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Posts posted by ~PalmTreeGurl~

  1. Ok everyone, just stopping by to give an update.

    A lady from this forum who's in Egypt had a male friend call him. He says he is fine! Phew!

    So that just leaves the question of why he was MIA for a while... Very strange and unlike him. More than a bit inconsiderate, in my opinion. Usually, when one of us knows we will be gone for a while, we let the other know when, why and how long. So this was just strange. They asked him to contact me, so we will see if he does.

    Part of me is very thankful that he is ok. But another part of me says "Ok, but what was going on then?" All we know is that he is "fine". But I guess only he can answer that...

    As others have suggested, I might like to think good of him, yes. But still I have been worrying all along about all kinds of things, like does he just not care if I worry? What does that say about his seriousness? Is he there visiting a wife or something? Is that why he can't talk to me? Is he REALLY completely and legally divorced??

    But see I wouldn't be freaking out about things like that, if he hadn't disappeared that way, lol.

    I'm guess I'm just going to have to be cautious. I won't assume anything, or accuse him of anything unless I see some very solid proof, because that's just wrong. But at the very least, I have reasons to wonder...

    Has he contacted you yet or explained why hes been MIA? and did I miss out on you answering how long you havent heard anything from him?

  2. There has to a prize for working in culottes in the conversation. Sticking it to the patriarchy in Egypt through culottes and wedding day smooches. (I hope the culottes were not part of the wedding day wardrobe!)

    I'm just playing Tamara :)

    but of course they were! You do not think I will wear a dress from head to toe in 120 degree weather madam! My wedding day was the hottest day of my life in Egypt! After that it was back to jeans and a tshirt :D

  3. Everytime someone tries to say what a culture "norm" is for Egypt and I look back on our situation.... I guess we broke all the rules! We held hands in public, we kissed on our wedding day in front of family, i wore skirts, shorts to the knees, coulottes, tshirts, wore sleeveless shirt to swim in over my bathing suit with short shorts, looked at male relatives and friends in their eyes without being thought of in a wrong way, slept in the same house as my husband before we were married (just slept in the room with his sister & mom) while he slept on the living room mattress, introduced to his family fairly quickly via webcam & phone, was known as a christian from the get go, was myself and didnt act like i was someone else trying to step on eggshells around him & his family. Oh well.... screw whatever the norm is. I love my life...

  4. Looking forward to the whole month. On the 12th is my 12th yr at work, so vacation time starts again. The 15th I finally get to celebrate my neices birthday, she'll be 5 and I've never been around for her bdays. On the 19th is my baby brothers 26th bday and my oldest step sisters bday plus Adams naturalization interview, then we start vacation from then on til the 27th. On the 22nd is our 6yr anniversary!!! Loving this month!

  5. It was probably copied in an Egyptian movie. Did I ever tell you about the time that Ammar was watching Sound of Music with me and then informed me that this was really an Egyptian movie? I was like ummmm... no... this is a musical based on the biographies of real people. My German teacher in HS went to school with Von Trapp grandkids. Then he realized the Egyptians just copied it and never credited that. Now he doesn't trust anything LOL.

    bwahhahaha gooo figure!

    reminds me of the other day there was some egyptian music video or something of sorts with a guy singing... but it starts off by playing the tune to the pink panther so i started humming with it.... Adam looked at me like WOW! How did you know this!? lol I was like honey... they stole that from the pink panther movie!

  6. I remember back home in Georgia at our apartment, we left Adams hookah on our front porch. I was about to head out the door for work and decided to check on something for the cats. I went into the living room and heard this thug sound! I had the blinds closed but I could see right down the blinds that someone had jumped over our railing of our porch and had something in his hands. I went outside when the guy ran off and realized he stole Adams hookah... went to go make the report at the apartment & police report.... kinda awkward explaining a hookah to them when we lived around druggies... was like ... you know some people use this for sheesha.... the flavored tobacco.... pretty darn sure thats not what it was going to be used for from then on !

  7. Met Adam online & there was this little tiny picture of him on his profile page. I did ask him for a better one & he sent me 3 where he was with some friends. Got to see him & his mom, dad, grandparents & sister all on webcam a lot before I ever flew out there. Glad I did, it was great to see their smile everytime we got on webcam. He got to meet my mom on webcam even though she didnt live near me, we did a 3 way conference call then set up webcam with me and with her. He met my grandparents for real when they flew out to Egypt for a 3 day stop over before vacationing in Israel. Im happy with how things went for us. Worked for us!

  8. I flew from Atlanta to Frankfurt, then there to Cairo. The plane in Frankfurt had an issue and we all had to get off after almost 2 hours of being on it waiting to figure out what was exacty wrong. I was tired as all get out and a hot mess literally with my hair since we didnt have any ac while we waited on the plane for 2 hours! I called Adam and told him I would be later than what was scheduled and he was waiting in Cairo already. I had told him I was going to be wearing bright green pants with a bright red shirt (so he couldnt miss me) lol

    Finally made it to Egypt, got my bags & noticed that everyone was so helpful and wanted to bring my bags out. They all wanted money I noticed,bcz they were asking for just $1... I told many no no I got it, but I did let one guy bring it out the door of the airport.

    I called Adam & told him I was heading outside. Went outside and didnt see him until like a 3rd bus and he stepped out and came towards me with a huge smile . I kept thinking in my head "No PDA, no pda!

    He went to give me a greeting with a cheek kiss but I got scared from the NO PDA and I turned my head and he kissed my neck. That was awkward! lol He had told me he had a limo for me and then I find out its only something similar to a camry with ac. I told him wait til he sees a limo in the USA!

    He had his sister & best friend with him and we headed from Cairo airport to Alex. His friend drove and Adam & I got to sit in the back seat. We had dinner at his grandparents house that night & thats where we all stayed the whole time i was there. I slept in the room with his mom & sister but had my own bed. He slept in his grandparents livingroom on a mattress on the floor so he wouldnt have to go all the way to his parents house.

    I remember the first movie we watched together was Titanic. He turned to me and told me that people tell him he looks like Leonardo Dicaprio. I Laughed out Loud at him! We held hands almost every time we went out wherever we went. We did kiss but not in front of his family until on our wedding night when we had a celebration party with his family & his best friends family in the northern sea coast. Took pictures of us together and we did kiss for a picture. Everytime we would go walking in Montazah Garden with his best friend & his sister we would walk hand & hand and be 100 feet ahead not even paying attention we were with them. Even now when we go out and hold hands I'll tell him "Remember Montazah!?" We went swimming in Alex and I remember him holding me in the water. Such sweet memories! Im so in love with my husband & so thankful and blessed to have him forever!

  9. I called our insurance company about the water heater & they said they cover the amount after the deductible if we have to replace the wall or floor. The water did go through the wall and out the back bricks of the house but it doesn't look like its that damaged. I'll check into it more tomorrow when the plumber moves it away from the wall. We had a year of paid for home warranty from Nov 2010 when we bought the house but never needed it or extended it.

  10. and of course ... wake up today with the hot water heater making a noise and leaking all over our laundry floor and through the house into the backyard! what a mess! Just the time money gets saved for something (like a treadmill I been wanting) now it gets blown on a new water heater...

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