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Posts posted by WinnfieldJules

  1. 7 hours ago, Zombie69 said:

    "Entitlement", nothing has to stop here, and this is really a code word for a Republican anyway, please take your political beliefs and "political correctness" nonsense somewhere else. People just want to get there 10 year green card and Don't we fit the "getting in line like anybody else" right wing style talking point to your liking? The political innuendo has to stop here. This is not a political forum.

    Hey I immediately started to like you Zombie LOL

  2. 4 hours ago, Teknodude said:

    We are all entitled to an opinion about the process, and I would also add that I think immigration is very much a political issue. 


    Anyway the poster has a point. We are all frustrated at the lengthy process, so we should focus on helping users who have particular issues with extension and travel etc rather than the politics behind it. 


    (For the record, I'm not a republican 😝)

    Glad to see youre finally coming to your senses. Took you a lot of harsh words and insults just to realize the obvious: were not enemies here (at least that's what I believe) and despite any political beliefs we're all in the same boat (assuming your the applicant/immigrant - which Im not sure it's your case) and some measure of decency and respect from the almighty government would not, by any means, indicate "entitlement" or any other thing of sorts, even to us poor unwelcomed and relegated "guests". So dude next time you address other peoples posts here do it with respect and courtesy and please keep in your mind that your opinions and points of view are not mighty untouchable and immutable truths just because you say so. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Teknodude said:


    Actually WinnfieldJules, you don't deserve better. 

    The US immigration laws weren't put in place to make you feel better. They could not care less about what you want or how you feel. Do you actually understand that at this point in time, they are not on your side?!!!!  


    The rules regs tests evidence requirements are put in place to stop endless fraudsters and scoundrels who are taking the mick out of the green card system, that we are all diligently and legally trying to uphold with our genuine applications. 


    i hate to break it to you harshly, but the USA and its government owe you nothing.

    You have to toe the line and do what USCIS say or you ain't coming in. 


    Harsh - yes. True? - yes. Maybe unfair but this sense of entitlement has to stop guys. Until you are a citizen, you are always a guest, remember that. 

    I respect your opinion.We're entitled to just one little thing though, often overlooked and missed: fairness and respect when it comes to the processing timeframes of our applications, and not to be subject to an endless wait without any justification or cause. Simple and plain as it is. That was the point of her entire posting, btw, and not about me "deserving" or "feeling" better, or the government "owing" me anything. Looks like you missed/overlooked the whole idea. It's about respect man, nothing else. And we're all entitled to it, you included. Take it easy.


  4. 12 minutes ago, JimmyTheKnife said:

    Techno, I get that you are a savvy navigator of the immigration process, afraid of nothing. My wife, however, is not. She is the one who will disappear into that room for x number of hours while I try to comfort our 18-month old daughter that mommy is going to be okay and she will be back soon to nurse her.  My wife will be the person who will be wondering why she is being interrogated when she has done nothing but try to follow the K-1 visa process as honestly as possible.  She won't be comforted knowing that her status is 'secure' and that she can escalated this to an immigration judge. She will be terrified. 


    USCIS and CBP can do whatever they want to ME, it's when my family starts to get impacted that I lose my sense of humor. And my patience. 


    Oh, and read this: https://www.feld.com/archives/2013/03/the-joy-of-being-detained-by-u-s-customs-and-border-protection.html


    I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree. 



    Hi Jim, and fellow readers.

    I agree with this, 100%. This is my first/and probably last ;)/ time posting here, my husband created the account (I'm the usc) and I just read random posts now and then. But I think this is going too far. Way too far.

    When an individual wants/needs something from the government, there is a procedure to be followed, rules to be observed, laws to be respected and, of course, fees to be paid. That's called due process, and I believe most (if not all) here are fairly familiar with. 

    So, if a government tells you to do all that in order to achieve what you pursue, it undoubtedly creates a reasonable expectation on the applicant (and family evidently) that a decision shall be made on an equally reasonable amount of time, with responsibility, objectivity, professionalism and respect. 

    I don't see a lot of that going on, honestly. 

    It's almost impossible not to consider 2 (yes, TWO) days worth of applications being processed in TWO MONTHS, an insult.

    Not just an insult, it's disrespectful, unreasonable, and a slap on the face of those who follow through with whatever rules they create, obey the laws, and do the right thing. 

    Now if there are some out there who feel safe and satisfied with the a stamp on the passport, I can understand and respect that.

    But, as others had also pointed out, specially you Jimmy, I too get really worried with my spouse traveling back into the country and bumping into an officer who either doesn't know enough about the letter/stamp, or is having a bad day and decides to hold him down for God knows how long and for God knows what reasons. Every time I'm at work and get a call from him I panic. It's easy to say "it's ok, he is in status, don't worry ", but for me it's totally impossible to ignore or just turn a blind eye to all that's going on nowadays and what immigrants (illegal AND legal) are experiencing due to the new memos/guidelines/procedures. My husband couldn't get a very nice job not long ago because the employer didn't recognize the extension letter. Of course he tried to reason and explain what it meant and how it could be verified, but there was like 50 other guys after the job, so evidently someone else got it (please don't give me the BS about how we could sue the employer, they're free to hire as they see fit, withOUT justification). The employer simply said "and after the one year passes, then what? We're hiring long term.. ". That was it..we never heard the reasons, but I believe it became pretty clear.

    So with all due respect I believe the rhetoric about being in status/low priority/backlogs/hiring freezes, etc.etc..are not enough to justify what we're being put through, nor are they causes just enough to explain the disproportionate delays. We deserve better, don't we :)??






  5. 3 hours ago, MaleAlpha said:

    Seeing how things are progressing between the 2 service centers, most likely VSC will probably start processing September 2016 filers before CSC is done with June filers.


    Looking at CSC processing times (and how it corresponds to what was actually reported by filers in the monthly filer forums) from November 2016 to date and it looks like it's taking them 4-5 months on average to process each month's filings. Unless things speed up, CSC will probably process only 2-3 months worth of filings in the entire 2017 if they continue at this pace.

    You know, we have been thinking about this whole mess with CSC. The balooney about backlogs and hiring freezes was good enough for the first months. But now, after so long, and considering only this particular office is taking that much time (5 months to process one), together with the fact all of it's Officers, when questioned, are giving the same programmed response that the "new" processing time is now 1 to 1 1/2 years (with some saying up to 2 years), one kinda feels tempted to believe a new directive might be in place in this particular office, like a pilot/test program, more strict/vetting/scrutinizing and, therefore, more time consuming, to be later extended to all other offices if approved to the satisfaction of the new DHS. Let's not forget the removal of conditions on the GC is the open door and pathway to citizenship. The N400 as we all know isn't as strict or grilling.

    Ok, maybe we are the ones going balooney with this idea, but in all honesty, and considering the chaotic scenario with CSC (and the complete absence of any reasonable explanation to it), it doesn't seem so far fetched right now.

  6. 1 hour ago, vic2016 said:

    Hi guys,


    Was following your thread for the past 1 month. i want to share that i finally got approved. Filled in Vermont from New York City. No RFE. No change in status online. No email/text notifications ( even tho i had them enabled).


    NOA 06/14/16

    Approval Date: 05/31/17

    Letter received: 6/05/17


    Congratulations to everybody else approved, and good luck to the ones that are still pending.

    Congratulations, to you and all VSC June filers, hopefully the approvals will keep coming to you guys, a deserved redemption no doubt, after the long wait.

     As for us CSC filers, the theory that CSC was 'waiting' for VSC to catch up seems wrong, doesn't it? Something else must be going on there other than the so called "backlog" or the "hiring freeze", otherwise the same thing would be happening with VSC and other centers, and that's clearly not the case. The sad saga continues... and patience's wearing really thin. 

  7. 5 hours ago, pnw_ian said:

    Thank you. FYI last week, I called USCIS on 06/07/2017 for status update as it was a year over the original I-751 received date. A tier-2 officer called back 4 hours later, but she couldn't provide any new information other than "Case received on 6/6/2016" and "we are still processing your case".

    Quick question: you called them on April 7, right? Meaning over 10 months, not a year, correct? BTW congratulations on the approval!

  8. 3 hours ago, dylanbrazil said:

    Im stunned with how many people are getting calls "from USCIS". Don't you read the news? CNN reported this last week the scam about immigration calls called spoofying, just to gather peoples personal information with the purpose of identity fraud. The head of DHS himself gave an interview saying the scam is now in large scale, and USCIS DOES NOT CALL PEOPLE, unless you've requested a call. The scam called spoofying is able to change de Caller ID, so you actually read in your phone USCIS as the caller ID. We had a guy in this forum who even said the after answering all questions, the call didn't make any sense. Its because its a scam damn it. The chief of USCIS also reported that the scammers have been said to have strong accents. USCIS will not call you, especially on a weekend. June filers are starting to be approved now, we are at 27% by the end of May yall be approved, just before it makes 1 year, so just stop freaking out. Its a 10 to 11 month wait and that's it.

    Chill out dude. Don't assume everyone's stupid here. People are CALLING USCIS and being told stuff, NOT the other way around. Read the posts before going nuts on everyone. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Zombie69 said:

    There is no way of knowing how they operate. I would not say it has completely come to a halt, but it maybe be moving very slowly. They are going to have to find ways to move all the cases forward. It is not about logic, it is about patience, you can analyze all you want, and we just won't know what is going on. If they move just 1 week worth of applications by taking the entire month. That may confirm it will take a year and a few months, but who knows? Some cases get transferred to field offices, some cases take forever, but it won't help anyone by assuming for the worst either. We just need to keep waiting.

    I didn't assume the worst. Officers at USCIS are the ones telling people the wait is now 1 to 1 and a half year. That's not assuming, that's a fact. And I didnt analyze anything either, I just concluded (as did our friend Friendlyusa, and many others actually) that CSC must have stopped processing based on the fact that no approvals whatsoever have been reported in the last 3 weeks or so, anywhere (in any website), except the one case I mentioned. Lastly, as you guys probably know, CSC started receiving workload transfers from various other centers, which - and now I'm assuming/analyzing - I believe helped put everything to a very slow - if not halted - pace. As for being patient....well...that's exactly what we've been doing for the last (almost) 11 months...and counting :rolleyes:  

  10. 1 hour ago, Zombie69 said:

    There's no evidence of that.

    It's not about evidence, it's about logic. Just check the website he mentioned and see for yourself. The ratio between VSC and CSC approvals is something around 20:1 in the last 3-4 weeks. And the only CSC approval is a Filipino applicant from August/16 who only got approved now in April because of an interview in January. That pretty much shows that CSC has came (again) to a complete halt. Unfortunately. Also, a lot of people here at VJ are saying that when calling USCIS they are being told the wait is now 1 to 1 1/2 years for the I-751, for both centers. Sad for all of us. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, MaleAlpha said:

    Yeah, I was told the same thing this past Saturday.

    The agent said, they have a huge backlog and as a result, it will be taking between 1 - 1.5 years to process applications. 

    If you look at the progression of the processing times, it looks like it's the truth.

    From December 2016 - April 2017, the processing times only moved from May 14 - June 7.

    So on average they are processing a week's worth of applications every month or so.

    Yep, exactly when you start to think "oh..it can't get worse than this"...BTW, did the officer really tell you to expect a decision between now and Dec. 2018? Because if he did, that would actually mean 1-2.5 years, right? (from June/16 to Dec/18, correct?).. OMG that would be something else..

  12. 3 hours ago, Djwalker60 said:

    We'll we are coming up in another 30 days at 1 year now.  Seems as if most of us are experiencing the same delays. We've called several times and seems nothing changes; even after waiting a month between calls.  Has anyone else seen "any" movement on us June 2016 Filers?  We'll need to get a info pass appointment to get the stamp.  I've never seen nor heard of the I-751 taking so much time to process. 



    I also follow the Trackitt removing conditions thread. There is an applicant from the Philippines, her receipt is Aug 16/2016 (CSC). They had an interview on Jan the 25th (San Francisco office), and were approved on April 17th.   

    By the way: 9 out of 10 approvals that are being reported on the thread are from VSC

  13. 34 minutes ago, Anubabes268 said:

    Dear Stakeholder, 

     From January 5 through March 28, USCIS began sending some cases between service centers in order to balance workloads. We have updated our Workload Transfer Updates page with this information: 

    •  Some Forms I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, for F, M, and J nonimmigrants went from the California Service Center (CSC), the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) and the Texas Service Center (TSC) to the Potomac Service Center (PSC). 
    •  Some Forms I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status, for F, M, J, or B nonimmigrants went from the VSC to the CSC
    •  Some Forms I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, for petitioners requesting H-1B nonimmigrant classification went from the VSC to the CSC
    •  Some Forms I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, for immediate relatives went from the NSC to the PSC and the TSC 
    •  Some Forms I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, for petitioners seeking L, O, and P nonimmigrant classification went from the VSC to the CSC (except for major league sports-related P petitions which will remain with the VSC)
    •  Some Forms I-129S, Nonimmigrant Petition Based on Blanket L Petition, for L nonimmigrant classification when from the VSC to the CSC
    •  Some Forms I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status, for applicants seeking the L-2, O-3, and P-4 nonimmigrant classifications that are filed together with Form I-129 went from the VSC to the CSC (except for major league sports-related P petitions which will remain with the VSC)
    •  Some Forms I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, for applicants seeking L-2 status went from the VSC to the CSC

    i just received this in my email. Other cases may affect the processing times of our cases.

    That explains things. Seems we're in for a long wait folks.

  14. 18 minutes ago, jevan said:

    I have recently filed an i-751 and I have received a confirmation letter saying my green card is extended for one year and I will be contacted by the ASC for a biometric appointment to capture finger prints and photo ex. 


    Meanwhile my current green card Will expire in May. My question is what identification can I use for travel after my green card has expired and my conditions removal process is still pending. 


    Thanks so much for information regarding my situation. 

    Hi Jevan. When traveling out of the country bring with you your passport, your expired GC and the original extension letter. That's what they ask upon reentry.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Emmahello said:

    can June fliers make an inforpass appointment to get a  stamp ? because my letter date is 6.6 2016. i need to go out of us in may and will come back after 6.6 2016.  can i make an inforpass or just call them to ask?

    There's an extensive discussion about this. You can get an infopass within 30 days of the expiry date of the one year extension on your GC. Before the 30 days they won't stamp it and just tell you to come back.

  16. 52 minutes ago, nightingalejules said:

    I read an article that said CSC was getting ready to process a "bumper crop" of H1B visas (which 45 may discontinue next year so they had a HUGE number coming in this year). As of the end of March/beginning of April, they were bringing in extra staff to actually process the visas, but I'm sure the regular staff got pulled off of I751s to deal with the truckloads of visa applications during Jan/Feb/Mar.

    I kinda had the feeling CSC would just swap personnel from family-based non adjustment cases to cope with the record  amount of H1b's. I think it's no coincidence that June approvals got slowed down exactly when those truckloads of H1bs got dumped at the Laguna Niguel Office. Either that or some other mysterious reason is holding it back so bad. In any case I believe the wait is almost over for us Juners filers. 

  17. 14 hours ago, eosorio07 said:



    I just got this message today


    "On April 11, 2017, we ordered your new card for Receipt Number WAC************, and will mail it to the address you gave us. If you move, go to" 


    Finally after 11 Months a RFE letter and a lot of calls, online inquires and prayers, I got a approved today------> Now See you in the naturalization forum family


    Thank you to all VJ family that help me one way or the other in this process, and hang in there and keep pushing in prayers for your case----



    Told you so! Congrats dude, have fun, relax and enjoy the unconditional residence!! 

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