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Posts posted by DandJ

  1. On 4/2/2020 at 3:44 AM, Yeonju said:

    Hi,  do you still have your UAE id?


    I used to live in dubai also and got a certificate online after I left the country. You can obtain either police clearance certificate or criminal clearance certificate or good conduct certificate. I got a criminal clearance certificate through ‘moi uae application’. I didn’t have to go fingerprint as I still had a UAE Id with me. (You need id number when you apply it)  And then I went to UAE embassy in my home country to get a stamp on it. That’s it. :) 

    and don’t forget these certificates are only valid 3months. I already issued twice but I might need to do again because of these corona things. ☹️ Good luck

    Sorry for the delay I am still waiting on my k1 visa interview. Can you believe it ? 
    I don’t have me emirates I’d number to hand. I looked in my old passport and just my visa is in there but appears the idea isn’t in there. Any advice on next steps? I’m sure it’ll be a headache to call there 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Heartsgoldx said:

    we're out of lockdown soon so hopefully they resume appointments for the passport then. once the baby has their passport you'll at least be able to go over to the US to visit your partner even if you're not married during the travel ban

    I’m hoping so just Frustrating Edinburgh and Belfast are doing the CRBA.


    Let’s see not long to go now 🙌🏼

  3. 3 minutes ago, JFH said:

    No lawyer can expedite a visa. It’s not about how much you pay, it’s about the reason you present for the expedite. The embassy will decide who is expedited or not based on circumstances, not based on the lawyer you are using.


    I have to say your situation would be unlikely to qualify for an expedite but it costs nothing to ask. Your situation (COVID aside) is one of choice - you chose to start a family before you had the legal permission to live together in the same country. Typically lifestyle choices are not a reason for expedite. That said, we are in unusual circumstances right now and if I were you I would request an expedite based on the fact that the USC child is separated from her father. It’s worth a pop.

    I will wait to see what the Congressman comes back with.


    I had applied for then k1 as it was the fastest option. My cousins whole process took 5 months.



    Different days we are living in....


    Yes worth a try thanks 🙏🏼 


  4. 6 minutes ago, JFH said:

    Can he not visit you? Fair enough he’d have to quarantine but what else would he be going to the UK for other than to stay at your place? 

    London are doing appointments for CRBAs https://uk.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/birth/



    He’s visited us twice since July, however the great land of America doesn’t give you much holiday time off.  He didn’t even receive paid paternity leave. 
    He’s also started a new job with the county and is on 6 month probation. I mean he could move  here for 6 months and be jobless but that’s not  setting baby girl up for the future. I actually could handle the time delay of the visa  if I could at least

    visit but I can’t do that without her passport. 

    I think I’m going to see what happens

    in June when we supposedly come

    out of lockdown then make a decision.

    just don’t want to hand money over to an attorney he actually can’t even expedite the visa.



  5. 9 hours ago, Meganekko said:

    If you aren't married, you won't be able to file for a CR1. If your application is at NVC, contact them first about processing times. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty rare for K1s to be expedited without extreme circumstances. 😕

    It’s crazy you would think being separated from your child would be extreme. 

  6. So I’m waiting on my k1 visa and I get there’s a backlog but what’s frustrating me is the London embassy won’t even let me register my 9 week old babies birth so she can get her USA passport. This means I can go out there for 90 days to be with her dad whilst I’m on maternity. He’s missed so much already even her birth. 
    How would I even expedite? We asked a congressman for help to get her passport and they forwarded us the same email back that I had been sent. A complete waste of time.!My daughter is a citizen by birth and it’s disgusting they’re not doing it. 

    I’m actually considering cancelling my K1 visa and doing a cr1. As they are being processed i definitely think the wait will be well over a year. I was tempted to do it in September and should have gone with my gut instinct?


    any similar expedited experiences? Or people who started again with a cr1?


    thank you xx 

  7. On 3/20/2021 at 11:58 PM, HRQX said:

    You could join the new lawsuit for all visa types that is going to be filed by the same lawyers. The deadline to join is March 27. I'll send you more info via Personal Message.



    Brilliant how do I go about joining and what is the wait time by doing this ? If you know 

  8. On 3/11/2021 at 11:35 PM, txdoc said:



    I’m in the same boat. Been trying to get CRBA done since August. Someone also posted a link above for documents to gather in case only one parent can attend. That’s what we’re going to end up doing.

    Oh my goodness you’re joking since august. 
    we weren’t even in lockdown then.

    it was eat out to help out.

    how can that be ? I got her British passport no problem.

    Okay the visa delay is frustrating enough but a citizen should be able to get their passport.

    Belfast and Edinburgh are doing it 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:

    Not what you want to hear, but have you ever considered relaxing and enjoying your newborn safely in your home? These are extraordinary times globally,  impacting everybody. Wasting emotion being angry and obsessed with cutting through red tape isn’t necessarily a good thing for you or baby girl. I missed my UK grandson’s birthday this week, but I got to see him opening then trying out (via What’s App) the skateboard I sent. I have never met my one year old granddaughter except through What’s App. We deal with that for now and see some hope for restrictions improving soon with vaccinations and such.  Spend more time bonding with your cute little sausage and getting plenty of rest. Tense mums can make tense infants. These early days are important.

    (Unsolicited advice from Granddad which you surely hate. Sorry. What does your Mum think?)

    My mum is happy it’s been delayed 😂😂😂


    As she’s obsessed with her granddaughter.


    I feel bad on my fiancé missing big milestones.

    He has reached his limit for holidays.

    He missed her birth and we was able to see it via FaceTime.

    They will allow him two more days to fly out for anything visa related.


    She’s a great baby but the month he was here, she was daddy’s little girl.




  10. 5 minutes ago, milimelo said:

    Try LondonACS@state.gov


    Also, may want to go through the list of required documents, get the forms pre-filled (do NOT sign), get the authorization form from USC dad as well as his evidence that he has enough time in the US to pass citizenship. Compile it all so when you call/email them you can say I’ve got it all. 

    I’m surprised they say they’re not doing those services as we had no issues getting a passport for our child in Sarajevo in October. 

    Okay will get onto that now.

    he will need to send me his birth certificate which is fine.

    im assuming as we are still on national Lockdown they’re not doing it. 

    It’s a shame since Edinburgh seem to be processing it and they too are on lockdown.


    I was so naive we got her birth certificate and I went to book my embassy appointment online and it was booked til December 2021 I called as was told they’re not processing them.

    she informed me she was an operator and couldn’t tell me more.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:

    If only one parent attends https://uk.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/birth/if-only-one-parent-can-attend/

    Would that work for you?


    Is there a reason the baby can’t travel on her British passport? The US Embassy suggests it.


    Request for emergency appointment https://uk.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/contact-passport-unit/passport-enquiries-form/



    Due to the presidential proclamation she can only enter on her USA passport and I guess would prove that I’m her mother as I’m assuming it’s like the British passport and would have the parents details on it.



    We wouldn’t be able to on our British passports.

     Thank you I’ll chase this up.


    So much for enjoying my newborn constant chasing and admin.



  12. Hi Vj friends,


    I am currently waiting on my K1 ive posted recently about this and it just a depressing topic.

    All I want right now is to apply for my 6 week old daughter’s USA Passport. I’m the British mother and Dad is the American citizen.


    This way I can go out and spend under 90 days out there on maternity and limit the time our family is separated by the bizarre decision to suspend K1 visa interviews.

    I’m still hopeful to expedite but I really just want her to meet her family state side.


    However the London embassy aren’t providing interview slots for CRBA and when I called i was told point blank by an operator they’re not currently doing them as there’s a pandemic,  which made me irritated because I was key worker through it all whilst pregnant and separated from my fiancé.


    They told me to email but I am yet to locate an email.

    However I have noticed on the Edinburgh embassy site they provide an email and allocate a time within 10 working days.


    I live in London so I’m therefore allocated to the London  consulate.


    Does anyone know an email I could book an appointment or could I possibly register her birth in Edinburgh since it’s the U.K. I know that’s probably a long shot 😩


    Also dad would fly back to register her birth (more costs 😩


    He was here for 5 weeks and it was difficult to even get her British birth certificate.


    All the help I can get right now,


    Thank you 💕💕


  13. 16 hours ago, HRQX said:

    As a parent of US citizen child OP is exempt* to the Proclamation. Another K-1 applicant that is exempt for the same reason interviewed in August, which was about 3 months before the November order in Milligan case. https://www.visajourney.com/timeline/profile.php?id=338037


    *Since OP is exempt, after getting the visa OP could travel directly to the US.

    I will be instructing an attorney as soon as I get my NVC case number.

    It’s so frustrating that my fiancé is able to fly in and out to me no questions asked, he’s only recently been asked for a covid test.


    The U.K. are so soft with their borders yet they can’t conduct interviews safely and yet we can’t go over to him 



  14. 22 hours ago, StellaGB1 said:

    Just so you can get an idea with what’s happen with London right now, as others have said there’s been no K1s in London since March 2020 unless you’re a plaintiff in Milligan vs Pompeo. 

    When it comes to the lawsuit, plaintiffs added in October have had their interviews and most are in the US. Of the plaintiffs added in January, there’s still 23 London cases that have had no movement and are still waiting to hear from London. There’s almost 150 London plaintiffs in round 3 that are waiting to be added. I joined round 3 and my best guess is I’ll get my interview around June/July time. So I’m suing and it’s still 3/4 months out, could be even more. London is being really difficult with plaintiffs, it’s a problem consulate that the lawyers are having to highlight to the judge. 

    There is one bit of hope, after round 3 is good to go the lawyers are going to ask the judge to apply it to all K1s, if the judge agrees then all consulates, including London, will have to resume K1s as normal. There is of course still a backlog and unfortunately without an expedite, I wouldn’t hold out much hope for an interview before the end of the year. It all depends on London’s attitude and whether they get on with it but clearly they’re in no rush. I hope I’m wrong though and London shocks us all by getting their ####### into gear and your interview is a lot sooner than expected. 

    To be honest London’s attitude is disgusting when I’ve called. I can’t believe they wouldn’t even let us register her birth.

    I’m a teacher and taught during the tough times in a pandemic heavily pregnant.

    I can’t believe they can’t have a system to stagger people.

    I registered her birth with no hassle, waited outside checked in and walked to the necessary office. 

    I will be expediting I have to wait for my NVC number. More money to be spent I guess.


    How do I add myself to the lawsuit i should perhaps do that as a back up.


    Honestly having the baby i switched off for a few months and now i need to get on with my chasing 😡😡  

  15. 3 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:

    I’m not sure you can expedite because K1 visas are not being issued right now. You would have to be immediate family like a spouse to get bumped up to a quicker interview with an expedite. The baby can get a US passport and doesn’t need a visa. 

    It’s tough and nobody saw these closures, delays, presidential proclamations and a pandemic coming.

    Haha they wouldn’t even do that.

    my fiancé was here a month and we tried out best to register her birth. 

    As a citizen born abroad. The operator I got was extremely rude to me. It states in the presidential proclamation the parent of a USA citizen can fly out with them. Which was my my plan to fly out with her on her USA passport for 3 months while I was on maternity.


    The upshot someone has to die and then I can get her passport in 5 days.


    I have her British passport here but that will be collecting dust no doubt 😂


    I think I will wait till my AOS to apply for her Irish citizenship.


    I can’t face anymore admin right now 

  16. 1 hour ago, Wuozopo said:

    Interviews are going on weekly in London for spouse visas. K1s are have been paused for about a year now, along with tourist and work visas. The backlog will be lengthy catching up on thousands of paused visas once they resume. There’s only one K1 who has commented on here in the UK forum about interviewing because of being a part of the Milligan v Pompeo lawsuit. 

    I took a while to reply as this made me burst into tears.


    I wish we had got married first I really do. Never in our wildest dreams did we thinks it would be this long.

    we chose the k1 route as it seemed to be the fastest option pre pandemic 😷 

  17. 2 hours ago, powerpuff said:

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby!:)


    So far, there have not been any routine K-1 interviews since March 2020. The only K-1's that had interviews were expedited cases or if you were a plaintiff in the Milligan v Pompeo lawsuit.

    Thank you 


    I need to research how I can expedite. Little miss can’t be this long without her dad 😢

  18. On the 24th Feb  we got our approval. Amazing timing as we have a 5 week old baby my fiancé has returned to the states now. 

    just out of interest does anyone know roughly the timeline now for the London embassy.


    They’re not open as we couldn’t even register her birth abroad while dad was here.

    So I’m sure it will be another good few months.

    wondering if people have had interviews during this current lockdown.



  19. On 1/10/2021 at 1:12 PM, Lucky Cat said:

    Let us know.  That method worked last week for some members.

    Hey it worked on Monday and we were emailed today. It turns out it’s my fiancé passport pic but mine was okay. I’m very confused 

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