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Posts posted by hope2018

  1. 3 minutes ago, Andreajjf said:

    In 2015 when she became Us citizen. Where is your country? Have you checked Visa Bulletine? Some countries, f1 is faster now than F2b. Maybe you don’t need to request opting out for the automatic Covertion. My mom Did and the f1 is faster now to be current in our country and we requested again to be back to f1 and they said NO. Once you opted out, you cannot go back to f1.

    Vietnam. Right now F2b processing time is faster. 

  2. Hello everyone, 

    One of my siblings is being sponsored by my mother under F2B category but my mother became a USC so the case was converted to F1 and got approved by USCIS. The case is transferred to NVC

    The priority date is 03/26/2016. Right now F2B processing time is so much faster so we want to ask for F2B retention, will that affect the approval under F1 Category? TIA

  3. One of my siblings got RFE recently too and just got approved a few days ago ( category F2B PD 2016). Her current name did not match with her birth cert and had several errors in the I-130 form leading to the RFE to establish the parent-child relationship as well as explanation for errors in I130 . The RFE list is super long. I almost cried when I saw the RFE list but I did not wait for our attorney to tell us what to do. 

    -I immediately contacted the DNA lab and INSISTED to have an appointment asap and they got my parent an appointment 2 days later.

    -I checked the bank account to see if the DNA lab processed the testing fee. When I noticed they had not charged the fee yet, I called them to request for them to expedite my parent's case. It was processed that same day. The lab sent us a tracking number to see when the DNA test kit was shipped to the US embassy oversea.

    -When I saw the tracking status showed the package had been signed and received, I called the US embassy oversea to find out when they will schedule the DNA appt for my sister.  My sister also emailed them to find out and finally got the DNA test done. 

    -The US embassy mailed the DNA sample back to DNA lab in USA. I called DNA lab to make sure they worked on my sister's case. It was done very fast and USCIS received DNA result before we even submitted our RFE response package. 

    -We submitted household registration, school records since my sister was in first grade, her student IDs, photo ID, and several documents showing the name of both my parents and sister. 

    -I asked my sister to go above and beyond to get everything that USCIS requests and whatever we can possibly think of to establish the relationship. It is better to have extra evidence than not having enough. 

    -If we are not able to obtain proof, explanation letter and supported proof will be provided .

    -I prepared our own cover page listing all the evidence and point out where in the document would answer USCIS questions. 

    The immigration attorney has many clients so I am aware that our case is not the only one. The lawyer does not know our specific situation and therefore will not know what proofs we have to establish parent-child relationship, so we have to be our own advocate. I made everything available and easy for our lawyer to look at. I am paying for their expert eyes to look over the application and correct potential errors and used language that would benefit our case. 

    -My attorney revised the cover page, used our ideas and re-wrote it perfectly. She organized the package and made it looks a lot better. 

    After we submitted the package, I would tell myself that I would give up on this case if USCIS denied it because there is no more evidence to submit. USCIS received everything our family had. Fortunately, we got approved even before the deadline.

    I hope your case will be approved too. Good luck

  4. My sister is an international student but she recently got her green card through my dad. We would like to purchase a cheap commercial insurance for her just in case of emergency. She is 28 years old and very healthy. She still goes to school full time and only work part time in campus so she does not qualify for insurance through employer. What are some cheap insurance options for green card holder? TIA

  5. 8 hours ago, Eneng said:

    Hello Everyone,

    I petitioned my mother and shes here in US now, my siblings are below 21. Can I now petition them under her to follow, one of my Sibling is turning 21 in 6months, I was hoping to get him ASAP.


    If your mom has a green card, she can file I-130 for your siblings ASAP if they are under 21 and not married. F2A category is CURRENT now on the visa bulletin which means they do not have to wait for priority date to become current. The sibling who turns 21 in 6 months might have a very slim chance to come under F2A category. If he/she turns 21 years old, the petition will become F2B. Good luck. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, adil-rafa said:

    F2 b can also be a spouse for a LPR

    Spouse of LPR is F2A. 


    A. (F2A) Spouses and Children of Permanent Residents:  77% of the overall second preference limitation, of which 75% are exempt from the per-country limit;

    B. (F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents:  23% of the overall second preference limitation.



  7. 3 minutes ago, adil-rafa said:

    you would get more correct answers if we know for what ?

    spouse or unmarried minor children 

    He puts F2B on the topic so he must be unmarried adult children  of LPR.


    @Dannyrock: You can monitor the visa bulletin monthly to see if your PD become current and contact NVC again to find out if yours is current. 


  8. 4 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    So long term, yes, same story as before.


    i doubt the CO factored medical school into account, as the visa application would have been for undergrad and I’m guessing she didn’t volunteer that information. If she’s one of the few who does decide to continue to med school and also gets accepted to one (I have a kid heading to college soon and hear so many horror stories about this!) then yes it would work if the F2B comes in while she is still at school. Of course if at any stage she travels home after her current visa has expired she will have to apply for a new one, so I’m guessing she probably won’t risk that?

      The priority date for her F2B will become current in a few months.  What horror stories do you hear? please share. 

  9. The best solution is to move out as soon as possible. It's not your mother or your wife's fault. It is just not easy to live with others. If you and your wife live with your parents for free, you should help with housework such as cleaning and dishes. You are the middle man, you probably have to learn to be very thoughtful and "act fair" to two most important women in your life. Please do not let your mother feels like you are taking side with your wife and vice versa.  When your mother criticizes your wife with you, you can just tell her "Ok, I will let my wife know" and move on to a different topic, do not try to explain or argue with your mother. You cannot change your mother but you can change the way you react to the situation. 


    My mother in law is my best friend. I could spend many hours on the phone with her until my husband took the phone away to ask both of us to go to sleep  or the phone ran out of battery.  I just know parents are not going to live forever, one day they will not be here to love you, to criticize you or to get mad at you. Everything will pass, just take everything easy and enjoy it while they are alive. Good luck!

  10. 23 hours ago, raaguas said:

    Seeking advice on what to do. Hoping someone can help...

    I am petitioned together with my father (principal applicant), mother and younger sister under F3. We just received an email this month that we just need to wait for the interview schedule. 

    I am single, currently on my 34th week of pregnancy has no plans of getting married to the father of my child and now what i am wondering about is what might happen on the interview. We are thinking that we might be scheduled for interview before or after i give birth. 
    It will require me to go for medical tests either way. 

    But my question is would it affect the approval of my visa? Will i be able to bring my child with me and get a visa for him as early as i could after he is born? What could be the questions that i might get from the interviewer? 

    I really want to bring my child with me for a better future. He is the most important person for me now. May God bless us all.


    You can decide either:

    -Leave the baby behind and immigrate with your family:  Immigrant visas are normally valid for 6 months after the interview, so you can try to stay behind as long as possible with your baby. Hopefully your baby will be older than 6 months by this time. You can travel to the US and they will give you a temporary green card stamp on your passport, it takes several months before you will actually receive the green card. You may want to check with USCIS to see if you can leave the US with just this stamp and come back to see your baby as soon as possible. You cannot stay outside of the US for more than 6 months with just a green card unless you apply for Re-entry permit. If you apply for re-entry permit and do expedite request,  no one knows how long it will take, but you can stay outside of the US up to 2 years with it. If you have a green card, you can file for your child and the process take about 1.5 to 2 years depending on the visa bulletin. 

    This option costs A LOT of money travel back and forth. It will be a huge financial burden on your sponsor/family. It also takes you away from your baby's MOST CRITICAL PERIOD of life. Baby grows up fast and no amount of money or luxury in this world can buy the time you have with your baby. 

    - OR You can stay behind and let your family immigrate first. Your parents can file for you under F2b category. It takes about 11 years for the Philippines or maybe longer in the future, but you can stay with your child until then and both of you can immigrate to the US. He will still be under 21 years old and can adapt to the US just fine. You will be in your 30s, which is still young.  Your family can send money back home to help you raise your child.

     Once your child is born, you will feel different. It will be extremely hard to be away from your child even for one day. 

    Best of luck to you. 

  11. My mom filed a petition for my oldest sister 3 years ago. My sister lives by herself so my mom really wants her to move to the U.S. to be close to me and my other sister.  My mom is afraid of unforeseeable circumstance such as her death would prevent my sister from coming. I am thinking of the option to have my dad file another F1 petition for my sister or I file F4 petition for her as a backup. 

    Is it even necessary? If something happens to my mom, can my dad or me continue the petition that my mom started? 

  12. 51 minutes ago, azblk said:

    How did she file AOS when her priority date is NOT current? is her EAD based on that filing? if you file i-485 before your date is current, it will be denied.

    Instate tution is between her and the state/school she resides in. USCIS has nothing to do with that.


    USCIS web site showed she is allowed to file AOS based on "dates for filing chart" (her PD is current on this chart) on the visa bulletin instead of "final action date" so she filed for AOS. Her EAD got approved. She already had the interview and everything went smoothly. She just has to wait for PD to become current now. It would be nice if she can keep F1 status to fall back on in case AOS got denied and able to pay for in state tuition.

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