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Everything posted by MarJhi

  1. What is the end game here? It feels like the final nail in California's coffin. Let's say you fund this by taxing rich white people, then those people decide to take their tax dollars elsewhere. Do you then tax middle class and eventually poor white people? What if they too abandon that sinking ship? So now you have a state where every black person has a million dollars plus in the bank, are they going to work? Who will provide the goods and services to those who think they are financially set? In a place where everyone is a millionaire some smart entrepreneurs are going to come along and adjust the cost of goods and services to match the ability of the customer to pay, prices won't go down, they will go up. That $60 oil change for your car is going to cost $200 because I want my piece of the pie. And don't forget, through state income tax or sales tax, the state of California and cities will be collecting their share of that stolen cash. There are so many holes in this idea, I for one am hoping it happens.
  2. The problem is too many people these days believe their opinions are facts, hence terms like "speaking my/your truth".
  3. I think you'll be fine as long as you (and your fiance' when she interviews) never lie or try to hide information. In the webpage below it says they are mainly looking to protect the beneficiary from abuse/child trafficking/human trafficking. Good luck I have a criminal record. Can I petition for my fiance to come to the US? - Kannan Law Firm (san-diego-abogado.com)
  4. I listen to the Adam Carolla podcast on occasion while I am at work. He is best friends with Jimmy Kimmel (in spite of their political views being polar opposites) and every now and he talks about how Kimmel has about 15 writers on staff. Even with that, for special events he says Kimmel will ask him to look over the jokes and help him decide which are worth using.
  5. Love him or hate him, it seems Beck has done incredibly well since leaving Fox News. Tucker will be just fine What is Glenn Beck’s Net Worth? While in 2014, Forbes estimated that Glen Beck’s net worth was $90 million, Beck’s net worth has risen significantly since then. 2022 numbers from Celebrity Net Worth suggest that his net worth is closer to $150 million. In any case, it is clear that Beck has a significant fortune. How Much Does Glenn Beck Make Each Year? It is estimated that his salary is $20 million each year, but that figure does not include all the money he earns in a year, and other income streams like book revenues add to that yearly income estimate. It’s common for Beck to earn closer to $30-$40 million in any given year. When he still worked for Fox before starting his own media company, he made around $2 million on air from Fox; however, his total for the year was around $32 million, which means that other income streams like public speaking, his online store, radio, and book sales earned the bulk of his income.
  6. Shows you how untalented so many of the late night talk show hosts are. I thought these guys were supposed to be the best of the best and they cannot go out there without a team of writers to write them a crappy 7 minute monologue? Hell the jokes aren't even jokes any more, they're just woke talking points with the occasional mockery of the other side of the political aisle.
  7. Just a suggestion, but when dealing with anyone in the K1 process whether in this country or the country of the beneficiary, how about we refrain from arguing and getting into screaming matches with decision makers. But the good news for you is that you say there is an ample history of this doctor doing this with plenty of complaints against him at the consulate, so I am sure your accusations against him will be well received and it will be smooth sailing.
  8. Or....the drunk illegal alien who was deported multiple times, committed multiple felonies BEFORE he murdered those people and never should have been in the US (unless locked away in prison) was caught, and hopefully executed sooner than later.
  9. Yeesh, more links to biased sites. Have any ideas of your own you would like to share? Earlier you mentioned how the Constitution can be changed, what changes would YOU make, tell me what your plan would look like, I don't need links to politically slanted articles/websites. Would you eliminate the 2nd Amendment? What laws would you enact, what limits would you come up with if you were the primary decision maker/dictator? What firearms are acceptable or unacceptable in your world? Many with an anti 2nd Amendment bent like to play games with the language, go purposely vague with phrases like "common sense gun laws" or "universal background checks" but never really define what they mean. They say "nobody is coming after your right to bear arms" and then talk about exactly that. What things on a background check would prevent an individual from purchasing a firearm?
  10. MarJhi


    Gather and organize any documents you may need. See if there are vaccination records you can get hold of (I know that is hit or miss in the Philippines). Proof of vaccinations means less shots at the medical. Renew the passport if needed
  11. MarJhi


    96 days for us. The only notification we got from NVC was when they sent it to the embassy, nothing else while it was NVC.
  12. Ahh, so rising crime rates, cities turned into war zones and the defunding of the police is just a myth .
  13. Oh they are enforced, but ignored by criminals. Gun laws ONLY limit law abiding citizens. Criminals do not care what laws are in place.
  14. Cool, since we are cherry picking data from other countries, let's compare Brazil and Japan, 2 countries that for many years had very similar (and very restrictive) gun laws but very different outcomes. Is it the gun or is it the culture? Japan is a largely homogeneous country, geographically isolated in terms of sharing a border and has an expectation of how to behave instilled in them at a young age. New Zealand and Norway would fit more in the Japanese mold than the Brazilian. Find me a country that fits in the US mold, a wealthy, multi cultural nation that shares a wide open border with a neighbor who facilitates illegal immigration on a massive scale. Also they need to have an executive branch who has no interest in securing that border and a bureaucracy that is intentionally apathetic. Find me that country and let's make an apples to apples comparison.
  15. 100% of people killed in this event were murdered by someone who is not a Texan, not an American and never should have been in this country unless he was in a prison cell for his repeated felonies.
  16. I don't know what gun laws could have prevented this when the guy obviously cared nothing about laws to begin with. The man was deported 4 times and arrested for DUI. If he faced no consequences for those actions we are only training him that he is invincible in terms of punishment. He never should have been in this country or at a bare minimum should have been in prison for his repeated prior transgressions. Allowing him to be in this country when he had proven himself to be a bad apple is a major factor in the deaths of those people. Laws not enforced are not respected. There is no legal way in which this man accessed a firearm in the US.
  17. Could it be possible that the governor did not know the immigration status of the shooter at the time of his statement?
  18. The shooter was in the country illegally, so he clearly didn't care about that law. The shooter had possession of a firearm illegally, he didn't care about that law. The shooter murdered people, he didn't care about that law. No gun laws would have prevented this tragedy, but it's very possible keeping this individual from being inside the US would have.
  19. Might be better off spending the money to send them to a top flight school in the Philippines before I would let some of these nutjobs in the US school system anywhere near your kids. It only takes one groomer lunatic to indoctrinate/influence/confuse your child when they are in their most vulnerable years. When you hear these psychos say things like "children don't belong to their parents, they belong to the community", you know there is a problem.
  20. Might be the best thing that ever happened to Blunt Pretzels. By the way, checked the website, they look pretty tasty. Our Pretzels – Blunt Pretzels
  21. I am not surprised. Most people live in their bubble and aren't that engaged in the news of the day. I read a story about a bar owner who said the sales of Bud light was down significantly but about a third of his customers hadn't even heard of the controversy, so it could have been much worse.
  22. 6 to 8 months were pre covid numbers, the current estimates are more than double that. We waited 458 days. Processing Times (uscis.gov)
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