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Everything posted by Quimat

  1. So essentially we shouldn’t be concerned about yesterday’s numbers not being that great?
  2. For all intensive purposes, I need you all to pinky promise me this thread will remain active until at LEAST mid-late 2024 because we are all basically cousins now and you all help keep me sane during this crazy process 🤪😌
  3. Can you explain to me what this means because it’s kind of confusing lol. There are so many different “estimated” times and some numbers are bolded. I’m a November filer so just curious what this means for me because my range isn’t yet listed on there 🥴.
  4. Even though I filed in November 2022 last year, I’m so excited to see one of “our crew” get their approval! It kind of feels like we are a little family on this particular forum and I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!!!
  5. If you read what I said earlier, I empathize with those that have gone through that, I could not imagine filing expecting one timeline and then continuously being pushed back, it’s awful and it sucks. That’s not an excuse, however, to go out of ones way to spread negativity on numerous posts. There is a way to be realistic without being negative. There are people that did wait a long time, received their NOA2 and are STILL spreading that negativity. I never want to be the person to discourage others, especially newer filers. It certainly won’t speed my timeline up. Sometimes it’s not what is said but the way in which it is said. I do see where the CR1 does have advantages as far as saving money in the long run and the beneficiary being able to work when they land on American soil. I think either choice is amazing depending on one’s situation. For me, the K1 is best. I’m an RN and I have kids so traveling back and forth to Africa is harder on me at the moment. I agree with the false advertisement though lol
  6. Very odd. I’ll never understand the negativity. It’s also from the same group that is a K-1 group but continuously bashes said visa and always pushes CR1 🙄. The only reason I stay in the group is to see timelines of approvals if members. I ONLY come to VJ for actual information or refer to the amazing @Obllak‘s spreadsheet. I agree that this process has definitely left a bad taste in some of the earlier filer’s mouths (especially those who are still waiting from late 2021and my heart really does go out to them), but to just be nasty and negative to newer filers giving them this outrageous timeline instead of literally looking at numbers improve is baffling to me. I try to (realistically) encourage people instead of trying to discourage them from even applying.
  7. I’m seeing admins on certain Facebook groups tell new filers it’s possible they won’t see an NOA2 for 19 months. I just don’t understand where they get this from.
  8. I’ve seen several people get approved today that were approved JUST shy of 13 months!! It’s insanely exciting to see approvals at 12.8 months!!
  9. I always get so nervous waiting for the previous day’s numbers 😅😅
  10. To get these numbers, are we adding the column for % of touched cases and % of processed cases together?
  11. I am seeing a TON of 5/10 approvals today. I’m sure the numbers tomorrow will be amazing!
  12. I feel like every morning is Christmas 😂. I’m always looking forward to seeing the numbers!
  13. I agree. His perspective of June filers getting an approval in 4-5 months which is basically in September/October didn’t seem right to me. (Him meaning that specific Facebook group’s admin)
  14. Saw this posted in a Facebook group and it really makes me happy! One of the admins, however, say it’s not really reliable and referred to the Google spreadsheet we all follow. Based on the Spreadsheet he estimated that someone that filed in June should be adjudicated in about 4-5 months from now? What do you all think?
  15. Are you basing this off the scanner or Facebook groups? Remember it’s best to focus on the weeks and not so much the days.
  16. Ahh I stand corrected 😅. It has always seemed to me that this process has been a “luck of the draw” type of deal, but when I have gone back to look, it does seem that those who filed earlier in the month versus later did get an approval sooner. It makes sense considering they start a month and move forward at 50% done. It’s like a never ending game of “Chance”. 🥴🥴
  17. Agreed. I have learned to take a good week over a great day when it comes to this process lol.
  18. 13 more months?! How so? Are you basing this off of the specific embassy your case is going to? Just curious?
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