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Posts posted by 3rd

  1. Just make sure you submit evidence of your marriage. Joint checking, savings accounts, maybe joint credit cards, Life insurance on each other, Wills.

    Affidavits from a few friends and or family about your relationship. Car insurance, him on your health insurance, those are the kinds of things you need and USCIS is looking for. Send as much as you can.

    Send a few pic, but make a album and bring to interview of all pics being together.

    Best wishes on your journey and pregnancy.

    As much as evidence is useful, this is AOS and ROC will be the best place to submit the whole spectrum of evidence. We only submitted our joint account, pictures, our social media interactions and our wedding cards. We didn't have anything else would could have supplied at the time, so don't fret if you don't have much as long as you have some. We didn't receive an RFE and were approved at interview, we brought along all documents and original papers as well as a photo album. The only thing she asked from me was my SSN.

  2. Good evening everyone ☺

    I am a little concern about this.

    On Monday I receive my NVC BGT and they told my fiance the package would be send to the embassy this week. I kept on checking the CEAC website but always says it was still at the NVC.

    Today I got this message

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition: filed by JOHN WESLEY HARDEN BATES on behalf of CAROLINA ORTEGA GOMEZ.

    This petition is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. You will be notified with further instructions when the processing is complete

    Do you guys think my case went to AP or something else is going on?

    Administrative Processing = AP.

  3. The third error which bugged me the most was I was at a stop sign about to turn right and I hear sirens so I look around, and since I am already as close to the curb as I can be because I'm about to turn right and at an intersection, there is no real room for me to pull over. The emergency vehicle comes up behind me and passes me and I turn right. But before it cleared and I turned right the agent told me to pull over. I had no idea what that meant since I was already as far right as I could be and at an intersection. I also really regret not asking her what I should have done, I was just caught off guard.

    You were at an intersection. I know the road manual differ from state to state but I know CA says that you need to move through the intersection then pull over to the right. This is probably what she expected from you, but it was a [suboptimal] way for her to do it.

    i heard if you are over 25 you just need to do the driving test no written test so that is lucky

    I don't know if this is true. I'm going in for my provisional on Monday and I have to take the written test and I'm 28 years old. I'd actually expect to take the test, it would worry me so many people not knowing the rules of the road! Although, it's completely another thing that a lot of them don't abide by them. The amount of people cruising along in the middle lanes on the highway makes me want to rip my hair out!

  4. It's truly very worrying that your husband is off insulin as a type 1 diabetic. My ex was diagnosed with type 1 when we were at University together and it was the most gut-wrenching time for us both, until we got him on a course to help him manage his blood sugar a little easier. He was also insulin sensitive, so that never helped.

    How long has your husband been without insulin? I imagine he has a lot of ketones even if it was only a few days. There was a massive snow storm and we couldn't get insulin for 2 days and his blood sugars were all over the place, so much so we had to rush him to hospital and get him onto a drip before we could get the insulin supply.

    Is there any way you can get him insulin? Because if you don't so something fast, his hyperglycaemia could send him into a coma and it sounds like your hospitals aren't going to be able to do much for him.

  5. I think the first thing that needs to be clarified is your timeline. You married in November 2015 but lived in France for a year after this? That would bring you to November 2016 and we're only in May 2016 right now. I'm more than a little confused, especially if you applied for a CR-1 because you wouldn't need to adjust status in the states because that's all part of the CR-1 process.

  6. really??? lol an american comments "what a beautiful green card you have there" to a British? she's so arrgoant and hateful.

    She was actually Australian, but the comment still stands. I'd understand her being spiteful and saying something like that if I wasn't from an affluent country, but I'm from the UK. It's not like I was leaving the UK for a drastically better life in the US. Now I have to pay out the nose for healthcare I haven't even used yet, I had to leave my loving family, and no one understands when all I want is a glass of water! Haha.

  7. That's not very nice of her posting comment like that on your Instagram. People are so mean.

    People will always have a willingness to judge others, and it's a sad but realistic world that we live in. The laughing matter is that I've known my husband for 4 and half years, but they only see what they want to see.

    My advice? Don't take it to heart, and don't let it effect your relationship. You both know that you love each other and that's all that matters.

  8. It honestly doesn't matter what kind of relationship you're in, someone is always going to be vindictive and have something to say about it.

    I got some very hurtful comments from my husband's ex's sister on my personal Instagram account. One such comment was on our engagement picture stating, "what a beautiful green card you have there". I am a grown woman who makes her own choices in life, from a country that is on the same level as the USA. Ideally I didn't want to leave my home country, but I did for love.

    You just have to block the people that cause drama, they're not your friends.

  9. you do need more information on that overstay so ask specificially here about that again / seems the ones who know missed that point

    Any overstay when adjusting status based on marriage is forgiven. The only thing that could run an issue is if the overstay was more than 180 days and you were using your AP to re-enter the country. Seems to be mixed opinions on this one! I even had an issue getting back into the country with an I-551 stamp in my passport. Hellish.

  10. If you want her green card in married name without paying $450 for it, I suggest changing her passport before interview.

    My passport is still in my maiden name but I have my Green Card with my married name. I always carry a copy of my marriage certificate with me alongside my passport and Green Card. I'll get it changed eventually, but paying for it seems silly when it's only a year old.

  11. If you're going to have her married name in the long term, it's best to start all that now. It'll save you a headache changing everything when you could have done it once from the beginning.

    As for your son's birth certificate, it shouldn't matter if her maiden name is on there. Your marriage certificate proves her new married name and original maiden name, USCIS can put two and two together. I've also never heard of a birth certificate being changed.

  12. I genuinely am shocked that someone could forget a fiancé. That's a pretty big commitment to make to someone and for you not to remember it is a bit alarming.

    As others have said you can try again but I don't see it being an easy road if there is a chance of you getting approved. Sounded like he was evening coaxing you in the right direction but you didn't take the hint and now have to face the consequences. It's unfortunate, but a K1 petition is certainly something they'd have asked you about.

  13. As someone who went through AOS from VWP (much like you're about the do with your husband), don't fret about the ESTA expiring. As long as you are married and you get the application off when you can feasibly do it then he'll be fine. Overstay is forgiven for the spouse adjusting status, it's just a peace of mind thing to be under some kind of 'legal stay'. There are a lot of people that don't get their AOS forms in well after the expiration of their visa for many reasons. The advice is to try and get it all finished and sent off ASAP so that you can get the NOA1 and breathe a little easier.

    As for the doctor visit, you'll need an approved USCIS doctor to carry out the exam as it'll be officially sealed for use with the I-485. You might want to do a little shopping around though because each doctor charges a different price, and you'll want to get the best for you. He may also need to get some injections too, unless he can prove he's up to date on everything. Unfortunately I was missing a bunch of my records as a baby as I lived in New Zealand at the time but managed to get two shots for super cheap from a local health clinic and took the paperwork along to the medical. If he's had chickenpox as a kid then make sure he mentions this as he'll mark it for you otherwise he'll have to get a Varicella shot (we don't give them as a standard in the UK).

    If you have any questions feel free to message me. We had a tough time of it at interview purely for adjusting from VWP and I can impart our experience if you need it to help with the nerves. The fun part is this doesn't stop after AOS, there's still ROC to come!

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