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Posts posted by Renegade

  1. Guys, I need some clarification and an advice.

    1) We are a gay couple, my husbands (Petitioner)  family (sisters) is aware of our marriage, and supports him. His elder sister is our co sponsor. However my family (Brother and father) don't know anything, and honestly I don't want to tell them, first of all, they're not gonna support us, and second my father is old now, and I really don't want to disappoint him during his last years. So what should I tell during the interview, will that fact be a problem?

    2) Any advice on how to correctly arrange my paperwork? Can anyone explain, how it works during the interview. If I understand right, I will submit everything to someone, then it will be handed to CO for a review. So basically, he will review it THEN will talk to me?
    Is a photo album with our pictures with dates a good idea? 

    3) Should I make a copy of everything that I have, or I will need only originals?

    Sorry for a bad English. Im so nervous already :/

  2. 8 minutes ago, bcking said:

    That is their standard party line. I'm at 10 weeks 1 day so far. I've now started asking what happens when we get to 12 and they really don't want to answer that question. They avoid it like the plague.


    Scan Date: 11/28

    Sup Rev: 1/10

    Review Department: 1/12


    Called again today. Finally got someone to actually give me a specific date for the review department. Said my file was pulled on the 12th. Still waiting to be reviewed though (Just 1 page!).


    The person today did say that there is only "one department that reviews files". I asked "For a region? Or one in all of the NVC?" and she said only 1. So there goes my theory about different departments moving at different speeds. I asked how people can be finished before other people (Some people with December scan dates finishing already, while many of us in November continue to wait) and that was another question she avoided like the plague. She couldn't answer it.

    We got the exact supervisor and review dep dates! My scan date is 29th...

    Hope this hell will be over soon :(

  3. 20 minutes ago, Lion Star said:

    I am from Pakistan, NVC has received our Documents on 1st December, 2016. My wife called them every week from USA, last week lady from NVC  told my wife your case is at supervisor Desk. This week my wife called them again, now lady from NVC told my wife your documents didn't reach at supervisor desk, documents are still in review department. We can't understand this, please answer me if someone is waiting for NVC approval since December or November?

    Yes, they are working on November 27-28 mostly. We are all waiting.

  4. Just now, zuluweta said:

    Trump considers LGBT rights as an American value that is protected. That's why extreme vetting for Muslim immigrants in particular allegedly includes asking them what their attitudes are regarding LGBTs. In other words, you shouldn't worry much because Trump himself is an LGBT rights supporter (for the most part).

    Oh thanks, that makes me feel better... We are finishing NVC process now, but separation is killing us :(


  5. 9 minutes ago, bcking said:

    I think any change that is made wouldn't effect people at the Visa Center stage. USCIS already approved your application. First the changes have to come from the legislative branch, and there is nothing on the floor right now that would change your status. Something like changing the CR-1 eligibility to "tradional marriages only" wouldn't be an executive order that goes in effect immediately. Not to mention he never made any claims that he would put limits on it like that. Most of what he talked about was changes to illegal immigration. Based on your wedding location I'm thinking one of you is from Denmark? Likely that is also a positive for you since you won't be a profiled "target" (Not from the middle east/muslim country). Not saying that it should make a difference, but unfortunately I think in the future if anyone is going to suffer it will be well meaning lovely couples where one is from a predominantly muslim country. That shouldn't be the case, but that is sadly the direction it may go.


    Not saying things won't change but it's not going to be that fast. If you are already 9 weeks into the review process at the NVC I truly think you are safe. I hope that everyone like you in the future continues to be safe.

    Thank you for a reply. We are only married in Denmark, but we're not muslims either. I just have a feeling that he hates LGBT people as much as he hates muslims. So I am afraid that he can use that executive orders just to temporary halt visa issuance for LGBT spouses, until he decides what to do with them permanently?

    So do you have any clue what are those changes?

  6. 19 minutes ago, bcking said:

    I have the exact same dates, and they told me the exact same thing today! What a coincidence. I also asked the same question about whether it meant someone was physically looking. They told me "It is in the department to be physically looked at" so maybe a little bit behind. Mine is only 1 page from a checklist though so whenever someone does physically look at it, it will be quick.


    Dem/Rep doesn't matter for us. There won't be any changes to CR-1 anytime soon I imagine. We aren't the "targets" since we are doing everything legal (and our reward is a very long wait time).

    Why are you so sure? We are gay couple, and we are in constant fear right now, and every post like this makes us panic . :(

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