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Posts posted by sammyboy34

  1. LOL, that is too funny:)

    Also I want you to notice at the time they sent me the e-mail:

    ***On Saturday, August 22, 2015 4:37 AM, "USCIS-CaseStatus@dhs.gov" <USCIS-CaseStatus@dhs.gov> wrote:***

    At 4:37 AM, REALLY???? Either way, so then because I wanted to forward it to my husband and let him know about the good news, I ended up replying to USCIS LOL. The most awkward thing is that I asked my husband a question in the e-mail that I sent to USCIS(and I know I sent it to USCIS, because I checked my SENT e-mails folder) and 2 hours later my husband responded to the question LOL, he never received my e-mail since I am so dumb and sent it to the wrong place LOL, so somehow my hubby read my mind that I will probably ask about a bill, which he usually pays and decided to write me about it super weird LOL. This is what happens when he works on Sat and I am obviously too sleepy in the morning to do anything right LOL.

    P.S. I hope you guys were able to follow my little story about telepathy between me and my husband LOL

    Thats a cute story.

    Seems like they work on saturdays too

  2. So no more December approvals coming in yet since last week?

    I would have thought that more would be coming in by now since they just transferred files and they were already doing Mid-December filers at the time the transfer took place.

    I've been looking at another website and it looks like someone who filed Dec 29th got an approval today.

    Here's the link on Trackit:



    Hope that they review more soon.

    So tired of waiting.

    You are right, this is becoming very exhausting mentally.

    I am sure this is affecting the quality of life for many and the famil y life as well.

  3. What is the exact wording on your case status? Some January 2015 cases are now being transferred from VSC to CSC to reduce workload. If it's a transfer to your local USCIS office, then as Nancy said, you're getting an interview.

    It is not yet confirmed that it is going to CSC. no one knows that for sure yet. Everyone's ststus says that case has been transferred to another office.

  4. I just hope I dont need to go for another bio or send any extra info because to be honest if they ask us to do anything else for them it would be absolutely disrespectful. We have waited long enough, we have jobs, families, commitments.. this process is messing with our productiveness in society and after that we are expected to keep our jobs? How could we do that if we lose our jobs or our driving license because employers don't understand that we are in process.. This is messed up

    That's cute! Try telling that to one of the freaking USCISfolks

  5. LOL I don't know the VSC was on yellow and it stopped, and plus it says there that if they cases are being processed it would tell you the timeline "6 months" but if it says a date there it gives you the last date that they processed in our case its "Nov 1"


    USCIS has no idea what they are doing. Processing was never stopped at VSC either.

    I think now it is time for the transferred folks to start getting approved. It has been too long now.

  6. guys, I just checked the timeline process page at UCIS it looks that the color has changed from green to yellow in CSC chart over the i-751 cases and in the VSC timelines it changed to green.. Do you want to tell me that they will start processing cases in Vermont and will hold on Cali cases?! I have no words for this one.

    and where exactly did you come up with that theory my friend? is there a color coding section.

    This better not work this way. I am usually cool as a cucumber, but now, even i am strating to get extremely frustrated. With our luck the plane carrying all the files to CSC will crash and we will be told to make a fresh application once again.

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