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    ExPatty got a reaction from -Shana- in Credit Score Showing 0 After 1 Year   
    All of those except th phone do.Essentially any time you borrow money the lender will report each month to a bureau. A phone is a contract but not a loan so it won't show up.
    I would have expected your MasterCard to show up. Google "free annual credit report". You can check your actual report but not your score for free each year.
  2. Like
    ExPatty reacted to JayJayH in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    You're telling me that making up new things to tell people that they should be hurt and offended by isn't a real job?
    You sound like a straight, white, cisgender male - The privilege which undeniably exudes out from every crevice of your existence means you are not privileged to have a valid, acceptable opinion on the matter.
    I didn't care too much about the beard. I kept the car
    I was pretty bitter I couldn't keep the Vitamix though.
    Sorry, this isn't Yale. VJ is a place for learning.
    “In your position as master,” one student says, “it is your job to create a place of comfort and home for the students who live in Silliman. You have not done that. By sending out that email, that goes against your position as master. Do you understand that?!”
    “No,” he said, “I don’t agree with that.”
    The student explodes, “Then why the f**k did you accept the position?! Who the f**k hired you?! You should step down! If that is what you think about being a master you should step down! It is not about creating an intellectual space! It is not! Do you understand that? It’s about creating a home here. You are not doing that!”
  3. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from OriZ in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    SJW have turned into the kid that cried wolf. Running out of things that actually matter, the "oppressed" among us continue to look for injustices that don't exist because they don't have anything better to do like have real jobs or families.
  4. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from JayJayH in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    Lots of micro aggressions in this picture. Please provide a warning next time!
  5. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from JayJayH in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    SJW have turned into the kid that cried wolf. Running out of things that actually matter, the "oppressed" among us continue to look for injustices that don't exist because they don't have anything better to do like have real jobs or families.
  6. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    SJW have turned into the kid that cried wolf. Running out of things that actually matter, the "oppressed" among us continue to look for injustices that don't exist because they don't have anything better to do like have real jobs or families.
  7. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from Boiler in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    SJW have turned into the kid that cried wolf. Running out of things that actually matter, the "oppressed" among us continue to look for injustices that don't exist because they don't have anything better to do like have real jobs or families.
  8. Like
    ExPatty reacted to JayJayH in Social Justice Warriors are the new crazy kids on the block   
    As a Norwegian, I am beyond offended by the hipster beard culture. These people make a mockery of my heritage by growing beards with no understanding of the significance that beards had to my viking ancestors. I demand that hipsters stop growing beards, as it is incredibly insensitive to my culture. Also, if you're a Minnesota Vikings fan I demand that you recant your hurtful ways and burn your season pass.
    Or I could just choose not to be a whiny a$$hole, go on about my day and let people do what they want.
    Angry at anything that's more controversial than the color beige, the 'cultural appropriation' crowd are the useful idiots on the left who are going to get Donald Trump elected president.
    What on Earth is happening to free speech on college campuses? I've been offended multiple times during my college years, and luckily, I've probably offended a great number of people as well.
    What I gained through actually listening to people with vastly different backgrounds and viewpoints was a moral injunction to ignore insults, recognize the good intentions of those who accidentally said something offensive - And more importantly, to be civil and respectful towards those whom I disagree with.
    Learning is about challenging your own ideas, not being sheltered from uncomfortable points of view. Education is about expanding your own horizon, not silencing others to death when they don't reinforce your own narrative.
    I would rather cringe through hearing my foreign name mispronounced a million times in true 'Murican fashion, than meet someone who would rather not say my name for fear of somehow offending me.
    Political correctness is meant to keep public figures within some reasonable course of common decency. When it becomes a regressive tool for social justice warriors to conduct witch hunts with, everyone loses.
    http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/ - Excellent article on the impact this new culture of victimhood has on on the mental health of college students.
    "Some recent campus actions border on the surreal. In April, at Brandeis University, the Asian American student association sought to raise awareness of microaggressions against Asians through an installation on the steps of an academic hall. The installation gave examples of microaggressions such as “Aren’t you supposed to be good at math?” and “I’m colorblind! I don’t see race.” But a backlash arose among other Asian American students, who felt that the display itself was a microaggression. The association removed the installation, and its president wrote an e-mail to the entire student body apologizing to anyone who was “triggered or hurt by the content of the microaggressions.”
  9. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from mallafri76 in No-vacation Nation   
    The US does need to take a lesson from other countries, but I have had at least 3 weeks vacation almost immediately when I started working and currently have four (I'm not a high level exec, either).
    Two weeks is junk and not to say it's rare, but it's not rare to have more than two weeks, either.
  10. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from OriZ in What Is "Reverse Racism"? Here's Why It Doesn't Actually Exist in the United States   
    It's very childish and historically incompetent, this notion that racism is only injurious or meaningful when practiced by a group substantially in power of the economy and population. Tons of race-based violence and murder in history perpetrated by combative groups regardless of who was in power.
    This inaccurate understanding of what racism is (notice no silly talk about systems or government or other such tripe: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism)continues to be used by racists such as stay sore and ethug to excuse their own abhorrent views on white people as immaterial because they are not part of the majority class. Everyone knows it, too.
  11. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from OriZ in What Is "Reverse Racism"? Here's Why It Doesn't Actually Exist in the United States   
    Load of horse ####### promulgated by some [ignorant] minorities so that they can cower in the mud of their own hate and pretend they aren't dirty like the majority race right next to them. They use a bogus definition of racism to pretend racism is only capable if you exist in a system of privilege. Even though the definition racism has nothing to do with it.
  12. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from Boiler in NY Settles With Student Who Said He Was Discriminated Against For Being White   
    lol are you really this dumb or just playing it online? Islam is a religion. I thought as a pround ex muslim you would know that, unless you think you changed your race when you stopped practicing.
    If a white guy becomes a muslim what race is he?
    Oh jacky, you still mad about puffy Americans and fake cultural appropriation?
  13. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from Boiler in What Is "Reverse Racism"? Here's Why It Doesn't Actually Exist in the United States   
    It's very childish and historically incompetent, this notion that racism is only injurious or meaningful when practiced by a group substantially in power of the economy and population. Tons of race-based violence and murder in history perpetrated by combative groups regardless of who was in power.
    This inaccurate understanding of what racism is (notice no silly talk about systems or government or other such tripe: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism)continues to be used by racists such as stay sore and ethug to excuse their own abhorrent views on white people as immaterial because they are not part of the majority class. Everyone knows it, too.
  14. Like
    ExPatty reacted to Boiler in NY Settles With Student Who Said He Was Discriminated Against For Being White   
    According to the VJ experts as he is white he could not have suffered racism?.
  15. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from Boiler in Chicago Police Shot and Kill Teenager   
    My lovely young boy he never would have hurt anybody. He was getting his stuff together and dreamed to go to college one day! I mean, after some more gang banging that is, maybe assault a few more people, but he really was just a lovely young man. Police ripped him from us. Why couldn't they shoot the gun from his hand? Why did they have to kill him after he pointed a gun at them? I bet the gun was planted! And they also brought his corpse to a tattoo parlor on the way to the morgue and had those tats put on to help cover up the crime.
  16. Like
    ExPatty reacted to X Factor in You’re now a racist if you say schools need to be safer   
    Everything is so backwards. No wonder home schooling is appearing to be more appealing to an increasing number of parents
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    ExPatty reacted to OnMyWayID in You’re now a racist if you say schools need to be safer   
    I'd like to comment but only racists comment on threads about racism.
  18. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from OriZ in Student loans   
    Student loans are a scam to the degree they exist.
    Also people need to cut it out with toilet paper degrees that are worthless to employers. And we need to stop pandering to 18 year old's total lack of wisdom and letting them believe there is value to a sociology degree. Or social media studies or whatever modern ####### colleges are peddling.
  19. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from da doufu in Hillary Clinton Using Sandy Hook Victims as Political Props Just Backfired Completely   
    I hope this gets nastier because Clinton is a very large target.
    Allowing a manufacturer who legally sells something that is illegally used in a crime to be sued is ridiculous and we all know it. Hillary is going for easy points. Similar to when Trump shut her down and countered about her husband's infidelity when she tried to corner him on women's issues.
    I hope Sanders wins NY but the odds are against him. However, the gap has closed to around 10 points and it was 30-40 quite recently.
  20. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from da doufu in Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Dealers   
    To my surprise this was the headline story on cnn for a bit yesterday.
    What Clinton says is true of course, but BLM were never about truth and are incapable of reason, so it is great watching them prey on Clinton as well.
  21. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from da doufu in 2016 Presidential Election Results Are In   
    I blame this all on Biden. He should have run.
  22. Like
    ExPatty reacted to lostinblue in Student loans   
  23. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from da doufu in White guy accosted for having dreadlocks at San Fran University   
    Guy who was filming says he plans to press charges.
  24. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from TBoneTX in Fun and Games   
    Please God I don't want to listen to this person for another 4-8 years.
  25. Like
    ExPatty got a reaction from squareleg in No-vacation Nation   
    The US does need to take a lesson from other countries, but I have had at least 3 weeks vacation almost immediately when I started working and currently have four (I'm not a high level exec, either).
    Two weeks is junk and not to say it's rare, but it's not rare to have more than two weeks, either.
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