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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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    Potomac Service Center
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  1. Hey Naz

    I think you will receive interview date very soon.By the way  I want to know one thing about  DS-260 there are a question "Do you have  documentation to establish that you  have received  vaccinations in accordance with U S Law?" What is the right answer yes or No.

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    2. naz94


      @Pavel1982 they mean prior to doing your medical examination. If the beneficiary has vaccination documents then the examiner can omit certain vaccinations because it was administered prior. If you do not then the medical examiner will give the beneficiary the proper vaccinations needed based on age.

    3. Pavel1982


      @ naz94,   it's a grey area . It depends on how you interpreted the question. I would say both yes or no..right answer. You got CC with answering NO and I got CC with answering Yes. They only check proof of vaccination (which are included in medical report) during interview not before that

    4. naz94


      @Pavel1982 right exactly. The proof of vaccinations is so the medical examiner knows what vaccinations are needed or not during the time of the examination. Best of luck regardless. 

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