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Posts posted by Californiansunset

  1. Hello everyone, so I have started the whole K1 visa process about a month ago, my fiancee (petitioner) already mailed the form I-129f and we recently received the NOA1.

    Originally I am from Lebanon, I went to college in USA and now I am working in KSA for the last two years. I started gathering the required documents for my upcoming interview and i was surprised to see that i have a fine of 150$, property damage on my police certificate from Lebanon. I had a car accident a while ago where I hit a light post on the street and I already paid the fine. I have the police report, and the court cost with the fine to show.

    I hope you can all tell me how this is going to affect my case or maybe give me any suggestions from personal experience.

    Thank you.

    I really don't know how it works as this is a car accident. I honestly think you should be fine.

    Even if they consider it as a "normal" property damage the offense falls under the petty crime exception.

    To find out whether it might be considered as petty , the maximum sentence possible locally (not in the United States) is what determines whether the petty offense exception applies.

    A crime involving moral turpitude is considered a petty offense if:

    the maximum penalty that you could have received for committing the offense is exactly one year or less, AND

    you personally were sentenced to no more than six months imprisonment, regardless of the amount of time you actually served.

    So either way, I don't think it can cause a problem. I just don't know how the officer is going to see it in regards to that you didn't disclose this court matter on your DS-160 when you applied for your student visa. You didn't get arrested and just had to show up in court,right?!

    I hope someone with more knowledge about property damage that is caused with a car can chime in.

  2. Hallo,

    ich habe die Email bekommen, dass ich meinen Interviewtermin nun machen kann. Hab also das ganze online bezahlt und dann kam auch gleich ne Email in der Stand "Receipt Number XY has been activated. You can now schedule your interview at..." So dann geh ich darauf, meine Receipt Nummer ist schon drin und sobald ich auf weiter klicke um dennTermin zu machen steht dort "your request to schedule an appointment has been received and will be reviewed..." Wie lange muss ich denn jetzt wieder warten?

    Vielen Dank! :)

  3. Actually, two passports from the same country is possible, might not be possible for OP's country though, or not possible in his circumstances.

    I couldn't find anything about whether it would be allowed in my country (Germany) but I guess it's only allowed under certain circumstances as you said (having a diplomatic passport and a normal one). I can't find anything either whether you can ask to get the passport back when you are approved (for example in London you can't do that, they always keep it. I just feel like with my bad luck when it comes to visa processing I shouldn't risk it and schedule an interview after my vacation even if it complicates things for me.

  4. Hello,

    I am currently in the K1 process and would like to schedule my interview very soon (I just sent off package 3) so that if I get approved that I can cancel my apartment immediately (I have to give three months notice, so if I cancel by Aug 31st I still have to pay until end of November). However I am going on vacation to Mexico with my fiancé September 1st. Obviously they would keep my passport after the interview (I heard that they even might keep it if you get denied). Does someone know whether it is allowed to use another passport that is still valid to travel while the embassy has my new one? This passport is only valid for another 8 months this is why I got a new one but I got to keep my old one as there is still a valid B1 visa in there.

    Thank you!

  5. 5-7 Tage ist eine gute Schätzung. Bei mir hat es 9 Tage gedauert.

    Und ich würde es einfach mit der ganz normalen Post schicken. In Deutschland ist die Post ja eigentlich sehr zuverlässig. Ich persönlich hätte noch nie Probleme und hab meine Dokumente auch nur als normalen Großbrief nach Frankfurt geschickt.

    Ja, das stimmt schon. Ich mach mir bestimmt zu viele Gedanken. Ich schick es als normalen Brief... Danke!!! ?
  6. Welches Visum? Wo bist du gerade im Prozess?

    Beim K1 schickt dir das Konsulat eine Aufforderung zur Terminbuchung, wenn alle Unterlagen eingegegangen sind. Sie haben also deinen Case vom NVC, und du hast den Papierkram ans Konsulat zurueckgeschickt.

    Ja genau K1. Oh okay, schade, ich dachte ich könnte mir schon einen bestimmten Termin für Mitte September buchen wenn ich eh Urlaub habe.. Aber dann muss ich wohl weiter warten. Das Konsulat hat meine Unterlagen am Dienstag erhalten also warte ich grad auch noch auf die Checkliste.

  7. Hallo,

    auch wenn ich gerade mit einem komplett anderen Thema hier reinschneie: Kann mir jemand sagen wann ich mir einen Interviewtermin holen kann?

    In den Foren lese ich ständig, dass man sobald das Konsulat die Sachen von NVC bekommen hat einen Termin machen kann, stimmt das auch für Deutschland? Weil eigentlich heißt es ja das erst wann man die Meldung von dem Konsulat bekommen hat, dass man einen Termin machen darf, kann man loslegen und einen Termin buchen.

    Hoffe mir kann hier jemand weiterhelfen...

  8. Nö. Will auch keiner mehr sehen lol. Du könntest zwar noch ein paar Dokumente mit zum Interview nehmen (was ich auch empfehle einfach damit du dich ein wenig besser fühlst). Aber selbst dort wird es niemanden wirklich interessieren, besonders wenn ihr keine red flags oder so habt. War zumindest bei uns so.

    Alles klar, danke. Ich werde dann wirklich ein paar Sachen vorsichtshalber für das Interview vorbereiten. Better safe than sorry ;) Aber hast schon recht da Deutschland auf jeden Fall auf der Low fraud Liste ist werden die die Echtheit einer Beziehung hier selten anzweifeln.

  9. Im Paket 3 gibt es ein kleines Formular welches du mit nach Frankfurt schicken musst. Es sind nur generelle Fragen zur Person und Adresse aber ich glaube nicht, dass du das Online finden kannst.

    Ach schade, vielen lieben Dank fürs Antworten.

    Mir ist gerade noch eine Frage eingefallen: Hast du auch Dokumente zum "Proof of ongoing relationship" mitgesandt? Danach wird auf der Checkliste ja eigentlich nicht gefragt....

  10. Hello everyone,

    We received our NOA2 on June 23rd and going to start calling NVC today to get a case number. Now I have a few questions.

    What can I start doing once I have my case number?

    Now I read that for the Frankfurt consulate I-129Fs of approx. 66 days ago are being processed. What does that mean?

    Can I do anything right now to speed up the process except for collecting all the documents that is being asked in package 3 (although I haven't received it yet)?

    Thank you so much in advance!

  11. Welcome to the forum.

    You should inquire about the NOA2 hardcopy. It is necessary to have later on in the process. Some folks have had success using the NOA2 approval email message in lieu of the official hardcopy.

    The embassies/consulate generally set up the appointments. Since your timeline is vacant, cannot tell where your interview will occur. :time: Consular officials have the authority and usually automatically extend visa petition approval dates until the visa processing can be accomplished.

    Good luck on your immigration journey.

    ~Moved from K1 Process to K1 Progress Forum~

    ~Inquiry about case status~

    Thanks a lot! Who do I contact about the hardcopy? We didn't even get an approval email yet either. It just says on the USCIS website that it was approved on June 23rd.

    The interview will be in Frankfurt, Germany :)

  12. Hey,

    I am just wondering whether anyone has experience with getting a CR-1 after you cancelled the K1 process in the previous year. The reason we want to cancel the K1 (we are at the stage where we just got the NOA2 approved) is that instead of me moving to the U.S. my fiancé decided that it's best to move to Germany first as I got a very good paying job and would like to stay with my grandma who is very old for a little longer.

    I appreciate any help

  13. Hello everyone,

    I have questions regarding the NOA2:

    1. Our NOA2 got approved June 23rd but we still haven't received a hard copy. Is that normal? Can we still move on even if we haven't received the hardcopy?

    2. I am going to the U.S. in September to visit my fiancé. I read somewhere that the NOA2 is only valid for 3 months (I might've remember something wrong too this was a while ago). Is it possible to have my interview some time after that in October?! I just want to visit and not move over yet.

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