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Posts posted by Pzs

  1. 12 minutes ago, KYICGM said:

    And you status hasn’t changed? Now Im intrigued. i hope is good news for you ! Maybe your interview letter??? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 

    Nope no status update i even called and the lady told me that maybe it hasn’t updated yet. Thank you so much!!! I’m really worried because i can see through the envelope theres a signature and I’m not sure if interview letters come signed. 

  2. On 11/2/2018 at 2:31 PM, KYICGM said:

    Thank you !! 🙏🏻

    After calling them last Friday, today I’m receiving a letter from USCIS but I’m not sure exactly what its about its been less than 4 days since my service request and i doubt they’ll send me a letter the same day i called about it. The reason i know a letter is coming is because i use USPS’ informed delivery feature. I’m kinda nervous about what it could be. 

  3. 9 hours ago, NikLR said:

    I actually suggest that you send a NEW I-864 with updated evidence.  Since his current income has changed (please do the math yourselves... ).  Your attorney isn't exactly straightforward with you unless you're misunderstanding. 

    We spoke to pur attourney again today, she wasn’t even planning on filling out a new I-864 because she said it was “the correct one at the time” theres a newer edition from 03/06/2018 and the one she filed was from 2015 I believe... i also let her know that he makes more money now than before so filling out a new one will only help out as the annual income will be way more. She also messed up on my nationality in the I-864 saying USA on there... she said thats not an issue as they didn’t say anything about that.. we are running out of time as the deadline is getting very close and we don’t know what to do

  4. 5 hours ago, Michael2017 said:

    Did you look into assets? You may add any assets that qualify to bridge any gap.

    We did look into it, however we don’t really have any assets that we can use in this case. We have a car, but I’m not sure if that counts. He is the only one making money in our household, as I’m not allowed to work so we really don’t have enough money for expensive assets or big savings. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Infidel said:

    I am worried about this situation too. My 2017 taxes only showed 20,000 as my income because I didn't move back to the US until June 2017 and didn't start work until July. My current income is $40,000, but my taxes don't reflect that currently. I didn't get a checklist for this though, and I got my CC yesterday. If we, like you might, get denied at the consulate for not enough income, we won't have anyone for a joint sponsor either. It is very scary not to have anyone to ask and therefore nothing you can do about it. 


    If he has anything in his bank account as savings, he could also submit that. I submitted my bank records as evidence too. 


    Hoping the best for both of us. 

    I am sorry if i caused any confusion I’m actually in the US adjusting status. Not having a joint sponsor is really frustrating and makes you feel very helpless. Fingers crossed for everyone in our situation and I’m hoping it all goes well. 

  6. 1 minute ago, mushroomspore said:

    It's definitely scary but it's important to acknowledge the reality. In your cover letter, I would suggest firmly pointing out your husband's current income etc. Then hope for the best. Keep us updated!!

    Our attorney said she will do her best to convince them in the cover letter, we really really hope they will read it and acknowledge it. Thank you so much for your responses! 

  7. 8 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter to USCIS if he was only working 6 months or 12 months at the time of filing the taxes. The bottom line is that the income on his tax return doesn't meet the poverty guideline for a 2-people household. 


    It really would be best to get a joint sponsor. I know you're saying there is no one you can ask but try to think of at least ONE person you might be able. If you really really can't, then all you can do is send your RFE response and hope for the best. If that doesn't work out either, the only other option I can think of is possibly waiting until next year to file again when your husband will have his 2018 tax return with a reported income that is above the poverty guideline.

    Oh man that really sucks... we will send our response and hopefully it’ll go well. That stuff really scares me. Waiting for that long without a status would be so terrible. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    There is no question where the answer would be what he made in the last 12 months.  Current income is calculated by taking the gross pay for a full pay period and multiplying that number by the number of pay periods in a year.  Again, in the current income spot on the affidavit, what did you enter as his "current income"?


    On your RFE, so the actually request a joint sponsor OR are they sending your case forward to the Consulate with the indication the Consular Officer will decide etc.?

    On the I-864 our attourney calculated $23,800. Our package was sent around 4 months ago so he’s made more since then and received a raise. The RFE mentions: letter from employer, tax transcripts, assets, joint sponsor. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    So the $12,399 is his income listed on his 2017 tax return?? This is probably the reason they're saying he doesn't make enough. They look at the reported official figures for each year you submit tax returns for. So TECHNICALLY speaking, his income doesn't meet the threshold. I'd really advise looking into asking ANYONE who COULD be your joint sponsor as this would remove any doubt from USCIS's mind that you will become a public charge.

    Yes thats whats on the tax return because he’d only worked for 6 months at the time of filing. We did however include 4 months of paystubs from 2018 and will be including all of the pay stubs he’s received since filing in our response to the RFE. The amount was added up in the I-864, tax retuns + pay stubs. We wouldn’t mind asking anyone to be out joint sponsor, the thing is we don’t have many people in our lives so theres no one to ask really. My family makes money and sends money from my home country to help us out, but unfortunately I can’t use that in this case...

  10. 14 minutes ago, Kmr92 said:

    Your lawyer seems lazy and careless. You need to prove you won't be a public charge so I think those letters from management proving secure employment is good enough and if you have concerns, call USCIS help line and ask a representative there if those proofs will be sufficient. The fact that your lawyer submitted an outdated affidavit shows you how careless they are and should know exactly how to convince USCIS. Double check all the documents that are going to be submitted to USCIS and definitely confirm in a phone call with them if the evidence u want to provide is sufficient or not before sending. I never depend on a lawyer to do all the work for me because they don't care that much.

    She assured me that shechecked the edition dates and said that it must’ve expired in the process. I will give USCIS a call, hopefully what we have now is all we need, as he makes well over the guidelines (around $6000 over) they have posted on their website.

  11. 15 minutes ago, GreatDane said:

    Well, as with all things USCIS (and in life), there are no guarantees. Submit your pay stubs, 2017 taxes, and employment letters and hope for the best. That's what you can do at this point. With all the overtime, it seems unlikely, but maybe he can get a second job or look for one with a higher pay while the RFE is processing. His income is a bit low, but it should meet the threshold. At that level, they might look into you to evaluate your likelihood to financially contribute, etc.

    Thank you so much for your responses. Hopefully it’ll all be good. He works night shifts at his job so a second job in the daytime leaves him with almost no time for rest. Its killing me that he has to work so hard and all I can do is sit at home. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    I second sending a letter of employment from his employer with info like salary, nature of the job, how long he's worked there, how many hours he works a week.


    Also add pay stubs from when you originally filed AoS to now and full 2017 tax transcript.

    He got an employment letter from both his manager and supervisor stating how much he makes, that he works overtime regularly, the nature of his job, how long he’s worked there,stating that hes a very good employee and does a very good job doing what he does as well as how much he makes now and the fact he received multiple raises throughout his employment there. I also ordered a tax transcript from the irs and already gave it to the lawyer. Her saying that she can’t guarantee that would “convince” them that he makes enough really freaked us out today. We just don’t know what else to do. We also noticed that she sumbitted an outdated edition of I-864 with our application but she said thats not what the RFE is asking for and that she would fix it when she responds to the RFE

  13. Just now, GreatDane said:

    What was his 2017 tax return? Does he work in an industry where his income is from tipping or fluctuate - like a car salesman? Does he have any children?

    It was our joint return for $12,399 as hed only worked for 6 months when we filed. He has made another $15,000 in the past 6 months so for the whole year its around $27,000. He works at a hotel, he gets overtime regularly and does not rely on tips although they do get bonuses but they are not that much, his bonuses for the past 12 months are less than $1000. He doesn’t have any kids. 

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