I could also be biased with just my month in this statement, so take it with a grain of salt haha hope it makes sense too, I feel like I'm blabbing.
  7. I'm not *super* familiar with Lawfully since I don't pay for the app and only use the free version, but I did get a free trial once. My guess is that Lawfully counts only the cases registered with them, so January filers that also use lawfully and put their case number in there? And the numbers I shared above are only for that specific day, not the the whole month. Also could be because I think for the analysis they don't get the whole month but instead just the same filed close to you? I will have to look up. I would go by Obllak's spreadsheet to see totals, especially because it's precise and not by case range. Right now it's 188 untouched in January, 74 pending, 439 RFEs sent, 169 RFEs received.
  8. Today's numbers [April 20th, 2023] A few approvals today only. Congrats to everyone approved! Hoping for a better day tomorrow. 48000 - 2 approvals, 2 RFEs 48500 - 2 approvals, 1 RFE 49000 - 2 RFEs 49500 - 1 approval 50000 - 1 RFE, 1 withdrawal 50500 - 1 RFE 51000 - 1 RFE 51500 - 4 approvals 52000 - 4 approvals, 1 withdrawal 52500 - 2 RFEs 53000 - 1 approval 53500 - 4 approvals, 2 RFEs 54000 - 3 approvals 54500 - 8 approvals, 1 RFE 55500 - 1 approval, 2 RFEs 56000 - 2 approvals, 3 RFEs Today's totals: 32 new approvals, 18 RFEs, 2 withdrawals Totals so far: 1558(+32) Approved 294 Denied/Rejected 555(+16) RFE/RFERs 966 Other Action/Untouched 144(+2) Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Today's numbers [April 19th, 2023] Also counting yesterday's numbers since the server was down. Still a lot of approvals and even withdrawals changed dates, so they were counted before and are not being counted here. But great numbers, honestly makes me a bit more happy knowing they slowed down but are still working on February. 46500 - 8 approvals 48000 - 6 approvals 48500 - 3 RFEs 49000 - 4 approvals 49500 - 1 approval, 2 RFEs 50000 - 5 approvals, 2 RFEs 50500 - 3 approvals, 1 RFE 51000 - 13 approvals 51500 - 17 approvals, 2 denials, 3 RFEs 52000 - 8 approvals, 1 RFE 52500 - 19 approvals, 3 RFEs 53000 - 7 approvals, 5 RFEs 53500 - 7 approvals, 2 RFEs, 1 case reopened 54000 - 2 approvals, 2 RFEs 54500 - 20 approvals 55000 - 9 approvals 55500 - 9 approvals, 5 RFEs 56000 - 2 approvals, 1 RFE Today's totals: 144 new approvals, 2 denials, 30 RFEs, 1 case reopened Totals so far: 1526(+144) Approved 294(+2) Denied/Rejected 539(+24) RFE/RFERs 1012 Other Action/Untouched 142 Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Not sure why she hasn't posted here, but she always posts the numbers on WhatsApp. It's a January/February 22 filers WhatsApp group, here is the link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CwAyhtiS7Nb6t2i8H4FEdh Unfortunately most of the group have now moved on to NVC phase, but a few others like me (Feb) and I think one Jan filer there is still waiting too. I ran a quick scan on your range using CaseTracker and there are 20 cases still untouched, but RFEs being received and the last approval was Monday. So not forgotten at least. Wishing you hear good news soon!
  11. Yesterday the server was down so there was nothing to scan. But I see above the last update here was April 13th. Here is the update for Monday (April 17th) for January shared on WhatsApp by @Ngillet: 📌JANUARY 4/17 38000: 1 Approval, 2 RFESs (3 new / 0 in progress) 38500: 3 RFESs (3 new / 0 in progress) 39000: 1 Approval (0 new / 1 in progress) 42000: 4 Approvals, 1 Other (Name Was Updated) (5 new / 0 in progress) 42500: 1 Approval (1 new / 0 in progress) 43000: 5 Approvals, 1 RFES (6 new / 0 in progress) 43500: 2 Approvals, 1 RFES, 1 RFER (2 new / 2 in progress) 44500: 1 Approval (1 new / 0 in progress) 46000: 4 Approvals (3 new / 1 in progress) *4/17/23: 28 Total Updates: 19 Approvals, 7 RFESs, 1 RFER, 1 Other (Name Was Updated)* They are still working on January and earlier months, just on a slower pace than March. Honestly slower pace is also true February at this point too. Activity is heavy on March now. What’s your range/where your receipt number falls into?
  12. Ugh, I picked the right day not to scan it! Thanks for the info guys. Now the whole egov.uscis server seems down.
  13. Hi, all! Not going to be able to scan the ranges today, not feeling too well. I do scan my range all the time and they are still changing the dates of some past approved cases to the current day. It’s weird. And I didn’t see a lot of activity so we’re no missing much. I hope to come back tomorrow with good news, but maybe @Vivek Patel can post his script numbers here for today!
  14. Today's numbers [April 17th, 2023] Also counting weekend numbers. I noticed many approvals changed dates, so they were counted before but now show as April 17th. I didn't include those in the numbers below since I find it misleading. They clearly moved on their activity to March and it's honestly frustrating, but it did got to 50%+ processed now. 46500 - 2 RFEs 47500 - 1 RFE 48000 - 1 approval 48500 - 1 RFE 49000 - 1 RFE 49500 - 1 approval 50500 - 1 RFE 51000 - 6 RFEs 51500 - 4 approvals, 8 RFE, 1 other 52000 - 2 RFEs 52500 - 4 approvals, 2 RFEs 53000 - 1 approval, 4 RFEs 53500 - 2 approvals, 2 RFEs 54500 - 2 approvals 55500 - 4 approvals, 2 RFEs 56000 - 3 approvals Today's totals: 22 new approvals, 32 RFEs, 1 other Totals so far: 1382(+22) Approved 292 Denied/Rejected 515(+31) RFE/RFERs 1181 Other Action/Untouched 142 Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Hi, congratulations on having your case touched and hope the RFE is a simple request! (Gotta celebrate the small victories). I hope someone can give you more precise information, but I think the RFE letter should arrive in 5 days/a week? Then you have around 30 days to reply, I think. The thing is that they don't give a timeframe to make a decision once they receive your RFE, it could be 1-2 weeks, it could be a month or more. It's hard to know. They say the clock basically restarts... But fingers crossed it will be soon in your case! I am also using a lawyer and I am not sure because I didn't get my NOA2 or RFE. I would think they send all info to both the lawyer and the petitioner, like they did with the NOA1? But then again, I am not sure. Hope someone here knows!
  16. Oh, got it! I see. I am a bit traumatized with immigration as you can see even though I never dared doing anything that would be even considered illegal! haha I was given hell too when I travelled alone to Ireland (and that's even after living in London for a year!). But this was 5, 6 years ago. I've heard Portugal is making immigration from Brazil easier if you do have a job they are seeking, but I am not aware of this fast track to citizenship. Will need to research! And cool to know you were here! Hope my home country treated you and your fiancé well. I still need to take my fiancé to Rio, I feel he didn't get the touristy experience at all here since I live in an uneventful region. It's hard to wait for this process and I know it's infuriating to go another day without an answer (like today for me), but hang tight. Gotta keep the faith. We are one year into this and it's going to be worth it. Like I heard someone say once here, the system might be slow and might need some fixing, but it's still working in the end and we will be with our soulmates soon. And if after going through it and being together finally, Spain still calls your name, why not? haha
  17. Oh yeah, the waiting is frustrating, but now being so close and feel like I'm being left behind is worse. I have relatives in Valencia, it looks like a beautiful city! I wish I had an option to move anywhere else with my fiancé but our plan for a family doesn't really work anywhere else, he has a home and stable income there, I am the one that can work remotely. Being a single, young 3rd world citizen also doesn't make my life easier when it comes to immigrating to 1st world countries. Depending on where your fiancé is from, they will also have this issue and it might even take longer than US immigration. When we thought about meeting in Europe, I had to explain to my fiancé that even though I don't need a pre-approved visa to enter Europe, it didn't mean that I would be able to enter any country there easily, especially in the phase I am of not having many ties to my home country preparing to move to US. Same in Mexico. The immigration booth agent stamped his passport without asking anything, I was questioned for half an hour because the lady thought I was being trafficked into the country. But later when I had a Canadian visa on my passport and entered through the US/Canadian airline terminal, only one question too and "have a good vacation". The difference in treatment is baffling. This process is hard on everyone, but in my view, immigrating to US and then becoming a permanent resident/citizen later it's the only path for most of us 3rd world fiancés to have security that we'll be able to be together with our soon-to-be-spouses anywhere in the world. Sounds great to move somewhere else and skip this whole thing, but that means that, to visit his home country or other countries, I will always go through scrutiny, always need for visas and pre-checks. And if we ever need to relocate somewhere else, even to my own country, knowing my "citizen status" is the same as him makes a whole difference. That's the world we're living in. Sorry, I'm ranting. This process is hard and every couple has their own challenges, I wish it was different but I know we're doing the right thing. Hold on, your approval is coming as well and soon you will be together and can even start planning moving to Spain with more security and confidence if that's what you have in mind ❤️
  18. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Hoping for next week! Just seems every day is gets further away now than closer! 😕
  19. Today's numbers [April 14th, 2023] Great numbers for a Friday, but it does seem they slowed down on February Congrats to everyone approved. Also happy I've seen a lot of approvals from January. My range had 7 approvals and 7 RFEs but nope, mine hasn't been touched yet, and yes, of course my range is the one with the biggest percentage of untouched cases, yay! The only comfort I have now seeing they moved to March is knowing there are 100+ others in my range also waiting. Only USCIS to make me wish tomorrow was Monday again! 46500 - 4 RFEs 47500 - 1 RFE 48500 - 1 RFE, 1 withdrawal 49500 - 3 approvals 50000 - 11 approvals, 2 RFEs 50500 - 3 approvals 51000 - 5 approvals, 8 RFEs, 1 withdrawal 51500 - 7 approvals, 5 RFEs 52000 - 4 approvals, 2 RFEs 52500 - 9 approvals, 5 RFEs 53000 - 6 approvals 53500 - 7 approvals, 7 RFEs, 1 withdrawal 54500 - 1 approval, 3 RFEs 55000 - 1 approvals, 1 RFE 55500 - 3 approvals, 1 RFE 56000 - 8 approvals Today's totals: 68 approvals, 40 RFEs, 3 withdrawals Totals so far: 1360(+68) Approved 292 Denied/Rejected 484(+39) RFE/RFERs 1234 Other Action/Untouched 142(+3) Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  20. Yeah, I noticed scanning that April 11th and 12th didn't have many approvals. Not sure if the agents knew that the system wasn't working so they just slowed down or focused on other things? No way to know. Still hoping for a great month of numbers nonetheless
  21. Today's numbers [April 13th, 2023] We're back in business! Counting also updates from the 11th and 12th that were only updated in the system today. 46500 - 2 RFEs 47500 - 2 approvals 48000 - 4 RFEs 48500 - 4 approvals 49000 - 1 RFE 49500 - 7 approvals, 6 RFEs 50000 - 21 approvals, 1 denial, 11 RFEs, 1 withdrawal, 1 other 50500 - 11 approvals, 2 denials, 7 RFEs 51000 - 3 approvals, 2 RFEs, 1 withdrawal 51500 - 9 approvals, 5 RFEs, 1 other 52000 - 9 approvals (1 from an expedited), 1 RFE 52500 - 15 approvals, 3 RFEs, 2 others 53000 - 10 approvals, 4 RFEs 53500 - 6 approvals, 5 RFEs, 1 withdrawal 54000 - 7 approvals 54500 - 18 approvals, 2 RFEs 55000 - 14 approvals, 4 RFEs 55500 - 10 approvals, 9 RFEs. 1 withdrawal 56000 - 25 approvals, 12 RFEs, 2 others Today's totals: 171 approvals, 3 denials, 72 RFEs, 4 withdrawals, 6 others Totals so far: 1292(+171) Approved 292(+3) Denied/Rejected 445(+72) RFE/RFERs 1342 Other Action/Untouched 139(+4) Withdrawals Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yTdQDjmS6ik3bPNGmThSc0jFUszsiGcXurI1hT_Jcw/edit?usp=sharing
  22. It's a Jan/Feb 22 filers group. I'll send you the link on a private message. I like it to see real time approvals and other info they share from FB (I refuse to join FB groups haha).
  23. Imagine me!!! haha when they just touched my month, this happened! However, 2 approvals already in the WhatsApp group I'm in and the approvals are dated April 11th. They are slowly updating the system, it was just a delay, so hoping to see 400 or more updates today if they update it all!
  24. They started updating the system with April 11th approvals today!!! Hoping they include April 12th and today's updates as well. So I'm hoping to scan the system later today and give us great news again.
  25. I wish I knew someone who worked for USCIS to have insider info haha I mean, I don't think it's likely the whole service center stopped working for 2 days straight so I will bet on a system error. As far as they mailing in RFEs and NOA2s, we will only know it when the system finally updates it and it has a backdate OR next week when people start getting NOA2s in the mail. Either way we are left in the dark and it sucks. Thank you! I think I've kept my cool and patience until yesterday. When they're finally approving many cases in February and I feel so close to an approval, this happens and this never happened on the almost 1 year that I track numbers. Makes me furious and my anxiety is through the roof!!! I wand this over! haha and there's no official info, other service centers seem to be working fine while the California one hasn't made any update at all yesterday, this includes all cases, not only K1s. Something is going on with their system and they should fix it already!
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