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Posts posted by magicant

  1. Yea so turns out it's a friend of my wife's friend, not my wife's direct friend.  A misunderstanding.

    So I'm waiting for my wife to talk to her friend, so she can ask her friend these questions.  But seems they don't talk all the time.


    Ya try to help, and then have to wait lol.  Her friend said that this woman was going to try and talk to a lawyer.


    I appreciate all the comments and I will definitely report back when I get more information.


    Thank you all very much.

  2. Pinkrlion, thank you for the comments.  I assume she should still probably consult with an attorney?  I believe she would need help in doing things properly and getting evidence to prove the marriage was legitimate.


    Family, I see what you are saying, so maybe I wasn't given all the information /  correct information .  I was told she has been living here for 5 years and recently applied for the 10 year green card and has the extension letter.  And is eligible and wants to apply for citizenship.  So not sure of any other details at this time.  Will have to get more information.


    Thank you both.



  3. I know it’s best for people to make their own accounts here and ask questions, which I suggested, but for now I figured I would ask here my self to get some advice.


    A friend of my wife has been married about 10 years.  She has been in America for 5 years and her and her husband have one child.


    The husband has been psychologically abusive, controlling her and her money, and pretty much everything, etc.  No physical violence as far as I know.


    She applied for her 10 year green card and has the extension letter.  She wants to apply for citizenship but her husband doesn’t want her to.  One time her husband tried to keep her ID’s and she said she would call the police, so he gave them back.


    I suggested she consult with an immigration attorney on the best way to move forward, and possibly she could file for VAWA, but I’m not sure if she qualifies.  I also said if she has any fear for safety, she should call the police and get out of their (try a shelter or a friend, etc.), but I don’t want to advise that if it winds up making things worse / making him become angry and become violent, possibly.


    That’s about all the information I have.  I suggested she make an account here to ask for herself (not sure she will), so figured I would ask if anyone has any other suggestions I can give her.


    Thank you, and thanks to Visa Journey for all the questions I got answered while going through immigration with my wife 😊

  4. Thank you all for your responses.  I updated the timeline to say AOS approved.


    Yes I confirmed with direct filing website that Elgin, IL is the correct address for me so that is where we will send it.


    And yes, I've read many stories of people sending too early.  I checked the USCIS filing calculator to confirm the 90 day date, and I will wait 3 or 4 days after that before shipping it out Fedex overnight.  A few extra days will not hurt anything and will give me the piece of mind of not having it get there early.


    And I assume 1 check for $680 is acceptable, so will pay that way.


    Thanks again.

  5. Getting ready to send out the i-751 package (removal of conditions) for my wife.


    I see some recent posts sending the package to

    P.O. Box 21200
    Phoenix, AZ 85036 


    Was this changed?  Looking at the direct filing address page for USCIS, if sending via FedeEx, the address (for sending from NY) is:

    Attn: I-751 (Box 4072)
    2500 Westfield Drive 
    Elgin, IL 60124-7836


    I'm assuming this is where we send to?


    2 other questions:

    Want to confirm no passport sized photos are required.  I didn't see that as a requirement, want to make sure.

    And confining that Filing fee is $680 ($595 + $85)


    Thank you very much.

  6. Thanks.  I believe (but don't know how to 100% confirm) that Cambodia does not allow a rapid test for entry (they provide a rapid test when you arrive, but not the one you take before departing for Cambodia).


    I called the clinic for JFK and they offer the Rapid PCR test available that day.  Standard PCR test available in 2-4 days.  So I need to confirm somehow if Cambodia would accept the rapid test, but I remember reading somewhere that they didn't.


    Thank you.

  7. Thanks I actually talked to JFK and looked into testing at the airport, but they give rapid tests which are not acceptable.  Singapore and Cambodia want a PCR test, and those take 24 to 48 hours so I don't think we could get a test at the airport before traveling.  That would be great though.


    I guess I'll just have to be on pins and needles until she returns home, hoping it all goes smoothly and she doesn't miss any planes. 

  8. Thank you for the reply.  Wasn't aware of the stamp.  That stinks, thought I could print it out.  Now will have to go back to the clinic to pick it up the day of her flight, hoping it's ready on time.  I will confirm with the clinic.  Unfortunately she can't get it 2 days before because her flight is at night and 48 hours will be at night, when clinic is closed.  So have to get it morning, the day before the flight.


    Coming back I assume she needs the green card, and copy of marriage certificate since airline tickets are in maiden name (matching passport).


    Thank you very much.

  9. Thank you.  I called the airline this morning.  I can only get through very early, and still waited a while.  In evening or weekend, cannot get through, and can't get in contact with the desks at the airport.  Discouraging.


    Anyway, they said the tests should match the information in the password.  She said not an issue that the vaccination card has her married name but she can bring her marriage certificate.  I assume a copy, but maybe I should have clarified.  I think most people bring copies.  I also have certified copies (not just photocopy of original) so will give her that.



  10. I created a new topic since my last topic was in general about overseas travel during covid and not specifically about the covid tests, but I started thinking about this and trying to search.



    Next month my wife is visiting her home in Cambodia.  The tickets were purchased using her maiden name since that is what’s in her foreign Passport.



    It’s my understanding that the Passport (maiden name) is the travel document so tickets must match that.  And the Green Card  (with copy of Marriage Certificate for name change) is just used to enter back into the US.  (I assume a copy of the marriage certificate is acceptable, and the original is not needed?)



    So my question is, should her Covid tests (one taken in US before leaving, and one taken in Cambodia before returning) be done in her maiden name since that matches the passport and her plane tickets?



    Secondly, since she’s fully vaccinated, will there be any issue overseas, and when returning, that her Vaccine Card is in her current married name?



    Thank you for any information.

  11. Thanks for all the responses.  We booked her tickets and she was able to get a test scheduled in her country the day before her flight and they said it will be available the next morning, so hopefully it will be good.


    I have to make an appointment here for the test before she leaves, but I already called the clinic and it shouldn't be a problem, of course they never guarantee anything.


    I assume both covid tests will need to be in her maiden name which matches her foreign passport, and her airline tickets since that is what is being used to travel?  I assume that won't be an issue?  Then she will just have her green card and copy of marriage certificate to enter the US.   Can anyone confirm?



  12. Thanks for the replies.  I didn't realize about the 1 day.  That definitely helps.


    I am more worried of her coming home than going there.  But will see.  I called JFK airport (main number) and they said they have testing there at 2 terminals.  Not sure how accurate this is and if those are acceptable for the flight out.  But may be a possible backup plan if something goes wrong getting results from a clinic.


    Do you know if you just get the results emailed and can show on your phone at the airport?  Of course I plan to also have a hard copy, if possible, but depending on timing it may not be.


    Thank you.

  13. So my wife is thinking about traveling overseas next month to visit her family.  But with Covid and testing requirements everything seems crazy and I’m not sure how anyone travels these days.


    Looking for some insight or experience of others that have traveled recently.


    She’s looking to go to Cambodia, with a stopover in Singapore (just transiting).  Requirement is a Covid-19 negative test withing 48 hours of departure (even though Cambodia’s requirements is 72 hours, Singapore requires 48 hours, even if just transiting).


    The flight (nothing booked yet) would leave around 10:20 PM.  So 48 hours is 2 days before, at 10:20 PM, obviously can’t get a test then.  So she can’t get a test until next day (assuming you can get a test scheduled).  That leaves little room for getting the results back, especially when time is never guaranteed.


    Do airports accept showing it on your phone in case we get it emailed while on the way there?


    Then coming back, the US requires a test within 24 hours before departure.  Again, since her flight is at around 6:20 PM, it doesn’t seem clinics in Cambodia are open after 5 PM (still trying to check around).  So that means she would have to take a test the morning of her flight.  And I’ve heard they don’t email it to you, you have to pick it up.


    So how can anyone make this work?  I would be very worried of her missing flights (going and coming, especially coming) and getting stuck in Cambodia.  I worry if they don’t give the proper test could she get turned away when arriving in the US, etc.


    She is fully vaccinated, but that doesn’t exclude tests.


    What are people’s experiences here?


    Thank you for any information.

  14. I'm starting to get things together for my wife's removal of conditions.  I plan to submit statements and bills for every month.  I know some people submit a few per year, others submit every month.  I prefer to submit every month to help avoid any possible RFE.


    Since they do not want double sided, so it will be alot of pages, is it ok to leave out the "intentionally left blank" pages of bank statements?  And also the list of phone calls on the phone bill statements?


    I was going to include them on the first statement, and then remove from all others, but I'm worried they will think pages are missing and not accept it.

    Was wondering what others have done.

    Thank you.

  15. Thanks for all the responses.  Seems like most people did not submit every month, but some people do. 

    I assume everyone printed everything single sided?

    And for phone bills did you include every single sheet (including the call lists) or just the beginning pages? 


    I guess I have to start putting things together and decide what I feel is best.  Thank you.

  16. I know this question has been asked before, but I’m wondering how many people actually submit really big packages.


    I have read some people say it’s best to include statements from every month, while others said a few months per year is fine.  Since I always prefer to do the most I can to prevent issues, and the instructions say evidence from date of marriage to filing, I assume it’s best to include every month.


    The filing tips say to send single-sided copies of evidence.


    Just looking at my bank and cell phone statements alone, those average 26 pages per month.  I will have about 38 months from date of marriage to date of filing.  That’s 988 pages just for those 3 items.  This doesn’t include the application, copies of IDs, other evidence like Health Insurance, Retirement Plans, Photos, etc.


    So do a lot of people actually file over 1,000 pages with their application? 


    Thank you.

  17. For this I assume you mean permit, she doesn't have a License.  So status termination must refer to the expiration of the permit, not her immigration status,  and it's less than 5 years because they use her birthday and not actually 5 years (luckily her birthday is not at the beginning of the year).


    So I'm hoping if she gets a license before her green card expires, it will also be valid for 5 years and she will hopefully have a 10 year card before needing to renew the license.  Will have to wait and see and hope things time out nicely.


    Thank you for the information.

  18. NancyNguyen, thank you I understand that.  I haven't found anything online about validity of the license for a green card holder so I'm hoping someone has experience with it.


    JeanneAdil, thanks for the answer however this is not the permit expiration date.  It is a status termination date.  And that date is not the last day of the month.  It's her actual birth date.


    Thank you.

  19. We live in New York State.  My wife had a non driver state ID (a REAL ID) which expired last year.  She got this before her green card, based on her EAD.


    Last August she received her 2 Year Green Card.  A few days ago she got her driver permit.


    The temp Real ID permit (waiting for Permit Card in mail) says Status Terminates on her birthdate, 2025.


    Firstly, I thought her status doesn’t end, even if her green card expires.

    Secondly, where did they come up with this just under 5 year date on her birthday?  If anything, I figured they would make it expire when her 2-year green card expires?


    Can anyone explain what this is?  The permit is supposed to be good for 5 years so I’ll have to wait and see the expiration date on the actual card when we get it.


    Also, on a second note, does anyone know how New York works with Driver’s Licenses?  I know they don’t accept extension letters.  So if she gets a license before this card expires, will the license expire when the 2 year card does, or is it for a longer term.


    And I assume if she doesn’t get the license before it expires, then she would have to wait for the 10 year green card to get it (or get an i551 stamp, if even possible).


    Thank you for any input.

  20. I see this was added to my thread, which I am fine with, but I think my situation is different.


    My wife was waiting for her first green card.  Original interview was cancelled due to covid and status changed to waiting to be scheduled again.

    Then we got update that it was cancelled, and were waiting for the cancellation letter in the mail (weren't sure why it was cancelled a 2nd time).

    Turns out this was a mistake and the interview had actually been re-scheduled.

    My wife got calls from USCIS 5 days before interview but didn't answer as she thought it was spam (no number and no voicemail).

    Then they texted with a number, which I called. We also called official USCIS number after to confirm that her interview had actually been re-scheduled.

    We never received that letter in the mail for the new interview, but we made the interview and she received her green card.


    Hopefully your case is just a mistake, as others have mentioned.


    Thank you.

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