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Posts posted by MIDUVIL

  1. hi :). i got married recently on a k-1 visa, and filling out form i-485 it asks for ssn, can i just put 'none' there as it may take a while till i get my ssn and i'd like to send these off soon as.

    also, i have my vaccination results from my medical, is that all i need to send in with the aos not to have another medical?

    thanks in advance

    SSN = NONE if you do not have one

    Medical is good for up to one year....


    You don't have to send your vaccination record- you have to go and see a civil surgeon for him to put your vaccination on the I-693 form-

    Wait for more precise information from Vjs' posters.

  2. :help: my fiance is in france and doesn't understand english. he wants to learn more about this K1 visa procedure but everything here is in english. if anyone knows a site in french about K1 visa, please give it to me.


    Hey I don't think there is any other language for VJ except English. Try this site http://www.online-translator.com/site_Tran...spx?prmtlang=en. It is a free website translation program. Although, the translation will be literal and slang will be imposible to understand in the forums. It can help you with the guides, etc... Good luck hope this helps a little.


    Go on the regional subforum and ask your question. Maybe somebody would be able to help you.

    I just clicked on google.fr =''procedure pour obtenir un visa K1'' -I found some informations (but from june 2008).

    Good luck

  3. well i have been cheeking up the cell phone numer , bills and found out he has been keeping money and has a new cell phone thats why he didnt answer mine


    Sorry for what happened to you. And I'm really sad what I read some posts here.

    Love is something wonderful, and it would be more wonderful if behind there aren't those dark things of visa.

    When I read stories like yours, I can't understand how it's possible to hurt people that loved-love you and that you loved-love so much.

    I wish you good luck, and think about protecting yourself.

    Brett is doing things (you said that he still does nothing) he put a protecting order against you, maybe some people at the university know about his things' version (his side of the story) and more you insist to talk to him, more he can do things against you. He has witness (this one who saw your sister), you tried to call him (maybe he can tell that it's agression or abuse or ...)....

    It's easy for me to tell you that because your heart is linked to him.

    Go and see police-put a protecting order against him also

    Go and see a lawyer and ask advices.

    I give you those advices because sometimes I watch judge Judy at TV, and often one of her reply is ''I don't believe you, WHY didn't you go and do something, that doesn't seems logical (logic) for me... your case is dismiss''. And she loves to read police documents.

    In the case he would like to go further, you will have some police documents with you. Just in case. Just to protect you. Just in case he forgets that you are his wife that he promised to love-to cherish and to protect.


    You can still loves him, but in the case he loves you less. Protect yourself.

    With all my heart-good luck for the future

  4. hi,

    A valid driver license from another country is also valid in NYS. You do not need to apply for a NYS driver license unless you become a resident of NYS.

    it is my understanding that if your fiance already has a dl from the UK, he should be fine for the moment, as long as he is not looking at employment where he is required to have a NYS driver's license.

    i think we had to wait until my husband got his working papers b/f he could apply for his dl (he did not have a dl in his country).

    he had to take the written test first, the 5-hour course, and then the road test.

    good luck!



    I'm living in NYS-

    I have to take my written test, 5 hours of courses and the road test. They never asked me to surrender my foreign driving licence.

    Be aware that if in the DMV website, they told you that you can use your international driving licence to drive, and take your NYS driving licence after being a resident (I don't know exactly how they presented it), that is the DMV's point of view-

    A police agent can decide that if you are living more than 90 days, you are a NY resident-What is not true.

    My husband and me, we were unable to know really what to do, anybody was able to help us, and even DMV don't know how all those thing function.

  5. I don't like receipe so i cook like i feel it, my husband loves everything that I cook-

    And all of our neighbour smell my cooking.

    I mixed all spices that I find at home-

    ooohh, yum yum! I know exactly what u mean :thumbs: dont u sometimes forget what exactly u put in the yummy meal u made for hubby last week when u want to make the same one again? i have that problem sometimes... :D must be the ripe old age, my memory's fading..........

    Yes, but even if I put sometimes the same spices, the taste can change- By not following receipe, but my feeling (smell-sensation-intuition) I can't reproduce exactly what I cooked before, and I don't even try. I always find that there is a difference.

    **The taste depends for a big part of the way of cooking (if you cook slowly of fast, with water or not, grilled or fried, baked or broil (boil?)- I can use a lot of spice and my food is awful, but use a little spice and I handle (control) my cooking and it's tasty. And it's more true for the meat.

    I'm starting thinking about what I will cook tomorrow. Maybe grilled shrimp with a tomatoe sauce (homemade with tomatoe and vinaigrette) and grilled potatoes (all from the oven). :whistle:

    I'm basic in my cooking, but the smell goes all over my neighbourhood and they talk about it in a good way (I'm living in a condo). :dance:

  6. hello,

    My mother-in-law hates to cook, me it's my passion.

    I don't like receipe so i cook like i feel it, my husband loves everything that I cook-

    And all of our neighbour smell my cooking.

    I mixed all spices that I find at home-

    Yesterday it was grilled beef and rice-carots with homemade dressing salad- Today fried salmon with onions and white beans.

    Before knowing me, he was eating cabbage, tuna salad or a mixed of cabbage-red beans (in cans, it's awful)- some salads and coffee. And tried to convince me (by phone, when I was in my country ) that it was delicious :blink: .

    Now, he doesn't even cook or talking about those ''delicious food''.

    I ask him just to eat and he loves that.

    Yesterday I ask him if his mother or great mother cooks better than, he rgave me the good reply and not because he was waiting with a spoon in my hand :lol:

    2 happys people

    Concerning spices, I find the basic I need, I would like some food that i can find in my country like salted cod, salted groins- fruit a pain-igname-avocadoes (i can find them here)-murene - all those caribbean stuff.

  7. hello,

    My mother-in-law hates to cook, me it's my passion.

    I don't like receipe so i cook like i feel it, my husband loves everything that I cook-

    And all of our neighbour smell my cooking.

    I mixed all spices that I find at home-

    Yesterday it was grilled beef and rice-carots with homemade dressing salad- Today fried salmon with onions and white beans.

    Before knowing me, he was eating cabbage, tuna salad or a mixed of cabbage-red beans (in cans, it's awful)- some salads and coffee. And tried to convince me (by phone, when I was in my country ) that it was delicious :blink: .

    Now, he doesn't even cook or talking about those ''delicious food''.

    I ask him just to eat and he loves that.

    Yesterday I ask him if his mother or great mother cooks better than, he rgave me the good reply and not because he was waiting with a spoon in my hand :lol:

    2 happys people

  8. I remember studying a case in college like that, happened in Brazil.

    Saw a documentary once in Europe as well the twins were even different ethnicity.

    I saw that on Maury show, twice-

    He said that it was rare, but that happens-

    For the second, the father asked for a test because one of the childre were mixed (metis), he was white, the mother white and didn't understand why one of the children was mixed (metis).

  9. Tu veux dire qu'il faut le document qu'on a rempli le jour de l'application ?

    En fait je me suis fiée au site du consulat qui disait "certificat de mariage" ; le document dont tu parles c'est la licence de mariage. Je pense qu'on doit avoir une copie, j'en ai parlé à mon mari mais c'est difficile d'avoir qqn qui répond au consulat ils ne sont jamais dispos aux heures où on peut appeler. :(

    Oui, c'est cela, la licence ( il est exactement ecrit sur le document ''affidavit, licence, and certificate of mariage'').

    Mon mari et moi nous avons trouvé cela étrange lorsqu'ils nous ont renvoyé le package avec copie d'une licence de mariage, expliquant que c'est de ce document dont ils ont besoin.

    Ce document nous l'avions soumis au ''court office'' apres notre mariage pour faire enregistrer notre mariage et recevoir notre acte de mariage, et ils nous ont fournis des copies certifiees conformes de la licence (c'est ce document que le consulat te reclame).

    Nous avons reçu l'acte de mariage par courrier plus tard avec des certified copies of mariage.

    Good luck

  10. Ils ont reçu notre courrier il y a une semaine. Mon chéri a reçu le leur hier en rentrant du travail.

    J'avais envoyé tout ce qu'ils demandaient sur le site du consulat.

    - lettre d'explication avec liste des documents et nos coordonnées à tous les 2

    - son certificat de naissance et le mien

    - certificat de mariage

    - photocopie de ma carte d'identité

    - photocopie de mon passeport à la page du formulaire I-94W

    - même une photocopie d'une de mes quittances de loyer car on doit justifier le domicile

    Pour les documents officiels : original + photocopie.

    En fait je ne comprends pas ce qu'ils veulent, ils nous envoyent un courrier disant qu'ils ont bien reçu notre demande mais qu'on doit leur fournir un certificat de mariage "extended version". C'est bien celle-ci qu'on leur a envoyé car elle regroupe nos noms / prénoms avec l'age, la date de naissance, le lieu, etc, ainsi que celle de nos parents respectifs. Et ils nous la renvoyent en demandant d'envoyer la même chose ; je suis dubitative. :unsure:

    J'habite Ny, et j'ai reçu mon livret de famille au bout de 10 jours.

    Le consulat nous a renvoyé notre package aussi.

    Ils veulent du certificat de mariage ou licence de mariage (c'est étrange, je sais- ce document est celui sur lequel il y a la signature des temoins, celui pris aupres du ''''court office'''').

    Apres quelques petites recherches, le document que j'ai envoyé est le suivant : c'est le ''affidavit, licence, and certificate of mariage''-, avec signature des témoins, et certifié-

    Je pense que tu dois avoir une copie, sinon, il faudrait aller au court office et demander une copie.

    Good luck

  11. It always requires active participation by two people to have an argument. The both of you are probably stubborn folks. In any event, just let her free from your life, and get on with your own. Getting revenge, or having her deported, isn't worth the effort. But you should withdraw your affidavit of support before it comes back to haunt you. Then let matters take their course.

    You are alleging that catholic charities didn't even know about green cards?? hmmm....that's hard to believe


    it's possible, if USCIS's agents don't know about the immigration process, why would catholic charities know more? :blush:

  12. In France, people from north africa, are not really considered like white. They are categorised like ''muslim or arab'', and I don't think that they consider themselves like white people.

    Generally speaking I think that when people read those questions ''what is your ethnicity?''-maybe they don't understand because in their country it is not the same categorisation than in another country.

    I imagine in France, if it was legal to categorize people :rofl: , it will be something like that:

    -white european

    -white not european


    -black from africa

    -black from caribbean

    -black from not french caribbean

    -indian ocean


    -north africa



    they will skip:

    -latino like here


    Scott and lai, the next time, I think that I will put ''other- human''

    I only expect that nobody will accuse me about being an ET

  13. look at me!

    Black (in France you said ''black'', not ''african-french'' or something like that) by color

    French citizen by birth

    European citizen by referendum,

    Ultraperipherique region of Europe

    Caribbean geographically or west indians (by christophe colomb or in France ''antillais"")

    French caribbean (around english, spanish, dutch countries)

    Considered like a member of diaspora Africa by African people (afro-caribbean)

    One day, american citizen

    Married with a White man (caucassian)

    *And some french can be called=

    -negropolitain if they were born in France

    It can be really difficult sometimes to determine who you are- It's easy for example, to be born in India, you know that you are Indian from Asia, and your citizenship is ''indian''.

    I do my choice -french caribbean it's mine, what I will always be until my country is a french region- no matter where I will live.

    It's difficult for me to tell ''I'm an african american''- I know it's used here, but I don't feel and I'm not an ''african american'', I'm a french caribbean or a caribbean or a creole.

    But if I talked to some ''african american'' i will tell ''african american'' for not hurting them, but with my husband, i told '' white'' or ''black''-

    And when I saw on some paper, are you ''african-american............''' I put ''other''- if they put ''are you black''- i put yes.

    My children, will most likely considered like african-american (I don't really think that they will be, but It will be like that).

    They won't consider themselves like caribbean, but for me they will be '' metis-french caribbean US born with all my nationalities and origins'' :whistle:

  14. Being it is so easy for a US Citizen to visit other countries, we don't think about it being difficult the other way around, until we start the process, and then realize it is an entirely different story coming from other countries to the USA.

    Maybe true for the Phillipines, but not gernerally true.



    It's the reason for which I told ''maybe'', I don't know so I wrote '' maybe''- he can know or don't know. I gave him ''the benefit of doubt'' (-don't know how to tell it in english-, the meaning it's something like ''suspecting but not accusing'')

    But by reading now, the second post of chlizhall870, it's more logic (probability) that he knows, if his friend girl received a tourist visa, I wouldn't be surprised if she told him, how much difficult it's to get one, and how lucky she was.....

    Maybe I'm wrong also.

    But I think that the most majority who will read this post ( from chlizhall870) will feel a little ''disturb''-maybe somewhere they feel that something is missing.

    But it's just feeling, and feeling can be wrong. So everybody, it seems me, advise chlizhall870 to be prudent and to invite this man to come and visit her to PI.

    I asked also my husband, he replied me, it's better that he goes to Philippines.

    I just want to wish good luck to chlizhall870

  15. It is very difficult to get visit/tourist visa. I try it once but I got denied and most of the applicants ahead of me we're denied too. Most of them are manager, retired policeman, retired teacher and I'm only ordinary citizen are all denied. I presented a proof that someone invited me to join them for Christmas and they will support me for the visit. The one who helped me for my application said I might get a visa and at the time of my interview I was denied. The blue slip indicated that I will not return to PI. That was the first move we made. At least I tried it.


    I'm agree about all things I read, and I wanted to give my opinion, like I felt it- but with no desire to hurt you

    I felt a little ''disturbed'' when I read your post-

    I said myself if a man told me that, I will replied him ''come and see me''- I'm a little ''old game'' and I think that it can be a little dangerous for a woman, to go to a foreign country, to visit a man, who insisted to pay a ticket for her, and insisted for her to have a visa that maybe he knows it's difficult to have- I will flee.

    Or I will more propose him to come to my territory (= to see my friends, culture, my life.....) and be vigilant and analyse him, in a place that I can ''control'' or ''handle''.

    If he doesn't want to come to my country to see me (He is supposed to love me and wants to marry me), I will know what that does mean.

    Sorry, I'm a little tough, I'm simplified things, because when you love you don't watch who can go and see the other one, but the way you presented your story seems like he asked you to ''come and visit him''- and I have the feelings that somewhere something is non correct.

    I wish you good luck with all my heart and trust your ''little voice''.


  16. Hello,

    Thank you Krikrit to have moved my post, I asked me the question to know if it was the good place.

    Trailmix, thanks for your reply- can I have more information about the train (70 dollars)- is it a round trip? is it Montreal-Syracuse? Can I know what website I can see to have more inforamtion?

    I'm living really in Rochester, and I have a friend who come form Paris to see one of her friend in Montreal and she will come to Rochester after.

    Taking a plane from Montreal, is to expensive so we think about asking her to to Syracuse and we will pick her there.

    We think about picking her at Toronto , but it's far for us.

    We think about the bus from Montreal-rochester, but too long.

    The train at 70 dollar seems a good idea.

    Thank you Saphire dreams for your suggestions, I tthink that maybe it's a good idea, if it's 70 $, it's a little interesting in euro.

    Thank you AntandD- I take all informations and analyse them-

    I just wanted her not to travel so long, maybe the syracuse road can be more interesting- from Rochester to Buffalo, it's also a long trip for me to pick up her.

    Thank you for your search and yes, it's good to meet other VJ's from NY.

    Thanks and good luck for you also (I-751 and baby.....).

  17. Hello,

    I'm looking for a trip by bus (cheaper, it's seems me) from Montreal to Syracuse (NY) or Buffalo, for May,

    Can somebody help me, I know that ''trailways'' do this itinerary.

    But, i find that it's a little expensive (150 CAN or US)- and it's long, around 10 hours and according mapquest, it's 4 hours of driving from Montreal to Syracuse NY.

    Can somebody help me?


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