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About toyboxgang

  • Birthday 08/06/1962

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  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
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  1. Thanks. I wasn't really sure where to post, but I was able to get help and that was all that mattered. S
  2. Absolutely! I appreciate this page and all the information that i have learned as we go through the steps.
  3. Just sent it, hopefully all will work out as hoped! Thanks to all for the help on this. S
  4. I have used that form many times and always wonder if it is in fact effective or just kicks back a form response.
  5. What is the best contact email to do this?
  6. My wife and I both applied at the same time, and her file was lost or misplaced yet mine proceeded. We resubmitted hers and now it too is going forward through the steps towards the interview. I will request that her and my interviews be linked when we receive notice of her file being moved to Montreal. Who do I make this request too? I find it very hard to get a clear answer from the US Government website.
  7. I appreciate your personal views on missing but it makes no sense for me to have my interview if my wife's is yet to be scheduled. I am trying to make sure that both of our interviews are at the same time in order to limit my trip to Montreal to once. Thanks for the answer that i have to reschedule myself on the website. Followup question. Is it possible to request to have the meeting moved to the US Consulate in Vancouver? Thanks in advance
  8. I was given a time and date for my interview in Montreal, and I tried to reschedule it as I was unable to attend. I emailed the Consulate in Montreal to a email I was provided when I called the office (montreal-iv-dv-@state.gov). I sent the email twice with no reply, and as my appointment was for this morning (Feb 4, 2025) I have missed it. What are my next steps? Reasons for requesting a different appointment time are that I was going to be away on a already planned and paid for vacation in Mexico, and that I want to make sure that both my wife and I are scheduled at the same time so we only need to make 1 trip from Vancouver to Montreal. Thanks in advance.
  9. She received this letter the same time I received mine.
  10. Yes, everything is completed and the https://ceac.state.gov page shows paid and completed at presently at NVC. The DS-260 was submitted in Feb of 2024 and shows on her page as valid until 10/31/25. Where else can i look up her status? I did the exact same thing for my application and have been getting updates and further instructions. These were done within minutes of each other earlier this year.
  11. Hi, My son sponsored myself and my wife (his birth mom) for the family member visa. He was born in the US and has lived there since 2012. We each received our i-130 approval letters, filled out the required information on the US Dept. of State Consular Electronic Application Center website (https://ceac.state.gov/IV/Login.aspx) then submitted that, followed by submission of i-864 from our son for both of us. The only correspondence I have received back since submitting the i-864 is for myself. I have made multiple inquiries about the status of my wife's application but no reply. Is her application now bundled with mine because she is referred to in my copy of the i-864 as the Intending Immigrant #2? I was sent a request to be fingerprinted and submitted that, yet she was not asked. Is this normal? Or has her application been misplaced? Why I am concerned is that I received my notice of appointment at the Montreal consulate and want to make sure that her interview will also occur at the same time. We live in a suburb of Vancouver and don't want to have to travel to Montreal twice. Thanks in advance.
  12. Thanks Danielle. How do I know which NVC to send it to? Do I need to provide any cover documentation as well?
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