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Posts posted by Californiansunset

  1. This is my sister's case. If anybody has thesame case as hers, i would greatly appreciate. We are so desperately in need of help.

    In April 12, 2010, i was refused entry to states for violating Sec 212(a)(6)©(I) of INA where I obtained a fraudulent backdate stamp in my passport to conceal my prior overstay. You sought to procure, or have procured a visa or entry into the United States by fraud or by the willful misrepresentation of a material fact. For this reason, my visa was cancelled and I was banned for 5 years. Six years later, my eldest daughter petitioned me for an immigrant visa and I was made to undergo medical exam last July 2016 and underwent for an interview last Oct 2, 2016. Unfortunately, the consul did not issue an immigrant visa (IR5) for the same reason cited above.


    Allowed Overstay

    5th visit to US: Nov 20, 2006 to Mar 11, 2008 6 mos 10 mos.

    The 5 years would have been for something else than a misrepresentation charge. A misrep ban means a life-time ban until you can prove hardship to a qualifying US relative. Tell her to check out the immigrate2us website. It has a lot more info on how to overcome inadmissabilities than VJ

  2. thanks Californiasunset. He can provide his bank statements from both countries but what the embassy is official exit/entries to and from usa. Thanks again

    So I guess he walked through the border and didn't come by plane?!

    I'm afraid bank statements will be the most official document he will be able to provide if there is no I-94 or stamps for his entries and departures. I'm sure they are familiar with cases like yours though. It is knows that when crossing the border to Mexico or Canada you often don't get stamps or I-94 entries. I travelled from San Diego to Mexico this year in a car and didn't get an I-94 departure because of that, just a new arrival when I came back to the U.S. They are familiar with that.

  3. Jawaree,

    When I looked at DHS i-94 wepsite and put his passport number, there are missing and incorrect entries/exits which weird. They called him for an interview with passport and exi/entries. But he never overstayed usa.

    I've had the same problem with a missing departure on my I-94 from several years ago. I had a lot of trouble trying to find something that proved that I had returned to my home country because I didn't keep the boarding pass from 4 years ago. I submitted my bank account statements that showed that I got cash from my local bank in my home country and that I paid at a local gas station. That kind of stuff. I submitted all these documents to a certain address so they would fix my I-94. At the same time I was waiting for a reply from CBP regarding this issue and after a month they answered me saying that they have other sources that they can tell that I left and not to worry about it. My I-94 never got fixed until this day although I submitted documents and asked them to correct it. No one ever cared.

    my thoughts for you. Try to prove when he left and when he was in the States using bank statements or similar that show where he was withdrawing or using money.

  4. Is there a time limit for becoming engaged?

    I Googled what will be needed to start the K1 prpcess and because a computer/printer was unavailable we wrote out a statement of intent to marry on regular line paper and we both signed it (we didn't have separate letters)...anyone know if that'll do?

    Also...I havery read conflicting information on if his live signature is required for the G325...if it is not required right now, do I just type his name in applicant field?

    Thanks for any assistance.

    You've asked the same question before and it was answered in this thread. Read the replies

  5. Thank you, I've contacted Lizz but she's VERY busy so I'm a little nervous about that. I found someone else I like but I haven't seen anything about him on this site, I have seen a few good reviews about him online though his name is Allen lolly

    Yes I've read about him before! I heard that he's super fast in answering and has reasonable prices. There was someone here on VJ who used him and was really happy with him.

  6. Another question for anyone that may know - are all K-1 visas processed in Frankfurt? My fiance lives in Munich but would very much prefer to have the interview in Frankfurt. It *looks* like it all goes through there so I've very hopeful!

    Yes Frankfurt is the only one that processes Family visas. I live in Berlin and we have an US embassy here too and I still had to go all the way to Frankfurt as well. I didnt mind though in hindsight. Everyone at the consulate in Frankfurt is so much nicer!

    Did you make sure that you have the most current checklist? Look at the bottom right corner what it says there. I quickly googled it and looked for it but could only find the one that says 12/2015 on the bottom. I don't think much changed in the new checklist (definitely nothing about the affidavit of support) but when collecting the papers you might want have the most current one.

  7. Recommendations on experienced attorneys that file 601 waiver

    I know this is an old post so I don't know whether you've already found one but you should head over to the website immigrate2us. They have lots of waiver lawyers that are recommended. I only know of the real famous ones like Laurel Scott and Liz Cannon. It would also depend on what the inadmissability is for. For example if it's a criminal one I heard a lot of Megan Kludt that she is supposed to be really good. I don't have any personal experience but I would give Liz Cannon a call. From what I heard she gives free answers on the phone and is supposed to be really good (like 90% approval rate for waivers).

  8. I can tell you for the K1 visa process in Frankfurt that although it is nowhere mentioned on VJ, for some reason us Germans are allowed to show our own proof of assets for the K1 interview. Download the newest checklist from the Frankfurt consulate and scroll to the bottom where it says "Affdavit of Support". There it says that "K1 applicants may provide their own assets as proof; a tax-return is not required." However I don't know how much assets they would require but given the circumstance that you make a good amount of money now I would assume that with the additional 10K from your fiancé you should be fine for the consulate interview. I heard that they are not so strict in Frankfurt when it comes to that. For AOS you might not be fine though.

  9. Sorry, not sure if this is the right spot to post in.

    I just got my packet with my interview appointment date and need to do a police clearance (Australian federal police certificate). Found out i can do it online (if fingerprints aren't required), but do i need fingerprints as well?

    The email doesn't specify.

    I got it without fingerprints (however I love abroad) and I was fine just doing it online. Just make sure that you check that one box somewhere which says that it's a full name check and full disclosure.

  10. Ich benutze meistens kayak.de. Ich habe einfach mal so aus Interesse einen Flug genau an dem Tag meiner Abreise gesucht und einem Rückflug eine Woche später, obwohl der ja sowieso nicht genutzt wird.

    Amsterdam ist übrigens ein wirklich cooler Flughafen. Bin über AMS auch schon ein paar mal geflogen.


    Wenn du ein wenig mit den Daten spielst, kommst du auch etwa auf den Preis auch mit British Airways und Delta. Ich habe mich auch für ein paar Airline Email Newsletter angemeldet. So habe ich mein günstiges Ticket mit Air Berlin bekommen.

    Hmmm bei Kayak gucke ich auch immer... dann muss das jetzt im November einfach sehr günstig sein nach Cali zu fliegen. Bin noch nie im November hin.

    Habe dieses Mal aber auch das Problem das ich einen Direktflug von Europa wil, damit ich nicht in den USA falls Customs wegen dem K1 länger dauert meinen nächsten Flug innerhalb der USA verpassen würde (hab da echt megaschlechte Erfahrungen gemacht bei nem verpassten Flieger). Das bietet leider immer nur BA von TXL-LHR und dann San Diego und da sind dann meistens die Flüge gleich teurer. Mal schauen... aber dann melde ich mich vielleicht auch mal bei dem Newsletter an. Bin nur leider total unflexibel mit dem Abflugstag dieses Mal. Muss bis zum 31.Jan damit ich versichert bin arbeiten und wollen am 14.Februar heiraten aber ich will schon zwei Wochen früher da sein um meiner MIL bei den Vorbereitungen zu helfen und alles andere noch erledigen zumal ich im Feb ja dann auch nicht in Deutschland versichert wäre ?

  11. Na gut, dann hab ich unrecht. Ich habe einfach mal spontan nach Flügen von Berlin nach San Diego im November geguckt. Es wurden mir nicht mal Direktflüge angezeigt. Nut mit Zwischenstopps und fast 20 Stunden Flugzeit für knapp 525 Euro. Da bin ich echt schon froh, dass meine Verlobte relativ nah an den 2 großen Flughäfen in NYC wohnt.

    Auf welcher Seite??? Ich fliege immer 18 Stunden und finde nie was für unter 650!!!!!

    Wie die Leute in San Diego aber sagen "Im happy to pay the sunshine tax" :)

  12. Yes we have everything you just mentioned and I've been there seven times. And we have a savings account together and I put her on my taxes. I was just wanting to know some people that been through there without life insurance and property

    That's plenty of proof then. She can rest assured that based on the proof you guys have she won't get denied.

  13. ---

    Ich mag BA. Da kannst du auch recht schnell einen Status als "frequent flier" kriegen und kannst schneller boarden. :)

    Ach stimmt, das sagen die ja immer an wenn sie boarden. Ich Ärger mich grad, dass das so schnell und einfach war sich da anzumelden und ich das nicht früher gemacht habe. Wie ist das eigentlich wenn man für jemand anderes bucht, aber nicht fliegt. Dann kann man wahrscheinlich nicht seine Advantage Nummer angeben oder?!

  14. My wife just listening to someone that has their spouse on their life insurance and property together Now she wants me to put her on my my life insurance and now wanting me to buy some property and put our name on it. And threatening me that she would leave and she's not gonna be sitting here waiting on me and get denied again. I would appreciate some information on that if anyone been approved or denied because of that

    She will not get denied if she is not on your life insurance or if she doesn't own property with you together. If she was then it would be good evidence that the relationship is real but then again I'd personally be doubting her love in this relationship if she is threatening you to leave if you don't do that. There is plenty of other evidence that you can submit that prove that you have a bonafide relationship such as pictures together, the marriage certificate boarding passes of you two visiting each other or doing trips together. Especially when the marriage is still young they don't expect you to have property or life insurance under both names.

  15. Wenn ich eure Preise lese, dann muss ich echt ein bisschen lachen... Da wo wir wohnen (Oklahoma) da bekommst du unter 1000Euro gar keine Flüge. Egal zu welcher Jahreszeit lol... Wir haben allerdings auch nur einen ganz winzigen Airport, daher erklärt sich der Preis auch. Aber ich wäre echt froh nur um die 700 Euro für Flüge zu bezahlen. Hatte dieses mal allerdings Glück und konnte meine Meilen ausnutzen und einiges sparen können :)

    Ich muss mal anfangen Meilen zu sammeln. Fliege jedes Jahr zwei Mal 10.000km. Mit welchem Anbieter sammelst du die?

  16. Wann hast du denn vor zu fliegen und was ist dein Startflughafen? 700 kommt mir ein kleines bisschen teuer vor.

    700 ist wie gesagt noch recht günstig. Bin bisher 8 Mal dahin und nehme schon immer die billigsten Flüge (die dann oft sogar ziemlich beschissen sind). Im Sommer zahlst du locker 900-1000 also ist alles um 700 noch gut. Meine Freundinnen, die mich letztes Jahr besuchen kamen hatten auch beide 950 bezahlt im Sommer. Für meinen Verlobten hierher zu kommen zahlen wir sogar noch mehr. Letztes Mal waren es 1.050 im Mai. Habe vor Ende Januar zu fliegen. Preise sind da noch sehr vernünftig mit 700-800, hab aber gesehen das man Anfang Februar auch was um die 650 bekommt was schon ein echtes Schnäppchen ist.

    Nach LAX wäre es meistens noch mal 150 billiger aber habe nach so nem langen Flug nie Lust dann noch mal in dem Zug nach San Diego zu steigen, der um einiges billiger wäre.

    Hab aber übrigens auch One Way Flights nach San Diego gefunden für 400 aber dann sind das alles 30 Stunden Flüge

  17. Ich hab den Flug direkt bei Air Berlin gebucht. Gab vor ein paar Wochen ein sehr gutes Angebot, habe weniger als 150 Euro für einen Direktflug von TXL nach JFK bezahlt.

    Aber entweder lese ich diese Tabelle falsch, oder ein zweites Gepäckstück kostet bei Air Berlin wirklich 150 Euro (USA ist Zone 4):



    Ja war grad auch auf AirBerlins Seite. Da steht wirklich für Langstreckenflüge 150. Heftig. Naja bei so nem preiswerten Flug kann man das irgendwie noch verkraften auch wenn es doof ist. Da hast du ja wirklich ein Schnäppchen gemacht. Wenn ich für unter 700 nach San Diego komme dann ist das noch sehr gut ?

  18. The have the same prices. Infact the difference in ticket between delta,klm and airfrance Is just about 150 euros so I thought why not??

    Nice! Lufthansa doesn't offer any flights from Berlin to the West Coast (and if they do it's shitty routes or super expensive) so I haven't used them. I always get airlines that belong to the One World cooperation. Most airlines in Lufthansas airline cooperation Star Alliance don't offer any flights from Berlin to the West Coast. It's a pity.

  19. I'm flying with Air Berlin and the prices are insane. 150 Euro for each additional bag besides the first free 23kg one.

    Aber naja. Noch knapp 41 Tage und dann geht's für mich auch endlich los. Diesen Monat arbeite ich noch bit zum 31. und danach heißt es Sachen packen und mich langsam aber sicher verabschieden. Ich freu mich aber schon. :)

    Dann macht Air Berlin bei dir den Langstreckenflug?! Air Berlin gehört zu One World und somit zu BRitish Airways und American Airlines. Wenn AirBerlin nur die "operating airline" ist aber mit einen der anderen gebucht worden ist, kannst du auf die 75 bestehen.

    Mal abgesehen davon find ich das grad leicht merkwürdig, dass die innerhalb der Kooperation verschiedene Preise für Gepäck haben. Bist du dir sicher das du da nicht ne Fehlinfo hast und die anstelle des zweiten Gepäcks auf die Kosten des dritten Gepäckstückes geguckt haben??

  20. Already called but they cannot give me the info through the phone, I have to make an info pass appointment and there's none available for the next 15 days :( guess I'll try tonight. The other option is filing a FOIA form but that will take weeks and cost 25 dlls.

    I'll start preparing the AP documents in the meantime.

    Thank you for your advice!!

    Have you looked at the paper that the consulate sent you in package 3? In Germany they send you a copy of your I-129F that got stamped by USCIS with your Alien number

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