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Posts posted by ShawnSpiker

  1. 1 hour ago, ngu21020 said:

    You're saying throughout your marriage you have nothing worthy of showing that you guys were legitimately married? 

    You can definitely tell the truth as per your lawyer's suggestion but why those pictures specifically? its not lying if the pictures are not brought up. Its not like during your interview they're going to be like why didnt you bring those pictures of you and your at the time fiance that looked like a wedding celebration but in reality it wasn't a wedding celebration. I can't imagine being married to someone whether it be a a year or two or even a month and not having any evidence of co-mingling of anything....

    We have few but not everything, and everything with here

  2. 2 hours ago, Cruise77 said:

    Very confusing thread.  So to understand better this is your situation:  You came over on a K-1 visa then got married.  You are now divorced and are trying to ROC.  So you are now asking whether or not to include a picture of a non-legal ceremony that took place before you came to the USA on a K-1 visa? 


    If this is the case I don't think it would make much of a difference one way or the other.  Maybe your attorney has some insight as to why you should include the picture along with a letter.

    I actually don't think so, He just want to say the truth and the facts. Everyone in here said it is not good idea and it could be very risky.

  3. 13 minutes ago, ShawnSpiker said:

    OK, But you guys make me feel crazy because my lawyer said it is ok and we will wright a letter explain it is not a married, Is he try to trick me, Or he just don't know! or it could be but risky!
    I am not happy with him now.
    What do you think!

    OK, But you guys make me feel crazy because my lawyer said it is ok and we will wright a letter explain it is not a married, Is he try to trick me, Or he just don't know! or it could be but risky!
    I am not happy with him now.

    What do you guys think!

  4. 25 minutes ago, ShawnSpiker said:

    you mean he could think that this is a fraud just for celebration.
    I did that for my mom
    Ok I will not use them than.

    OK, But you guys make me feel crazy because my lawyer said it is ok and we will wright a letter explain it is not a married, Is he try to trick me, Or he just don't know! or it could be but risky!
    I am not happy with him now.
    What do you think!

  5. 1 minute ago, QueenComley said:

    Photos are not evidence at the ROC stage. Its established you were married when your AOS was approved, they are not looking for photographic evidence, just co-mingling finances. As someone has already stated you will likely be called up for an interview so you can explain to them the reasons why you had nothing in joint names during your marriage. Honestly, when you applied for AOS you should have known that the requirements for ROC was co-mingling finances. You had 2 years to collect as much evidence as possible. Why did neither of you do this?


    I did not do anything, she did it all. 
    I loved her, I never ever think that will happen. this is why I was not really care.
    Now, I know I am wrong. I am just sorry for myself. 
    I am just trying to find a way.

  6. 1 minute ago, QueenComley said:

    For anything not co-mingling as far as financial matters are concerned I would include a letter explaining why. What evidence do you have other than photos that you could use? Things to consider

    • Joint bank statements
    • Joint tax returns
    • Joint lease/mortgage
    • Joint credit cards
    • Joint health Insurance policies
    • Joint utility bills
    • Joint car insurance policies

    just to name a few.....

    Yes, For example, I don't have 

    • Joint lease/mortgage: because We did not have any
    • Joint credit cards: we had but I was only a authorized user and she kick me out recently, I can't prove it 
    • Joint health Insurance policies: we did not have heathlt insurence at all, but she has one under her family
    • Joint utility bills: it was only under her name only.
  7. 2 minutes ago, QueenComley said:

    Forget the pictures period! Too much of a headache, plus photos are NOT a requirement for the ROC process. Regardless of whether you are still married or divorced when filing for ROC, they are looking for co-mingling finances. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Yes. I have not so much evidence since all the paper with my wife. This is why the lawyer said pictures is very important. with the affidavits letters.
    What do you think.

  8. Why did you divorce? Why didn't you know about the problems before you married her? Where did she/ you move after the divorce? What were the dates? Several times he went back to the dates, just to make sure he has the correct. When was the last time you saw your wife? How did you talk to her last - email, phone, in person? What is her latest address that you know of? He the went into significant detailed questions about my ex-wife's new business, which I mentioned. Do you know the license number? Did she register it with the City? With the State? What is the web address? Etc. He did then want my and my wife's W-4s (which I didn't have, only the tax returns). I did give him my current pay stubs to prove I am self-sufficient and he was very happy to see them.

    What is the right Answer for those questions. I am in the same boat!
    I will say the truth but i want to make sure what i should not say!

  9. 4 minutes ago, Transborderwife said:

    You could shoot your self in the foot showing proof that you were too married for a k1 thus visa fraud

    Even if I told them it was a celebration before the wedding, BECAUSE THIS IS THE TRUE TOO.

    I share this story to the lawyer, Do you think, He could sell me to the USCIS or he will be always in my side. 

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