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Posts posted by MIDUVIL

  1. Hello,

    After I came here(march), I started to cough (I don't remember how long after); before I was living in the Caribbean, and now in NYS.

    It was a big change for me, but I love the winter lol.

    I went to the doctor who gave me some medicine (that I didn't take). After some research, I decided to put a light second top under my tee-shirt. I wear it 24hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (winter and summer). And my cough stopped as soon as I did that, my typical american doctor couldn't believe that a cloth could stop a cought.

    If I remove it (whatever season), I start to cough again.

    Just for you to know.

    If it's a problem of dryness, put a humidifier also in your room, that's help.

  2. I think it is asking how many times HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED , this includes present marriage...it's not asking how many times WERE YOU MARRIED BEFORE PRESENT MARRIAGE... so if this is your second marriage, my guess is 2. But i' not expert.

    Good luck

    Thank you everybody for your replies.

    No, it's our first marriage. I wasn't sure between the "HAVE been married" and "were you married...".

    I will ask my hubby

  3. Hello,

    My husband and me, we have never been married before.

    But I'm not sure to understand some part of the form N-400.

    Part 8 A= How many times have you been married (included annulLed marriages) =1 because I'm married now

    Part8 G= How many times has your current spouse been married (included annulled marriages) =0 (for me it's before our marriage).

    Am I wrong? thank you

  4. Hello,

    I don't really know if adding your wife in your credit account will help her build her credit.

    My husband did the same thing, had a new credit joint account, I was faithfull by paying it regularly and each month and more than the minimal amount- with my name on the check, my name on the card, my name on the account.

    However after more than 1 year, when we cancelled this credit card, the same bank refused to grant me my own credit card, and I have no credit history record.

    Concerning the secure credit card, they asked you (I don't know if all the banks are the same)a minimum (wage) by month, not a lot but I'm unemployed.

    I'm lucky that I was accepted by some big brand (I don't know why because they already refused me) for credit store-

    My concern is I'm not a big spender so maybe I won't be able to use them frequently.

  5. Thank you so much, we will send those documents:

    Initial Evidence

    i. Copy of X Permanent Resident Card, expiration .....

    Evidence of Relationship

    i. Copy of Birth Certificate of our son .

    ii. Financial Records

    1. Copy Bank statement of a joint checking account from Oct ‘08 and recent Apr / May ‘10.

    2. Official IRS Tax Transcript for years 2008 & 2009 (copies).

    3. Copy of Insurance policy listing X as the beneficiary.

    iii. Other relevant documents

    1. Copy of X & Y drivers’ license.

    2. Copy of X & Y MVP Health Insurance card.

    3. Copy of X & Y AT&T phone bill.

    iv. Affidavit Letter of Relationship Evidence from L.

    v. Affidavit Letter of Relationship Evidence from Mr.S.

    vi. Affidavit Letter of Relationship Evidence from Mrs.S.

  6. Hi there,

    My husband has been trying to got his police records from France now since Nov 4. He faxed, mailed, and emailed his request in. On the website, it siad it should be about a month for him to recieve it and we are still waiting. Is there someone we can call or email to speed up the process?

    This is the only thing the American Embassy in Cairo needs to start his background check. Please give me some advice.

    thank you

    Holly kay


    Generally they are always ready to send this document.

    Did he send a copy of his identity card (GIF, JPEG or PDF )-it's a requirement

    Good luck

  7. Talkloop. Been costing 2 to 3 cents a minute to Sweden from Hawaii. 13 cents to the Philippines tho.



    You don't have any fee to pay when the ''recipient'' receive his call. You can call for free for some destinations (germany is included) but I don't remember if it's for 3 months or less.

    ''Max 300 minutes per week of free calls, measured over the last 7 days and per unique IP address. Unused free minutes cannot be taken to the following week(s). If limit is exceeded the normal rates apply. With your FREE DAYS you can call for free to all the destinations listed as free! when you have no FREE DAYS left the normal rates apply. You can get extra Freedays by buying credit''--- From their website.

    cell phone=0.13 euro by min

    the normal rate for France is 0.01 euro by minutes so maybe it's the same for Germany for the landline.

    Here is the website:


    But it seems me that they take the payment in euro.

  8. It's called SMART PLUG n TALK - this allows you to send text messages for smart to smart in the Philippines for one peso. You call there for same charges like you were still there. And your families can reply and call you same prices. Just buy a load online like what we do in the Philippines when we are out of it. I've been using it for months and it works well. I've been calling my families, friends there all the time without worrying I'll be making our phone bills burst. It's so easy to use and it's like a USB so all you need to have is an internet and a speaker. You can order it online either with load or just the kit.

    This certainly makes me feel I am there in the PI coz my friends text and called me everytime they are on unlimeted call and text. It's really cool. You should try it ! !

    Hope this will help you with your homesickness :)

    GOD BLESS US ALL !! ! !:)


    I think that It's possible to call to another country also.

    But sorry, I didn't understand what you wrote.

    In what website can I find this load or usb key?

    thank you

  9. for how many times we tried to cash my paychecks at walmart but always denied. they said my SS is not yet in the system and gave us a slip with Certegy # for inquiries.

    I already have my EAD with validity from 09/10/09 to 09/09/10, my PA ID issued 10/17/2009 to 09/09/2010 my SS with DHS work authorization stamped on it. then, the Certegy gave us the equifax # to check my credit. open the equifax web and asked some questions in which i answered none of the above coz i don't have my mortgage yet, how can i have mortgage in 2006 when i just have my SS this year. although i entered the US last 2006, but i never had the guts to aplpy any, not even my extention of stay, because i am still under the spell of a culture shock! (or just being an ignorant :bonk: pinay)

    i just posted this, qeeries with the hope that i can get any opinion on what to do or if any one had this problem before and can advise me.

    Thanks and more power to all VJ users! :crying:


    Don't worry about Certegy- I don't know how to explain it, but I will try.

    Certegy is a company which gave me some problems when I have to pay.

    When you go to a store, this store (I don't know if it's the vast majority of store) is linked with some companies (like certegy) which control fraudulent activities.

    Certegy has a lot of silly criterias to determine if your are a good customer, if for example your number check is 278 and you came the 21rst of october 2009, and that a lot of check was refused the previous years because of checks with the 278 number and worse :blush: a lot were refused the 21rst of previous years or worse the 21rst of october of previous years- you are done.

    They do some silly statistics and if you are unlucky and enter in their range of denial, your check will be refused, even if you have 10000 usd in your account. That happen to me, I had money on my account, but my check or my debit card was refused 2 times.

    I do some research on internet, and found that there are a lot of people who have problems to pay because of certegy, even if they have enough money on their account.

    Certegy proposed me to fill some forms, for me not to have those problems- I refused, they don't need my personal information!

    It's not a question of SS, It's also linked to your credit history in usa according what I heard-but I read that some respectable us citizen has the same problem...

    What is silly is that you can go the day after, at different hour and can buy what you want- because your hour of purchasing enters in the silly criteria of certegy.

    The most silly thing is that a lot of respectable companies are working with certegy which uses a lot of silly criterias.

    Do a research online on certegy, if you fill some forms from them, maybe they will ask you to pay some fees for them not to denial some of your check.

    Good luck

  10. Sorry,

    I did some mistakes in my post

    I don't know in what state you are living, you can check online the DMV requirement to have a ID card.

    In NYS for example, to check your identity before AOS, you need a picture ID card, but you can have it only with your passport + valid I-94, or EAD or GC -I don't know for the case of canadian or mexican people who don't have the I-94.

    The passport is mandatory, it is NOT an option.

    To have your GC, you need a ID card.

    Your Birth certificate is not a ID certificate

    Your USSS (US social security card) is not a ID certificate - that you don't have it seems me???- for that you need your passport +I-94 also (maybe it depends on the state also)-

    I don't think that your canadian medical card is considered like a ID card, maybe when you entered in USA, but USCIS or DMV have spefics requirements which are passport + I-94 (it has to be valid for DMV).

    No way around.

    So your only solution is your foreign passport to prove your identity.

    Good luck

  11. hi,

    I don't know in what state you are living, you can check online the DMV requirement to have a ID card.

    In NYS for example, to check your identity before AOS, you need a picture ID card, but you can have it only with your passport + I-94, I don't know for the case of canadian or mexican people who don't have the I-94.

    But the passport is mandatory, it is NOT an option. If not no ID card.

    After receiving your GC, the ID card replace your passport in USA. No way around.

    Your Birth certificate is not a ID certificate

    Your USSS (US social security card) is not a ID certificate - that you don't have it seems me???- for that you need your passport +I-94 also (maybe it depends on the state also)-

    I don't think that your canadian medical card is considered like a ID card, maybe when you entered in USA, but USCIS or DMV have spefics requirements.

    Passport with I-94 (for some purpose it has to be valid)


    Licence ID or ID



    But all things start with a passport.

    Good luck

  12. hi,

    Some people look for love and marriage, others look for green cards- if one feels love (even he is living in a false world) and the other side is ready to offer attentions, services, smiles- who cares? they are all satisfied. Who cares about the difference of age? the number of miles, the family separation... Not them.

    And they can live long years together, if there are some respect .... and are ready to do efforts (because I saw that some foreigners are really ready to do efforts because they ''love their husband''.

    If some can always say (''I love my husband") like to tell (''me, I love my husband '') TOO MUCH, even if you can think that is false- who can judge?

    (I won't tell you from who I always read this sentences, they often tell it but I have to tell also that they seem to be so so kind and polite- (they said ''I love my husband'' hehehehe).

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