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Posts posted by BlueRain77

  1. Ok, I know that I need a certified copy of our marriage certificate to file the AOS (from a K-1), but I was told that I need to wait for a few weeks before our marriage certificate is filed and fully entered into the system (our officiant is supposed to file it for us).

    Is there any way to get a certified copy sooner, say we filed our Certificate ourselves? Any other suggestions? I would hate to waste time. We would like to file AOS soon after our wedding (especially so we can file for an EAD) so we don't have to worry about it for a while.


  2. Whoops...meant that question as after the EAD card arrives...with the taxes thing (not if we apply for the EAD card after marriage...I know that already) I am just not typing my questions correctly...well at least not that one...

    I would assume though, that since the taxes are deducted the same (as anyone else) for the stamp, that it would be exactly the same for the EAD card.


    Anyone else, please continue any reconfirmations of this or if you have any other information in regards to this. Thanks!

  3. ****First and foremost this is NOT a place to debate about the Work Authorization stamp****

    Now that that's clarified...lol

    Does anyone know what an immigrant with a 90day Work Auth stamp on their I-94 needs deducted from their paychecks (if anything)? The company I work for would like to employ my fiance temporarily and we understand about having the I-9 but we need to know what we are supposed to deduct from his paycheck in regards to taxes and such?

    also, what about when he DOES get his EAD card after we apply for it after we are married?

    We are in Washington State btw.


    and again PLEASE!!! NO!! debates over whether you really need a stamp or not...

  4. There was much debate over this. In the long run we decided to do an intimate immediate family wedding then have a bigger reception later. I hate the idea of having two wedding dates.

  5. Woo hoo!! Lots of Washingtonians!

    Yeah wouldn't it be so nice to NOT have to take any tests...ok maybe the written would be good. Somehow I think the Uker's will be last on the list though because they'll argue they drive on the opposite side of the road. They probably figure since Germans make such good cars (cause american ones are rather #######...at least Ford lol) they have to be good drivers....Although I DO remember being in a Bus on the Autobahn and some old couple making rude jestures at us because we were going too slow. lolololol Hey Washington even has their own Bavarian town! Is there an Aussie or UK like town anywhere? Nope...we have Leavenworth! We love germans! lol ok well I love a brit, but I Am german decent.... ;)

    sorry...being silly today.... :P

  6. Anyone know the average time it takes to go through Immigration & Customs at the airport (pref. JFK) on a Monday or Tuesday. I am buying a ticket for my fiance and want to know how much time to leave him before his connecting flight to seattle. 1 instance has him arrive from LHR at 1pm and leave at 6:15pm. Another is 2:35pm and leave at 6:15pm. Would the latter be enough time??? Or should I not risk it and leave the bigger gap?

    Thanks for any insight. Is there a site that tells me this anywhere?

  7. Congrats guys!!!

    Heishe, Pete (pjc) was wondering what went on this morning with you guys! Yay!! Pete got his Visa delivered Saturday so we can go whereever we want now and not have to wait.....well except that the airline didn't transfer my bag from Vancouver and I am waiting for them to deliver that! Had to go to Tescos for a toothbrush and clean knickers. lol! You know the essentials! Enjoying being in England again with my love. :D

    btw, for anyone who is ever curious about Passport controls reactions to saying the word boyfriend or fiance. I said I was visiting my fiance and they just want to see my return ticket and asked where I worked and then asked again that I was sure I would return in the two weeks which i said yes. Of course the lady was pretty nice though. I just put on a big relaxed smile and usually have no problem. :)

  8. Hey, you know what, if you don't ask, you don't know it's illegal. I had to ask the same question when I started and I really don't even think it's written anywhere in the guides saying don't do it. At the time of question she probably didn't know it was illegal so therefore she would not be in violation of the TOS as she was oblivious to it being illegal. And don't say, oh come on, she should now...look back when you started out, did you know ANYTHING about immigration? I think not.

    Sorry..wasn't ranking on anyone, just defending, just wanted to make it clear in case anyone is a tight A** and thinks they should report her or complain she should know about this stuff... some things aren't always easy to find on the guides. Especially for beginners who have never used this site and no nothing about immigration laws.

  9. thank you. I just wanted to clarify to people that you DO need the stamp as some were starting to think you could enter ANY POE and not have to worry about getting the stamp (well, if you want to work legally that is).

    lol I should have left out that tangent in the middle, you are correct kitkat. I just keep going and going sometimes...also I believe someone long ago told me techinically the K-1 visa is like a temp as if you do not apply for AOS, you must leave the US. only applying for an AOS makes you eligible to stay further. But you are right that it is not temp as it is assumed that have applied with intending to file AOS and stay in the US permanent. (prob confused with research for UK fiance visas where you have to have a Fiance Visa to get married in the UK regardless if you are staying or not)....lol oh dear here I go again. ;)

  10. This is a wonderful thread to hear. I have just come from the thread debating Work authorization stamps and so forth. lol We are still trying to figure out what he is to do when he gets here. There is a slight chance he will be able to be transfered into a local office here (he works for an international company in the UK), but he may also have to look for work elsewhere if that falls through. He is in IT and specializes in UNIX. Good thing Washington is overrun by computer companies! I am 99% sure I will be able to find him a temporary job at the company I work for (helps to be related to the boss!). However while he is waiting for the EAD card (& then greencard) I suppose we will either secure that transfer or send his CV around Washington.

    Has anyone found reluctance on the employers part when handing them a CV (resume) and not having their work authorization yet? Do they give people a chance? or do they prefer that they have their EAD card (or greencard) before even looking at their resume? Anyone have insight on that?

  11. So in the long run....you must get some sort of Work authorization stamp from an immigration officer (like at JFK) on your I-94 to prove to the SS office that you are authorized to work, therefore receive your work authorized SS card, and then an employer can Legally hire you. The work authorization stamp & SS # (with work authorization) will be evidence for the I-9 paperwork the Employer must use to show you are eligible (if they are ever asked if the immigrant is legally able to work).

    Sorry...I like to summarize these things. lol

    {We must remember with a K visa you are not automatically authorized to work, you must get Work Authorization (ie Stamp). Certain other Visas I believe (Cr-1's for example...) are treated differently and can receive work authorization without getting a stamp upon arrival. K1 visas are only temporary visas remember. therefore they may also be used to just get married and return to whereever you came from, so technically there is no need for a person to work..HOWEVER a majority will then apply for their greencards. Saying that you are intending to remain in the US after getting married and the expiration of the K1 Visa,and is proof to show it may be a necessary thing for you to work and therefore receiving a work authorization stamp is important. (excuse the tangent...it's a habit)}

    I understand that some HAVE entered the US and not received a work authorization stamp (or maybe were unaware that they did) and were still employed. If they have no proper proof of work authorization from the US, then A) the work is at fault if caught hiring a employee with no proof of work authorization & B ) the SS office would also be at fault for awarding a SS card with "work authorized" on it when there WAS no proof of authorization or C) again the work is at fault for hiring someone with no proof or a proper "Work authorized" SS#....From what I have gathered the SS office does not issue "Work Authorized" SS# lightly and even if having proof (ie a stamp) they will not always grant you as "work authorized". In saying that I highly doubt an SS office would hand out a "work authorized" SS # without proof. And in final, either Skemper's Husband DID have a stamp and did not realize it, or he was just one lucky ####### who slipped through the cracks.

    btw Skemper, I am not trying to prove you false, I do believed it all happened as you said, I am just trying to clarify to others that his experience was a lucky thing i suppose because based on all research and evidence, you MUST have a work authorization as a K-1 visa holder to be eligible to work upon entering the US.

    I also apoligize if I don't make any sense to people. it seems to be a habit today....I hope someone understands my logic, even if only one...

    (meauxna seems to understand...must be Wanda's magic.. lol ;) )

  12. I was going to say! The I-94 is the paper that ALL people fill out when you enter in the US (tourists, immigrants, etc). I guess i am not understand WHERE you get this EAD stamp from if not from the POE....You have to have some form of Stamp or something in regards to EAD to even get the SS card with Work Authorization on it. (remember it is different for K visas then it is for Cr-1 people)

  13. very true. My fiance loves me as I am as well. I DO however have a 4 yr old daughter whom I feel I have not enough energy for not to mention my cholesterol is probably through the roof! lol My fiance is also trying to work out in the UK....somehow I think we will both be more succesful when we get to eat healthy together and go to the gym together as well...I lack motivation when on my own (ones that support groups DO NOT help)

  14. Awesome!

    I have been going to the gym since just before Xmas and I still have not lost anything more the 1lb...its awful! I find it soooo hard to lose weight. I can't afford ANY kind of diet help program and I can't afford to fix all these big expensive healthy meals which makes it very difficult. I try and eat somewhat good,, but even if I am eating rice cakes instead of bagels for lunch I STILL don't lose an ounce. I go to the gym 5 days a week. Its quite frustrating....Even if I judge by trouser size...nothing is loosening... :(

  15. Anyone else slightly confused by Skemper??

    Um I suppose what he is saying is that you can get the Temp 90 day EAD stamp from anywhere but you have to go in and ask for it somewhere (didn't quite understand where...) and you don't necessarily have to get it from your POE....Although somehow I think it would be a lot easier to just fly into JFK or some few other places and simply ASK for the stamp from Immigration. Although I understand that not ALL people have easy access to JFK (like for instance the UK)....But regardless you have to get an SS card (which I knew about before).

  16. I posted this same thing and was told the NOA2 expiration is more of a deadline for the Embassy to get your interview date out. It doesn't need to be current for anything except for them I believe. Don't hold me too it, that was just what I was told. Our interview is on Feb 8. Apparently though, if they need to the UK does it automatically (as in applies for an extension for you).

  17. Oooh I heard about Vonage. :) We have it set up at the 8¢ a minute with our regular phone company.

    lol @ imagining my future inlaws trying to work a phone card or webcam. Pjc tried to teach them to email before he left at Xmas....that was a task...and still didn't work. I think we will have to stick to calling them.

    I think I cleared out the closet about a month after he came to visit in May 2006. lol I repainted an old set of Drawers for him and put it in the closet. I am going to try and find a good cellular company to switch to a family plan that gets good rates to the UK. (Any Suggestions??) Also get him on my gym membership as it's just down the street.

    Also my job is easy enough i can bring him to work if he wants. :) If he gets a stamp then the EAD card, he already has a job open to him temporarily.

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