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Posts posted by AliRock2016

  1. 54 minutes ago, NYCruiser said:

    I am sorry to hear this. I believe this forum is for Immigration advice but maybe not personal advice? However, I do note you are in New York City? (Bronx?). Is the place small? I can understand since NYC is very stress filled. (is that why he is working two jobs I take it?) Very expensive too and the high taxes? Not excusing him but have you met any of his friends? I realise it is only been a week? What do they say he is? Bipolar?


    You might be right in just ending things as this doesn't seem normal behaviour...:unsure:

    Thank you. I know my venting was lengthy but I was asking for immigration guidance.  Unsure of the process to bring my personal belongings and imported car back to Canada.  Wondering if it is allowed so quickly and if there are taxes or fees now.

  2. Good Day everyone.  I am overwhelmed with emotion.  And so uneasy about my next steps.  


    My boyfriend of 4 years applied for the K1 and K2 visa for my child and I to go from Canada to New York.  I have shipped all of my items, and imported my car.  After 1 week, he has become verbally abusive and cold.  Not the man I was with in a relationship with for 4 years.  My daughter who once loved being around him, is constantly crying and wants her old life back.  I am so confused, as I have given up my entire life, and uprooted my child to be here with him.  Something we have been preparing for, for the entire year.  And it's not like we haven't spent large amounts of time all together on many occasions as we were able to see each other at least once a month over the 4 years, and all holidays.  This scenario never occurred to me as I thought we were both so invested.  He was so supportive and motivational along the way.


    He has advised that we no longer have chemistry.  Are you serious?  And I am a drama queen:


    1. Because I asked him not to lock me out of the bedroom.  He was on a personal call, and locked the door which is strange to me as he has never done this before.  I didn't even know he was on a call.  And I honestly do not think it was to speak to another woman.  I am not insecure, and  those are not the type of issues we have.  I am privy to most of his business, he is not tech savy, and he works 2 jobs.  What time in all honesty would he even have to cheat.  I am on the phone with him most of the day, as he is the type to check in often.  My problem was that it is a room we share, and I just found it rude to look the door.  If its closed, and he is on the phone, odds are I am not going to interrupt anyways.  That started a huge war in my house.  He was yelling at me with my daughter in the next room.  I didn't escalate the situation, because I didn't want my daughter to have to hear that.  I let it go.


    2. Our new furniture was being delivered by 3 men early in the morning.  Once they arrived and were setting up he decided he wanted to go get a coffee.  I said can you just stick around a few minutes, since it is kinda uncomfortable to be here with these strangers.  They were almost done anyways.  He still left and got his coffee...okay.  I said nothing more.  The minute he came back he told me I was a drama queen.  He needed his coffee, and I need to learn when to just be quiet. That then turned into a one sided argument with him telling me I am about drama.  What did he get himself into to.  He didn't sign up for this.  His children's mother (who he was with for 14 years and often complains about) warned him not to move in with me, and wants to be back with him herself....WOW.  A earful because I wanted him to stick around a few minutes.......WOW.  He told me to shut up and not speak to him  the entire day.  Which I did.  But come the night he wanted to cuddle with me?  At this point I am wondering if this man is bipolar.


    3. And last night.  He works 2 jobs most days.  A hard worker which I admire about him.  He forgot something at home, so I offered to drop it off since I was going to get some groceries anyways.  When I got there he asked me to stop back when I was done.  Which I did.  We were there over an hour having a good conversation.  I said I am just going to order dinner, since we ended up being on the road longer than expected.  Would be really late to start preparing a meal.  He said I don't cook or know how to cater to my man.  WHAT!!! I have been in your country for 1 week.  We didn't really have groceries, pots, and my stuff hasn't even arrived.  Yet I still have ensured there is a meal in our house...cooked or purchased.  Since I understand that he works so hard.  I made a comment that I always cook, since I have a child to feed daily.  He lost it.  Said...so your only cooking for her sake and walked away.  My child again has to watch this.  I slept in my daughters room since she was a crying mess.  


    And tonight I cooked...he ignored us from the time he walked in the door.  Not even a hi.  Didn't eat.  And just I broke down in the bathroom.  I am trying to adapt to this new place.  I have left my support system back home.  I am here for him and he doesn't care.  And I am trying to be tough for my child who is also trying to adapt.   How can I continue like this?  It has been a week.  I called my sister and she says she wants to fly in on Friday and when he is at work just pack up my stuff and go home.  I am so embarrassed.  I left a great job, took my daughter from her family and friends.  Imported my things which are supposed to arrive on Wed.  Imported my car, and now I am supposed to go back.  The money I have spent.  I just don't know what to do.  So here I am at 5am asking for some guidance.


    Do you know if I can send my stuff that I imported here back home?  I will contact the shipping company and tell them not to deliver and send home if it is allowed.  And since I imported my car, can I just drive it back home?


    And I don't even want to face my friends and family and ex coworkers.  I think the disappointment and shame is going to be the end of me.  This is making me sick to the core.  But I have a child who didn't sign up for this.  She is all that matters and I can't put her through this.  All of these things are so petty, yet he is so explosive.  And I haven't even had a chance to speak with him yet.  Is there a point?  After how I have been treated in my first week, how can I even risk being here another?  I am a strong woman, but this has me feeling broken.


    Thank you for listening.  Any positive suggestions are greatly appreciated.






  3. For my daughter I gave my court order showing I had sole custody and that was enough.  If you can get a letter as well it would ease your mind.  I wasn't able to, and no no questions were asked.  I don't think consent to travel is enough.  You need something official outlining the custody arrangement. 


    Good luck

  4. I asked this question after my interview since I will not be ready to move until mid summer.  I was told to bring the sealed package with me and explain the situation to the custom officer....meaning no guarantees. I will probably try to drive over next month and see what happens.  I also am considering getting an enhanced drivers license.  They can be used to cross the border by land as well.  So no need to show my passport.

  5. Hi all,


    We completed our medical with Dr. Lyndon Mascarenhas in Toronto yesterday and here is a quick review for you.  I was a little nervous as I also have an 8 year old k2 applicant going through the process with me.


    Booking the appointment was very easy on the visadoctor.ca website.  And I received a confirmation of appointment email the same day.


    We had all of the documents requested.  I did not have my doctor sign the immunization records sheet since I had a copy of our updated immunization cards.  I did just fill in the information myself and show our immunization card. 


    I drove to the appointment and was able to find parking for $3.00 on St. Clair (near Bathurst), across from the Life Labs at 526 St. Clair Ave  where you will go for blood work after your appointment. The building was easy to find and we took the elevator to the 3rd floor.  The office was small and packed.  We arrived 10 minutes early for our 1:30 appointment.  We provided all of the documents requested on the website and filled out one form each.  We waited 45 minutes before seeing the doctor.  I was asked where I was going and to write down our weight and height.  The doctor was friendly, looked through our package and asked if we were healthy....That was it.  I paid cash directly to the doctor and was given a receipt.  Only I was provided with a cup and small package to give the lab.  I was then directed to the basement of the same building to complete my x-ray.  While heading to the xray I logged into the Life Labs appointment bookings and was able to secure an appointment for 30 minutes later.  The xray took 10 minutes and we headed to Life Labs.  It was packed but because I had an appointment my wait was only 10 minutes long.  I provided a urine sample and 1 small tube of blood was taken.  And that is it!!


    So basically the K2 under 15 doesn't have anything to worry about beside attending the appointment.


    Hope this helps.


    I will pick up my results in 5 to 10 days....then off to my interview.


    Good Luck everyone!

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