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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. Yep. And the fact that it nearly ruined a man's life is no bog deal. I wonder if any of the VJ Kavanaugh haters will come forward and admit they were wrong?
  2. Well, to be fair, it was temporary and expires in May anyway. You know, because Biden decided a while back that covid would be done by May.
  3. Fairly impressive? Did you push the pedal more than halfway to the floor? I test drove a base model 3 over two years ago and was blown away. Have since tested a Y performance, and it was even more amazing. Would love to test a S performance, but since I would never buy one, feel too guilty to ask to drive one.
  4. Agree 100% with all of this. It just sucks when one loses friendships over it. Or family. Fortunately for me, my entire family felt the same I did, even though we never really talked about it until WAY into the mess. But I have friends whose families essentially disowned them for not falling for the lies and taking the jabs. Now that the truth is being realized, their families are way too proud to admit they were wrong, and the harm may never be undone. Sad.
  5. Impossible. Let's sit back and see how many of the VJ posters who told us they WERE effective let their voices be heard here and debunk this #fakenews for what it is. In 3, 2, 1...
  6. https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2023/02/15/california-utilities-commission-advised-to-block-solar-and-storage-microgrid-application/
  7. From a secret "group" I am privy to... his resignation is coming soon. Let's see what happens.
  8. You know a humidistat that is not connected to the interwebz does the same thing, right? Well, the humidity part, not the cooling it off on the way down part. Sadly, I am stuck with a non-digital system, and cannot install a web-capable thermostat where I live. But I dream about it from time to time...
  9. Optional. And buggy as hell. Unlocking my hotel door with my phone is beyond frustrating. Did it about 3 times, after trying about 15 times, and have never done it since.
  10. Admitting when one is wrong is often a difficult thing to do, so it's an understandable part of human nature to hide after one begins to realize the error of their ways. We still love you though!
  11. Dunno, might be a tie between CircleBackJen and KimJongPierre. Coupla people who could sell ice cubes to Inuits.
  12. Sad that this was allowed to happen. He shouldn't have been a candidate in the first place, and it showed when he tried to talk. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/senator-fetterman-checks-into-walter-reed-hospital-with-clinical-depression/
  13. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2023/02/08/michigan-teen-dies-after-suddenly-collapsing-basketball-court/
  14. Sorry to be a bore, but... https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/couple-takes-ev-1500-mile-trip-stopping-12-times-charge-not-using-cabin-heat-freezing-weather
  15. California is gonna California people into poverty. I read the article in the OP, and contacted my buddy in AK. He is on natural gas with a single private company, and his bill averages about $230 a month. And it's a LOT colder up there than in SoCal.
  16. Yeah, the dual-purpose ones suck, IMO. Used one in Korea for a coupla years, and just gave up on drying. It got HOT, hot enough to melt/shrink some clothes, but they would still be wet as you say. I don't even remember the brand of mine, but I know it's a 1999 model, and still going strong. As I said above, when I set it to high spin, the clothes are barely damp when I pull them out. Put it this way... I have NEVER had a single drop of water hit the floor when extracting the clothes.
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