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Posts posted by Broadford

  1. 1 hour ago, John0990 said:

    Small update - Only two days of quarantine to go for me then Medical Monday Embassy visit Tuesday.. Will update once these happen.

    For those in Victoria I hope you have seen the news, NSW will reopen to Victoria by midnight Nov 23.


    Best of wishes to All.

    Was just coming here to post this information.



  2. It nice to read finally someone else has made it to their interview from Victoria! but for us Victorian’s this whole ordeal/process is becoming some what of a joke! I know I’m not the only one, personally though it’s tiring not hearing anything day after day about a border reopening date or the embassy conducting non expedited interviews again. 

    @ErinB I feel where you’re coming from even though my wait time hasn’t been as long.

    I sold my house back in February, moved back in with my mum, sold/gave away everything I owned which I couldn’t/wouldn’t take. The only upside is I’m saving more coin and I get to spend more time with my dog who sadly won’t be going with me when the move happens.

  3. @Greenbaum once again coming through with the advice and telling it as it is, thank’s mate. With how much you help people and deal with silly questions you should be getting paid for this 😂.


    So one last silly question, so that means my case won’t be shipped until my embassy has reopened and started conducting interviews again?

  4. Hey everyone just wondering if something has gone amiss with my case, 

    Is anyone else still waiting for a welcome letter from the nvc
    We received our Noa2 in June and I called the NVC August 4th obtaining the case number but my fiancée still hasn’t received the welcome letter from the NVC. With the current climate has this been a normal/similar wait time for others here or should I be chasing it up ASAP?

    Thank you legends!

  5. @Entheos Thank you very much for the reply, was a great help! I've just started over thinking about the process and was sure I was missing something haha. But I'm all on track on my end until the embassy reopens, my fianceé is currently working on the I134, updated letter of intent and hopefully mailing out in the coming weeks.
    If you don't mind me asking what grounds did have you attempted your expedition on?


  6. Hey everyone how do you actually book an interview (I know there currently not conducting them, just want to know for when the time comes) I’ve got the noa2 and  nvc case number (case is sitting at the nvc) and I’ve paid my interview fee and completed my ds 160 (I feel like I’ve jumped the gun here though) is there anything else I need to do or anyone I need to contact?


  7. Hey everyone 


    I'm writing to ask if anyone else has had trouble/is having trouble paying their visa interview fee over at https://www.ustraveldocs.com/, cause everytime I've tried to access the payment screen (for paying online) it wont go to that page and the one time it did it wouldn't accept my payment (had correct funds and account details) and with the Australian post option the pdf's are just in shambles.

    Or is it because I haven't submitted my ds 160 yet, or because I actually don't have an interview with the embassy yet?

    (I'm kinda lost with the actual process stage I'm at, everything before this and after this I feel like I understand)

    Also has anyone accidentally frozen their account? I just did for 72 hours, (I feel like it was because I had it open on my phone and then tried logging in on my computer).


    I'm using google chrome as my web browser.   


    Thank you for your time.

  8. 11 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    Embassy - Every embassy has posted their status. Stay engaged with your embassy's website for the latest updated information. Calling them or emailing them will not get your file to move any faster. It is what it is. If you call, they will tell you the same thing that is on their website. Don't waste their time nor yours for something that you can do for yourself. Someone else's embassy is not going to be what your embassy's current status is. The two are not the same.


    Good luck and stay engaged. 


    This is very true, New Zealand has reopened their embassy conducting k1 visa interviews etc again according their website and Australia is still only doing emergency interviews (Australia's who have had interviews have been emergency/expedited) and we our next door neighbours. Every country is reopening in what they seem is best, so let's all enjoy the waiting game by keeping safe, talking to our significant other and finding a new hobby we never had time for.    

  9. Got a police check question;  I'm just wondering which police check people have been going with? and why so?

    I've already gotten mine (went with the non fingerprint check) but thinking of redoing it and getting the fingercheck as well, after speaking with someone from NZ who has just gone through this process (earlier this year) and was required to grab a police check for his xbox alias.

  10. @sashKOT1 Hey mate everyone who has replied have provided some great information; 
    When my fiancee submitted our application she provided, all of our passport stamps, all flight itineraries we could find (some have gone walkabout), written and signed statements from family and friends of meeting and saying we are a couple, written and signed statement  of intention from me saying that I wanted to marry her, hotel and travel receipts (which I had in my email we printed those off), receipt of engagement ring, screen grabs of conversation between us speaking about our feelings and relationship and as many photos we could find of us together and with her family (never got any of her with my family) which she put into a pdf file and had every photo timestamp, dated, a small detailed bulb of where the photos were taken, and who was in the photos.

    Use the guides on here and the various other ones you can find on the internet and spend some time on looking into how others have been given advice but this very question this site is a gold mine if you give it the time of day.

    Best of luck in collecting your evidence and re-submitting your application.


    Collect the following if possible;

    Boarding passes

    Flight itineraries

    Receipts of when together and of a engagement or wedding ring if you have it

    Photos time stamped and dated 

    Written and signed statements from friends and family (from both parties) stating the relationship is the real deal.

    Proof of regular conversation between the two of you. 

  11. @Garghan the six weeks I got from the fact area's of Victoria going into lock down for 6 weeks, should have have said "Well looks like the Sydney embassy isn't processing visas for at least another 6 weeks."

    This is due to; I was under the impression that state and territory borders were meant  to start opening up to one another over the course of July. Then going by the Us embassy road map, one of the many steps to occur before embassies could returned to normal operation was all domestic travel and land borders of said country had to be back to normal, which I was being hopefully about since travel domestic was starting to return and borders were meant to start opening. 

    Apologies if I've put you out in any way, wasn't my intention. 

    Link below is where I found the Us embassy reopen road map


  12. @Lelly  I'm thinking those not caught in the lockdown net should be able to get a border closure permit and interview approval (long as they got expedited) to get across to NSW but sadly those caught in the lockdown are stuck for the next 6 weeks. I'm unsure if other states are affected by this though, would love to know.

    I'm caught in the lockdown even though the mitchell shire only has 19 cases, but we are in that corridor so I can understand why.

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