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Posts posted by RobZ

  1. 17 hours ago, PaoSelle said:

    For anyone that received an RFE did you have to fall back in line and wait again?

    yep on my 3rd now.   It's so frustrating because they ask for things they didn't ask for in the previous 2.   It's very inefficient.   They should really open up a 12-24 hour response window where it will get looked at immediately and if you miss that then you go back to the end of the line.  

  2. I submitted additional documents requested (2020 W2 for petitioner) from an RFE on June 6th.  Yesterday all documents were reviewed and are marked as ACCEPTED.  However there is now a new message to submit a 2021 W2 for petitioner.   This WAS submitted (although not asked for) on the June 6th resubmission.   It seems my only option, crazy as it sounds, is to resubmit this one document even though its sitting there already, marked as Accepted.     And wait another 3 months.  This process - especially without the ability to call/contact someone - is frustrating.   I get they don't want to be inundated by calls but surely give people who are in my situation 24 hours to ask a q and respond.    

  3. I'm about to go through interview in a couple of weeks CR1.   


    My current employer is ok for me to work remotely for them,  with Australian income being paid into an Australian bank account when I relocate to the US.

    My wife earns enough money and so her income is all we provided on the Affidavit of Support/i864.    My financials/income was not mentioned.


    Am I ok with the above?   If I'm asked about my future work it is ok to state that I will continue to work for my current employer remotely?


    Just concerned if I have missed anything.


  4. Whilst we patiently wait I thought I'd create some data for each country from the spreadsheet showing min, max and average times from CC to Interview Notification (this data doesn't seem to be anywhere)




    Mods: If this isn't allowed please delete.


    Note:  This is for approx. 4000 entries in the spreadsheet and goes back a number of years.   I've cleaned up some of the data but not much.  I also removed ones that had 0 days between CC and Interview notification as I think thats suspect.

  5. 14 minutes ago, alannah_rose said:

    Has anyone from Australia had their interview scheduled lately? I've been waiting about a month now (CC on 20 April) and its driving me crazy!! Having to put domestic holiday plans on hold for next month while I wait for my interview date!


    Plus I emailed NVC last week asking about it and still haven't got a response 😫

    I'm from Australia (hi - nice to see an Aussie here) and nope no interview yet.  My CC was 15 April.         

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