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Posts posted by BlueRain77

  1. Ok, also, anyone know when they deliver the passport and the mysterious Packet. What do you do? Is it written clear, DO NOT OPEN THIS. Is there like two packages where you open the main one and have the passport & the Do Not Open package?

  2. oooh chloe! Our interview is the day before yours! Feb 8! I arrive in the UK on the 11th, of course! (already had booked my flight) Good thing I fly in on a Sunday as Pjc will have to wait at his flat on Saturday just in case his Visaed Passport arrives...also we can't plan anything for Valentines as we don't know how long it will take for the passport & packet to arrive. I think he is going to request (and pay extra) for an earlier delivery time so we don't have to wait all day.

    There is a site somewhere. If anyone wants to know more, send a message to PJC1973. He sent me site links earlier.

  3. Yeah Pjc found the India Air flights as well. Really cheap! He is going to try and go through JFK to get the stamp.

    http://www.oldenglishcrackers.com/ You can even send them stuff to put in it. I have a little card that says our names, the wedding date (when we know it), & All you need is love... (I swear I didn't steal it from you!! lol Im a big Beatles fan. I even found a rubber stamp that has it on it.)


  4. cool. lol I actually got my dress back during the summer before we were ever officially engaged. Got the rings in November. Got my daughters dress. My mom's found a caterer who also does cakes, and my mom's friend is a photographer. Just need someone to marry us! lol...oh and a date!

    Oooh found a really cool place here in Washington that does Christmas crackers & will do wedding themed crackers as well. They will put the basics and you can add stuff. We thought that would be fun for our favours. Im soooo excited!!

    Wondering if I can just talk Pjc into coming back with me on Feb 24! lol

  5. lol I just noticed the Cakes post! :blink: I think I would be sick. We are getting married at my parent's house (its on a hill near a beautiful lake). Very small. Still haven't thought about what to serve or cake or the date as we are still unsure of when he is coming over. We may wait a little while, we may not...kinda up in the air.

  6. Verrrrry True. Lol can you tell the work day is over in the UK? I keep getting email notices left & right from VJ.

    Hey everyone, you don't have to answer this, but I am just curious, How did you all meet? Was it travel, school, online??

    Pjc & I met online.

  7. lol funny enough, most Brits (and Euros in general) don't understand the whole sheet thing. I guess its there to protect our Bedspreads & quilts that aren't easily cleaned. I have been using a duvet since like 1996 when I went to Germany and they just had two really thick down duvet's on the bed.. one for underneath and one on top. I usually put a sheet on my bed but eventually it just annoys me and I rip it out. lol I did this long before I went to England. I guess I was destined to marry a Brit! :lol: (that and Im just to lazy to put a sheet on most of the time)

  8. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!! I told you, you were next! lol

    Pjc still hasn't gotten his packet yet either. Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday (it was supposedly sent yesterday too).


    Pete got his hotel today for the interview. :) He's going to go to London then come back to get me on Saturday night (for Sunday morning). He doesn't want to miss the courier if they come Fri or Sat. I guess you can't schedule but you can pay extra to have the paperwork delivered before a certain time of the day... instead of waiting between 9 & 5 all day at the flat. We are hoping he gets it delivered Saturday so that we don't have to go back to his flat and we can just stay in London for Valentines. If not, then I guess we will just spend the 2nd week I am there away. I SOOOO LOVE London! (I think its mainly the memories, as I doubt I would enjoy it as much without Pete with me). :luv:

  9. We have Duvet's in the US and duvet covers (Bed Bath & Beyond, Linens N' Things for example)....we have down or Synthetic fill (the synthetic being more like the UK kind)...ok so you can't get them for £10 at ASDA's but they work...

    btw...ASDA is somewhat nice while WalMart is...well a nasty word I won't say (though cheap....in all sense of the word). The south maintains them well and they are nice, but if you head up north...they are pretty ding dang gross...

  10. cool thanks. We are hoping that we can get away with him going home, then leaving for London again on Saturday night, picking me up at the crack of dawn on Sunday, then go back to the flat (wiltshire) and wait longer if we have to. Just kinda dampers our plans for Valentines as we won't know if we can go anywhere until the interview..He's going to try and call the helpline tomorrow and see if they can tell us about how long it would take.

  11. Hey guys. We at last got your interview (Feb 8), but now we are wondering what about when they deliver the Visa??

    Our issue....I'm flying out there Feb 10 and we are planning to be in London (or maybe somewhere else) for at least a week after I arrive (until Sat the 17th about). Is there any way to schedule when the Visa delivery is (as I know it takes about a week)? Or can we pick it up in London when it's ready?

    (Also, on Sat the 24th or maybe Friday 23rd) we will be back in London to take me to the airport)

    So is there a way to schedule the delivery of the Visaed Passport? Also what happens if it doesn't come until after I leave and Pjc is at work?? Do they get both addresses and try delivering to both? (of course I find something else to worry about now! lol)

  12. YEP! We FINALLY got the Interview date!!!!!!!!!!!

    February 8 @ 10am

    He has that Friday off and is now trying to get that Thursday off as well.

    (cross you fingers as his boss doesn't know what the day off is for)

    :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    BTW. Pjc emailed them way back when, then he emailed them recently saying the 6 weeks he was told to wait was up and he received an email back with the interview date & time. He has also called in a couple times and I called that DC number to check once.

  13. We always complain about the worry of unemployment in immigrants and them not contributing to society or something like that. And here we are denying immigrants to want for work and to contribute to their new home??? I just don't get it...

    Personally I NEED my fiance to start working (that and he'll go mad if he doesn't). Get work permits are time consuming anyway. Its not something that people just get to have. Only those that really want to work will take the time to do it, so why deny those that really want/need to work?

  14. Been waiting since Dec 4. I guess we got our packet into the system on Dec. 18. Don't worry..I would say you have about a month to wait (if they decide to be efficient). Don't stress, as it really takes a toll on ya. lol If it comes to a point when it's 6 weeks and nothing, call the embassy and tell them that because they actually ask you on packet 3 to call them at the 6 week mark..

    Been waiting since Dec 4. I guess we got our packet into the system on Dec. 18. Don't worry..I would say you have about a month to wait (if they decide to be efficient). Don't stress, as it really takes a toll on ya. lol If it comes to a point when it's 6 weeks and nothing, call the embassy and tell them that because they actually ask you on packet 3 to call them at the 6 week mark..

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