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Posts posted by alaskabound

  1. My hopes for the end of the week have crashed and burned. Called again. No interview yet. What's more, "Carla" actually recognized my voice from yesterday. Sigh. She said that October interviews are all full. Duh. She said to call back the second week of October! Ha. I said there's no way I will be able to wait that long. I told her another agent told me that they have already started scheduling for November. She said: yeahhhhh, you know what feel free to call back every week if you want. What date is it? I said September 26th. She said they do start scheduling near the end the of month, the beginning of the month and the middle of the month.

    I got absolutely nowhere. Sorry folks.

  2. If I recall, dwheels predicted they would start scheduling November today...

    AustinCanada, you know that tingly feeling at your fingertips? Don't fight the urge my friend: Dial up the NVC and let us know what they say. :)

    Alaskabound, you know NVC looks forward to speaking with yooouuuuuuu!

    Why oh why do I like to torture myself. FYI I called again, another 6 attempts, another 35 min on hold. No interview.

  3. Actually, I was thinking of creating a new VJ profile and posting tomorrow evening saying I am new and just got my interview date from NVC and they are scheduling November... Then waiting for you guys to call and report... :)

    Well that was my plan all along! Ha! Didn't you notice I just joined September 19th...just to mess with you!

    No, in all seriousness, after everything, I have never been given a glimmer of hope from any NVC phone line agent up until today. I have been phoning them at least once a week since April through every wait time, checklist, resubmit, wait time and extended wait time and so on. I am just pissed that one of them would say something to one person, and another agent would say something different to another. They would be better off just saying nothing. AHHHHH I just want this nightmare 14+months to be over. ...I probably should be posting this in the NVC ranting /moral support thread.

  4. I just talked to Penny from NVC. She didn't have an interview date for me. :dead:

    She also told me that they weren't scheduling any interviews yet. :bonk:

    She didn't know when they would start scheduling interviews. :blink:

    I'll call them back on Friday evening to see if I have my interview date. :whistle:

    Thanks for the update. So after calling on Wednesday, your plan to sit tight and wait until Friday is back on... for at least another day. :)

    I suspect the phone reps don't have a clue about when interviews are being scheduled or not. I don't trust anything they say on the subject aside from reading on their screen if we have an interview scheduled or not.

    I'll try to call in a couple hours or early tomorrow morning and will update the thread.

    I knew it was too early to call! :bonk: The only reason I called was I heard NVC had begun scheduling interviews. :dead:

    At this point, there is absolutely nothing we can do but wait for our interview date. :star:

    I might wait until next Monday to call them again (unless someone officially gets an interview date by Friday). :whistle:

    Sorry I was the cause of everyone getting all excited. I am still going to try to stay positive and hope for an interview to be assigned to someone by the end of this week!

  5. Hi everyone! Okay, well I do not want to get everyone too excited here, but I just phoned the NVC (I really do not have any more patience, and just had to). The lady on the phone line said "I don't see anything yet," regarding my case. I asked if they have started scheduling November interviews, and she said, "yes we have started scheduling November." I am speechless and so excited. I hope good news is just around the corner for all of us hoping to get interviews in November. Good luck!

    Just to let you know, my case was complete on September 10th (Canada), and my interview hasn't been scheduled yet. I am hoping they do it in order, but you never know given the comments and data people have submitted.

  6. Thanks for posting this info to the thread! Out of curiosity, at what time (eastern time zone) did you call?

    We got CC almost 2 weeks ago and they were still scheduling October interviews on that day... I'm ready for November round 1! Ok, I may be freaking out just a little... :)

    I phoned around 10:30am est. I hope we start hearing some people getting interview dates soon (tomorrow, Thursday?!). We also had our Case Complete on a day while they were still scheduling for October interviews. Someone on the spreadsheet from the same Embassy as me (Canada) was notified of their interview date the day after I got my CC! I am really really hoping to not have to wait too much longer to find out!

  7. Hi everyone! I cannot believe I only became aware of this site now! Nearly at the end of this dreadful process that began for me in August of 2013. I had my case complete confirmed by NVC on Sept 10th, so I am one of those hopefuls for getting an interview date in the next round I believe, according to the amazing spreadsheet you have put together dwheels. Thank you! You have given me hope! My 2 year old, my 6 month old (both US citizens) and I are dying to be with my husband again and starting our life together in Alaska! I really am excited to find out if the interviews for Canada will start being scheduled soon. Thank you to everyone who contributes here and answers questions, I have read every post and will be following you advice to the letter to see this process to the end.

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