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Posts posted by Clarks2021

  1. 1 hour ago, JonSeattle said:

    My fiance was able to leave in September by showing an emailed certificate. I think the hardcopy has still not arrived yet.


    My wife will hopefully be able to do the same once this police background check arrives 

  2. It's not even a counseling session, more like they just ask your spouse along the same line as embassy and then ask for documents not on their requirements list - waiting on a police background check to send to them, what a waste of time 


    Oh and I think they only do the screening on Thursdays 

  3. 11 hours ago, Broccoli Girl said:

    Yes, there is a cut-off time, though I can't remember if it's 5 or 6 or 7pm PH time. Best if your wife tries to register first thing in the morning, 7 or 8am as slots are limited for the day. Once she registers, it'll take a couple of days for the process to be done and she can get her online certificate right way.


    I'm not sure about the online certificate vs the couriered one, as I've read that people have been able to leave with the online certificate but for temporary trips only. Your wife or you can inquire with Bureau of Immigration or CFO during your wife's counseling session.

    Yes we discovered have to register first thing in the morning as limited spaces. She has her telecounseling in a couple of days, CFO said she can depart the country with just the online certificate. Sent the appointment and payment like immediately after I registered. 

  4. Is anyone aware of the CFO cut off time for registration? Apparently the whole site has been updated. They say it's open for registration M-Thursday however there is a cut off time. 


    In addition, can my wife depart the country with just the online certificate or does she need to wait on the courier package??


    Gaah Philippines makes everything so difficult.

  5. This is where you can go for a covid test: 


    Philippines (14 ) :
    ⑴St. Luke’s, Medical Center(BGC Taguig),
    ⑵St. Luke’s Medical Center(Quezon City)
    ⑶Makati Medical Center ,
    ⑷Manila Doctor’s Hospital
    ⑸The Medical City,
    ⑹ Lung Center of the Philippines ,
    ⑺Baguio Medical Center,
    ⑻ PRI Medical Center
    ⑼The Medical City Clark,
    ⑽ARC Hospital,
    ⑾(UCMed) University of Cebu Medical Center,
    ⑿QualiMed Hospital,
    ⒀Divine Word Hospital,
    ⒁ Prime Care Alpha COVID-19 Testing Laboratory

  6. 22 minutes ago, Allovertheworld said:

    We got your back here.  Lets sit tight and hope this gets resolved and the visa gets issue.  Odd are likely that will be the issue, sounds like maybe the CO was a newbie, like another poster stated.

    Thank you 😊 I am praying for a quick resolution so we can move on. No issues until we hit the embassy.

  7. 27 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    Technically, they only have to review evidence submitted with the I-130. The I-130 requests evidence of a bona fide marriage. They typically do consider everything after that point, but there is no actual requirement to do so.


    The tourist visa refusal almost certainly did provide a reason....very, very, very likely INA 214(b). They don't need to give specifics, but they do need to provide the section of the INA for which she was ineligible for the visa.

    But that wouldn't be a reason for a hold up or issue with this visa (unless she lied or something, which doesn't sound like is the case here).

    i have no choice but to wait it out...

  8. 16 minutes ago, Villanelle said:

    They did give you an explanation- Administrative processing. Its a vague catch all reason but its a valid reason they use none the less... Anyway it sounds like the Officer doing your wifes interview was new or otherwise inexperienced and needs to get things signed off by a superior. Its pretty common. They also are not obligated to look at anything you bring to the interview. Its often debated if Officers pre determine the decision prior to the interview. There are mixed analysis both supporting and disputing this concept. Its a shame they didnt keep her passport though. Now it will be a bit of additional time for them to ask for it, her to give it to them, and them to give it back to her with the visa. Hang in there- it shouldnt be much longer. 




    Thanks for the words of compassion. Yeah how can they make a valid decision off of questions and civil documents. Its the consular's fault for not notating the tour visa denial I am sure that triggered it. Hopefully, not much longer. 

  9. 57 minutes ago, user555 said:

    Once you find out the reason why they didn't issue your wife a visa right away, you can update this thread. Until then, the facts show that they are issuing a lot of spousal visas, and your opinion is incorrect. "All the time"? 95% of the time they are unjustly holding onto a visa just for the fun of it? C'mon man. 

    They need to give a reason rather than doing something without cause...

  10. 6 hours ago, user555 said:

    In your embassy review, you said "seems to me they just dont want to give visas ." Since July 1, there have been 25 spousal visas issued according to the PH immigration timeline on this site. 


    In July 2020 alone, 76 CR1 and 84 IR1 visas were issued in Manila. 

    https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Statistics/Immigrant-Statistics/MonthlyIVIssuances/JULY 2020 - IV Issuances by Post and Visa Class.pdf

    There's probably a reason why they didn't issue your visa right away. However, they are issuing visas. 

    Are you some sort of proponent for the USEM? I am only saying they are holding VISAs unjustly for some reason all the time

  11. 17 minutes ago, Enek and Alrock said:

    What were the questions asked from her?

    Did she get DS-5535? What documents does she need to submit?

    No she was not given the DS-5535 nor asked to submit any documents. She was given the domestic violence brochures and the white slip with the first box checked only saying needs additional review.

    My wife said she answered all the questions confidently and friendly. USCIS did their job as did NVC, the consulars obviously just bring in their own personal bias when don't review documents


    From my wife: 


    who is your petitioner?

    what is your name?

    where did you meet?

    how did it go?

    what did you like about him?

    what is he’s job?

    looks like he keeps changing jobs?

    did you travel outside country? 

    how many times did you met him?

    how long does he stay with you?

    when did first met him?

    when did you first met him personal?

    when did he proposed?

    do you have children?

    did he have children?

    are you previously married?

    is he previously married?

    what happened?

    Where you ever refused a visa? 

    My wife was refused a tour visa prior due to no prior travel history according to the consular at the time

  12. How can these consulars make a valid decision if never look at supporting documents...bunch of jackasses 😑 Why keep her original documents, there is nothing of relevance to them 

    1 hour ago, Hank_ said:


    Everything is going along normal.  Returning the passport is SOP  so don't stress on that. 


    Being denied a tourist visa shouldn't be an issue, your wife is not the first to be denied. 


    Age gap shouldn't be any issue ... or thousands upon thousands would have had an issue  ;)  


    For now .. patience.

    How can these consulars make a valid decision if never look at supporting documents...bunch of jackasses 😑 Why keep her original documents, there is nothing of relevance to them 

  13. 30 minutes ago, PWB said:

    I ask the same question, what is going on in the USEM.  What we encountered when we interviewed in February was shocking to say the least.  The prescreen document review was horrid.  Lost paperwork, rude responses, sloppy haphazard interview, and then it got bad.  We though that the Embassy staff was in a panic because they knew they were getting ready to close due to covet 19. but that does not explain how you can be told the visa is issued and shipped to the wrong address and then one day after issue it was withheld for paperwork that we had a copy of (NBI) and they claimed never was submitted and it just goes on an on.  Rescheduled physicals, repeat sputum culture after already testing  negative.  Just no end to the games being played in Manila.  So very very disappointed.   

    Wow that's rather crazy! My wife said seems like the consulars where new, they seemed befuddled. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, NancyNguyen said:

    AP is completely normal, all you can do is to be patient. There is no rule they must issue visa because petitioner is well established. They never looked at my evidences as well (I organized a huge briefcase in order, and the order was unchanged at all so I know they never looked at them.) I was in AP for 7 days.

    They took your passport after the interview too?

  15. My wife received a white form with no explanation after her interview yesterday stating needs administrative processing. The consular returned her passport but kept the original civil docs. Said they would reach out to her if she is approved to send in her passport. 

    My wife said during the prescreen nor the actual interview did anyone ask to see anything she brought. However asked her more questions than the other candidates. 

    All our  documents are good, I even sent through NVC evidence to the Embassy however my wife said the prescreener did not review any of it. My income is in the high six figures, clean background (top secret clearance). My wif'es background is clean however there is an age gap which should not be an issue. 

    The consular did ask about my wife's denied tour visa three years ago however the consular at the time did not notate in the system why it was not accepted. Even back then the consular never reviewed any of her supporting papers. 

    I read all the horror stories about 221g and the length it can take. What kind of games is the Philippines playing?! 

  16. 36 minutes ago, chris413 said:

    How long did it take to receive the document? Did you request it on psaserbilis website?

    We need to get the AOM and updated marriage cert. my wife was planning to go to city hall since we're not sure how long they were taking to process and send online request

    Are you saying the marriage/birth certificates need to be within 6 months as well? My wife's CENOMAR and NBI current however her other docs older. 

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