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Posts posted by UKTOBK

  1. My friend came along with myself and my son, mainly for the trip into London, she was able to sit with my son in the waiting room whilst I had my chest x-Ray etc. you will be fine to take someone.

    The doctor I saw was fantastic, you won't be the first or last patient they see with a needle phobia, I wish you all the best with it, just focus on the end game... You're nearly there xx ???

  2. I'm the same! Got the email but I'd already booked! ???

    I guess it won't let ppl book until it shows as ready on the system, or until they are issued with the email/letter (pkt 4)

    I'm actually pleased I followed suit when tricked and slimbo booked, my work colleagues thought I'd lost the plot when I went into a "must book now" meltdown/panic in the middle of the day on Tuesday! Lol I love how this process continually plays with my emotions!! ?

  3. I just got off the phone with NVC and they said they still have not received the case at all. Its been 27 days since I got the approval. They said typically 35 days and then they will give me a case number. How do some find out after 10 days?

    Hey Hun!!!! ?? Mine took 3 weeks 2 days... It's soooo frustrating but you're close now, give it a couple more days I'm sure it will be imminent! Waiting is the hardest part but this is a means to an end! Stay strong ?

  4. Evening Damara, I agree with you that not all people are being negative but it's quite evident that there are a number of people who do just jump on these threads to preach and judge, but this is how it is in the world we live in, one that allows us the freedom of speech (subject to terms and conditions and upon review from the moderators of course - shout out to the mods ??)

    And yes rules are rules and they are there to be adhered to and without question if these rules are breached then it is reasonable that these bans are put in place as a form of punishment. Just as a side note at no point in any of the posts has the OP suggested that their treatment has been unjust btw.

    Clarification of the actual USCIS guidelines would be great wouldn't it? as I'm sure the people who suffered the lifetime ban years back would have felt somewhat perturbed when the 12 month ban initially came in to play.

    I don't expect that the USCIS would necessarily publish that they may now take into consideration the results of the drug test before they issue a ban. Kinda makes sense though don't you think? I mean you wouldn't expect someone who stole a handful of candy from the store to receive the same punishment as someone who stole a car off someone's driveway, maybe the test results came back borderline who knows? All this is a bit too much speculation really, especially for me as I run the risk of doing the one thing that annoys me on this site is where people guess the answer to questions and add nothing but confusion! Lol

    I think OP will keep people in the loop with progress as the purpose of this thread was to let people know the outcome from the initial thread. ??

  5. Well I do wish you the shortest ban possible. I didnt read your other thread. I will say I am pretty opposed to the current drug policies but thats another topic.

    But does the letter say 3 tests in 3 months. (PERIOD) or does it say 3 tests in 3 month ??? duration? periods? increment? Did it say anything after? You can always email the embassy for clarification. They should be able to tell you the exact date he would be eligible to come back. I would just hate to see you get your hopes up and then find out this was an error. Because its either an error or a huge shift in policy that is seemingly unannounced which is unprecedented.

    I've actually sighted the letter in question and OP has been clear with what it states and how it reads, it is 3 tests over 3 months, which is reiterated twice on the letter, firstly in the main body of the content and also in a summary.

    So let's assume this is a shift in policy associated with the fact that the general stance on the use of weed has been relaxed over the last few years, even in the UK where we haven't seen any form of actual legalisation, there has been a reported decline in arrests associated with possession and use as seemingly the risks attached to it have reduced over the years, baring in mind you can now buy a joint from a vending machine in Amsterdam, would it be fair to then suggest that due to the more relaxed perspective on the use of weed that the USCIS have decided to take a view on this? Remember that they shifted from a total outright ban some years back to a 1 year ban.

    It would be logical to assume the severity of the ban would be linked to the severity of the use and also the type of drug! I'm pretty certain if the use of heroin or meth was detected it would be a different issue altogether.

    I'm certain OP will keep the site updated on the progression of this topic as it may be relevant to people down the line.

  6. Don't mind those that are overly critical. There's a certain segment of the population who NEEDS to have an authoritarian presence in their life - whether because of genetics or upbringing. They need to be told what to do and not really think for themselves on critical matters. The unfortunate thing (beyond that) is that they usually don't see their own faults, addictions and shortcomings as they criticize others. It's a shield to help insulate them, and that's why they go to great lengths and have great passion when focusing on the faults (or what they consider faults) of others. Usually the more intensely they criticize the more they have to cover.

    Keep us posted on how things go =)

    And that ladies and gentleman was a beautifully articulated piece by gryphon that I could not have said better myself!!!

    The post that was removed and to which gryphon was referring to was a prime example of the kind of opinionated bs that is not warranted....

  7. I'm gonna wade in on this discussion too, mostly because I got a shout out ? Party we shall my friend, party we shall! Please rest assured good people of visa journey this party will be a drug free zone but is likely to include copious amounts of ridiculously named cocktails to celebrate what will have been our own journeys!

    And everyone's journey is different so let's try not to judge people's choices, I'm sure most of us have come up against people's opinions of our ldr's, how piffed off we get when people question our relationships and the trust they're built on, in the same way they have no right to question that there's a bunch of people who didn't have the right to have the holier than thou approach ( nicely put transborderwife - quoted not stolen ?) that they did to the initial post!

    @hypnos I had a run in the other day on a thread for a similar topic, someone commented with a remark much like yours, one which added little substance (no pun intended) and was formed mostly on opinion! Please do not take this as me throwing shade, your are entitled to your opinion by all means but was it relevant to post really? You see a lot of people on these forums either post an opinion or guess without really knowing and that is neither helpful or supportive. Sometimes no comment is as good as one with no value! And I hold my hand up to say I got a bit narky on the thread I just mentioned which was probably wasn't necessary either so I was no less guilty on that part just frustrated at the ridiculousness of it all!

    @simon well said ?

  8. I don't scare I'm just realistic and not sugarcoating anything. I also told her she could get advice in the UK forum after she told the rest of the story ...

    Thn I could say you shouldn't say anything either since you aren't sure either only the doctor knows! ...

    LOL but what's the point in saying anything if you don't know? I think you will find my comments suggest a viable option of contacting Knightsbridge and you're correct only the doctor knows!!

    And hey I think the February filers thread called, they want you back!! Bye!

  9. He might need random drugtesting and a ban for 6 months - 1 year. ... Did the doctor not tell him?

    @cailinelise The above isn't necessarily true, it is different case by case, if the drugs test was negative it is likely there will be no further repercussions, the bans apply to those who test positive and the term of the ban Is determined by the results. If you admit to taking drugs at any point ever it gives Knightsbridge the power to charge you the extra money for the drug test! ?

    I would say the best option is to wait until you hear from Knightsbridge. The problem with asking questions this specific on the forum is that people will guess the answer and that's not going to help you. Speak to Knightsbridge they will put your mind at rest. Fingers crossed it will all be fine

  10. Dublin Ireland is your POE if your flight leaves thru Terminal 2. Terminal 2 is the only one for US Pre-clearance. While most flights to the US go thru there not all of them do. If it does not then your POE will be where the flight lands in the US.

    Hope this helps.

    Well you learn something new everyday! I genuinely did not know this snippet of info! Good to know ??

  11. Fiance just purchased his flight over to the states for good! So excited!!

    Just wanted to double check something really quickly though - Dublin counts as the POE when you fly through, correct?

    He has 3 hours there - that should be good?? -- hopefully.....

    Exciting to see how its going for everyone else! Can't believe he's going to be here so soon!

    36 days!

    Dublin is indeed a POE, I imagine 3 hours will be more than enough, I plan on using this route when I enter also as I think I will feel more relaxed on the flight if I've already passed through POE and enter as domestic! I've been through Dublin to JFK before, moved through pretty fast on VWP!

    36 days whoop whoop to that... It will fly by!

  12. Those are approximate adjudication dates. They flucuate all the time. Patience is key in this process and you have just begun. I sent in my K1 petition in July of 2014 and am still waiting. Of course we have had many hurdles and obstacles.....the point is we are all here waiting. Stay busy, enjoy the many blessings you have. It will come.

    Great minds think alike! I was typing my response as you were it seems!

    I'm sorry that you're still waiting for your petition! You must have the patience of an angel by now! I hope things work out for you very soon

  13. ... Well, I'm still waiting on NVC haha. I'm the 7th, and they've not received as yet.

    Though, they have received accepted petitions from the 4th yesterday... So optimistically, it shouldn't be too much longer.

    Still, that's pretty much 4 weeks to get it to NVC and issue a number.


    This makes the vein in the side of my head pulsate!!!!

    Keep calling! Any day now tricked...any day now!

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