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Posts posted by DarkKiss

  1. I have a question for anyone knowledgeable in the area of VA Disability based on service connected disability and disability retirement income from government employment also based on my service-connected disability. Reason for question is, these also are some of my source of income. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it true that although these two sources of income can be used to support the requirements of the Affidavit of Support, the VA Disability can not be touched for garnishment or court cases. I know that the IRS can not touch you VA Disability because it is technically not considered income for tax purposes and I do not file it as income on my taxes. Just thinking maybe I can dodge a bullet that way if Immigrant decides to enforce the 1-864 in any court?

  2. To lovemyman from DarkKiss: Yes my dear friend, I should have listened to your advice. You suspected something was amiss while he was still in the DR. I only wished I had heeded your warning. Love is blind. In hindsight, I was not very attentive to the advice of a dear friend. Thanks so much for all your support during the process. Just wished I would have listened to your instinct about that Man!!?

    Thanks my friend.

  3. Hello friend, so sorry for you.

    Yes, person like that make immigration process hard here.

    Dorty to hear he did that to you,

    It was a expensive process for you.

    I hooe things are ok for you now.

    It is very sad when you love someone and that person doesnt love you. Yes my dear friend, I should have listened to your advice. You suspected something was amiss while he was still in the DR. I only wished I had heeded your warning. Love is blind. In hindsight, I was not very attentive to the advice of a dear friend. Thanks so much for all your support during the process. Just wished I would have listened to your instinct about that Man!!?

    Thanks my friend.

  4. I really don't know what to expect from him. I don't trust that he will just let it go based on th character of person that he is. Since reading all of your comments, I honestly believe he WILL try to force the I-864 issue. I will prepare for whatever I can do to avoid having to support him. IT IS SO UNFAIR! I know that I signed the dang I864 but there should be some relief for ME since I was obviously victimized. I'll just wait and be prepared for the worst when and if it comes to that. Such a shame! I feel so violated???

    Well I know of two people who did and their ex was deported and know a person who submitted their evidence and ask to be released from the AOS and she was, so it does happen, not that much, but it does happen.

    Your comment gives me hope. I will personal message you for any details you can provide. Thanks in advance.
  5. You know its a wonderful thing you can speak about your situation...I wouldn't go as far as saying you were an idiot...you went into this with purest of intentions..he did not. Once he presented his true self to you, you moved quickly to have the marriage dissolved.

    As far as his current state of welfare, I would do a little more research to ensure you are no longer obligated to him in any financial aspect. The AOS form states that you are responsible for the beneficiary until naturaliztion (check me on that) and divorce does not eliminate the pettioner from financial responsibility.

    I'm sure that due to his abandonment of the marriage, coupled with the evidence was the reason the divorce was granted.

    i will stay alert to the I-864. If he presses the issue......well let's just say, he WILL regret it ? percent!!!! Not a threat...a promise!!!
  6. If he has statements of co mingling finances or anything like that he can use it. Fraud is not a legal ground for divorce in Texas (adultery, cruelty, felony conviction and abandonment). If it's mentioned in the final divorce decree then he may have difficulty. I'm sorry that you had to deal with this. If you are concerned about him being here, feel free to provide USCIS with any information.

    The sad, hard truth is that he likely could live under the radar using his SSN permanently providing he doesn't want to leave the country or commit a crime.

    we did not co-mingle finances. He opened a bank account in his own name, so taking that as a hint, I kept all my accounts in my maiden name. I didn't change anything. When I purchased the car, he insisted it be registered to him and he placed his own insurance. From that point on, I suspected something amiss, but couldn't confirm, so I left all my finances and credit cards, and utilities etc in my maiden name. I had nothing in his name and I didn't open any news accounts in his last name. We had nothing in both of our names. My Texas divorce was specifically written to reflect based on adultery, which I proved from evidence, abandonment, proven, and Fraudulent marriage. By him not filing an answer, after being officially served,

    I was granted a No-Response Divorce and the judge granted all of my requests.

  7. Yes I remember you! We were going through the process at the same time. Sorry to hear about your situation, you found out in time. It is unfortunate but everything happens for a reason.

    Thanks so much. I'm happy now. I'm involved with a wonderful loving man and I feel very blessed to be out of that relationship. I invested over $10,000 dollars in him, the whole process, paid by me. I feel like the biggest idiot in the world, but it happens to the best of us. I'm better off now!
  8. He can file to remove conditions as soon as the divorce was complete.

    can you explain? My divorce states that the marriage was based on fraud. I also documented all incidents, photos, recorded statements made by him to me, statements from other women and me about his intentions. Oh yes, he was so stupid to admit everything. I called him after he left and got him to admit everything while I recorded the conversation!!! So tell me how can he remove conditions, if anything I should have had him removed. We lived together for 8 months. He abandoned the marriage by moving in with someone else. I'm ex-military so I keep RECORDS of everything!
  9. Many of you will probably not remember me but I applied for fiancée for man from DR. Everything went well. He was approved interview in Nov 2014. He came to US Dec 2014. We married the same month. I did all of his paperwork, he received his permit to work, SSN, Drivers license. I got him a job and bought him a car. He received his Green Card in April 2015 WITHOUT INTERVIEW due to an expedite request that I submitted based on medical. As soon as he received his green card, he left the marriage and started living with another man. It took me a few months to get past the deception that he had most likely planned from the beginning of the relationship, in order to obtain a visa and green card. I filed for a divorce. I didn't know where he lived so I had him served but Sheriff at his place of employment. He did not file an answer to agree or contest the divorce . The judge granted me a divorce in February 2016. People like HIM are the reason why honest and sincere people have such a hard time being approved in the DR!!! I'm happy though because he only has the 2 year green card and next year he will have to either return to DR or stay here illegally. Not a smart move on his part since you can not apply for citizenship until you've been here for 5 years. I recently heard some info about him from one of his co-workers and it appears he is having a bad time at work and no longer has a place to live. He is sharing an apartment with two other coworkers and that's not working out well. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

  10. Hello my friend. Its been almost one year since we spoke. I'm so happy for you. As for me, my DR husband was a fraud. As so as he received his green card, he moved out and moved in with another man. I was so hurt to realize that after all of the money, time, and getting him expedited due to my medical condition, he left. It's a long story, so I will inbox you the details. In short, he arrived in Dec 2014, we we married, got work permit, SSN, driver's license, the works.., I asked for an expedite on his green card and he received it in April 2015. After he received green card, he changed into a totally different person. He started traveling to different states visiting different women that had also met on the dating site. He would disappear without notice and show up days later. The first time he did it, I was so worried that I put a missing person report out on him....anyway HE is one of the reasons WHY the Honest and sincere immigrants from the DR have such a hard time getting approved.

    So happy for you though. It appears that AP was a Godsend for you.

  11. OMG my dear friend. I am so so sorry that they treated you that way. When I read your story, I felt like it was ME in your place. Horrible Horrible treatment of such a kind and helpful person.

    It's time for you to get ugly with them. By ugly, I mean pulling out all the stops, big guns, everything!!!!!

    Senator, Governor, Consulate Top Guns, whoever, whatever.........Justice needs to be served on your behalf.

    NEVER SURRENDER :ranting: That's what they want, but don't give the the satisfaction, GIVE Them CONVICTION in YOUR INNOCENCE :protest:

    They have won a few small battles, but the WAR is not over. Don't give up. Someone has stolen your identify and it's time for them to give it BACK and clear your name..

    God be with you Dear Friend. (F)

  12. So I called USCIS and this is what I was told.

    The biometrics is for the fingerprints and photos for the GC and for EAD. They said that he should receive another appointment within a month for the interview for the AOS.

    Does this sound like this could be the correct response? I trust my friends her on VJ more that I do USCIS. I know it's crazy :rofl: ,, but VJers have not been wrong yet. :dancing:

    Yes, that's the notice for the biometrics. They will take fingerprints and a photo. Later, he will get another notification, either a waiver or the actual interview notice, with the place, day and time...it looks like a checklist.

    Your husband will get his EAD/AP card 90 days later or less after the biometrics.


    Thanks Abby! As I said in my last post, that I was typing when Abby, responded, VJer's rock!!!! :dancing::dancing:

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