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Everything posted by aurelius22

  1. I was in your shoes in December 2017. I was in my early 20s, originally from what you call “third world country,” an international student in China for many years. I also met a special American guy and wanted to visit him in the US. I was 8 months away from graduating from my college and I also had good intentions and no desire to overstay my B-2 visa and become without status in the US. I went to Beijing after thorough preparation, I spent lots of money for the trip and the interview and I was denied on the spot. I wasn’t even asked ONE question. I was denied within one minute of my interview. All I said was, “Hi! How are you?!” The Consul smiled and said, “I’m doing great! How are you?” But all she saw was a young woman from a low income country with no strong ties to her country of origin (no house, no employment, no husband, no kids, etc.) and she just denied me immediately. I brought lots of evidence and none of it was requested. Truth is consulates and embassies are harsh. People mostly get denied and approval rates are low for someone as young as you. The only people from my country who I know were approved for B visas were mostly people in their 40s who had history of travel to Europe and other high income countries, had a huge family back home and stable long term jobs. I have no doubt that your intentions are pure and you don’t plan to cheat, but Consuls don’t give out visas based on promises. They look at facts. Being 1.5 years away from graduating is not enough. In my opinion, you’re being a little over confident by thinking you have high chances of getting a B visa in your current position. It is highly unlikely that you will succeed. @Powerpuff gave you wonderful advice. Thailand is a beautiful destination and the best shot for you to see your boyfriend soon. I’m sure you can’t wait to see him anyway. After your vacation together, your partner can submit I-129F and the wait for K-1 begins. I was crushed after my B-2 denial and I ended up graduating, going back home and asking my partner to move to my country of origin, so that we can date some more and live together before getting engaged. We are now happily married in the US and all is well. I wish you all the luck in the world! I truly hope you and your partner will see each other soon! I know the pain of long distance well. Warmly, aurelius22
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