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Posts posted by DarkKiss

  1. I still believe, as I have said to you many times before, someone has used your identity. It may have been stolen a long time ago and you were not aware of it until now.

    That's why here in the U.S. is a good thing to check your credit often, and to sign up for credit monitoring, because Identity Theft is very prevalent in the United States.

    I know that you probably can not sign up for anything like that over in the DR, but I still say I.D. Theft is the culprit. Let us know what the lawyer tells you.

    Moderators, please delete this post. It is a duplicate. Thanks.

  2. I still believe, as I have said to you many times before, someone has used your identity. It may have been stolen a long time ago and you were not aware of it until now.

    That's why here in the U.S. is a good thing to check your credit often, and to sign up for credit monitoring, because Identity Theft is very prevalent in the United States.

    I know that you probably can not sign up for anything like that over in the DR, but I still say I.D. Theft is the culprit. Let us know what the lawyer tells you.

  3. I still believe, as I have said to you many times before, someone has used your identity. It may have been stolen a long time ago and you were not aware of it until now.

    That's why here in the U.S. is a good thing to check your credit often, and to sign up for credit monitoring, because Identity Theft is very prevalent in the United States.

    I know that you probably can not sign up for anything like that over in the DR, but I still say I.D. Theft is the culprit. Let us know what the lawyer tells you.

  4. First at the consulate say that my fiance the usc had criminal record, the he sent his records clear, when the got it, then they said that me the beneficiary had criminal records. I sent my police certificate again on october 31,

    Now on november 14 they sent me a letter asking by

    my criminal history and inmigration hitorial written by myself, signed, sworn and notarized.

    The problem is:how can i write my criminals records if i dont have criminal records and never i have been arrest?

    How can i write my inmigration historial if i havent travel to any country?

    Any dominican here that they are requering the same thing here?

    Or if someone know what to do, i will apreciate.

    I would write exactly what you just said. " I do not have a criminal record. I have never traveled outside of the DR. I have never been arrested." Sign it, and have it notarized by a lawyer and send that to them!!!!!

  5. YO NO PUEDO CREER. :angry:​ Todavia ellos siguen con LAS MISMAS ESTUPIDES!!! :ranting: ESO no es JUSTO. :protest:

    Oh Mi Dios, yo no se para decirte amiga. La unica cosa que yo puedo decirte es contractas un abogado. Yo se que va a ser muy caro, pero por el fin, el abogado puedes poner en orden los asuntos.

    De acuerdo, no escribes nada acerca de nada. Si quieres escribir algo, escribes que, NO TENGO NADA con la policia, ni nada con los cortes, ni nada, con antecedentes penales y permite que un abogado certifique ESO.

    MIS oraciones son para ti, mi amiga. Confia en Dios!

  6. Great News! He decided to muster up the courage to call and demand results of his medical. They told him that everything was good and that the urine test that they requested was NEGATIVE!!

    We have no idea what they were testing for, but it seems that the insomnia medicine must have triggered something that required them to request a urine test. We are just relieved that everything is ok now.

    If any of you can take anyway anything from this experience, I would advise to declare any medicines that you have doubts about when you fill out the questionnare. It appears that those doctors overturn every stone looking for anything that may be out of the ordinary or unusual.

    Thanks again my friends for all of your help and advise. Interview is Wednesday. We are praying for an approval. Will post results afterwards. Thanks again guys. VISA Journey ROCKS!,,,

  7. Our embassy tells us that the results will be sent directly to them, I think this is becoming more standard practice though it may not be reflected on their website. It's hard to say don't worry, but until he goes to the interview I would say have the doctor note that states it's a prescribed medication just in case, and if that was it then he can retake the urine test, they shouldn't flat out deny him if you have a doctor’s note for the medicine he was taking. They may question it, but if he redoes the DS160 and brings that new confirmation page with him then he shouldn't have a problem, he may be delayed, but it shouldn't be a problem.

    Thanks to everyone for your time and input. We will just wait and see what happens during his interview on the 19th. I will definitely keep everyone posted as I think this will be a game changer and something that everyone needs to be aware of when filing out their medical exam questionnaires.

    Best to give them too much info that not enough, me thinks. IMHO.

    Will keep everyone updated.

  8. Yeah I helped my fiance to fill out the DS160 and I don't remember ANYWHERE on the form where it asks for that kind of information.

    To the OP: urine drug tests typically screen for all the major drugs as well as those in the benzodiazepine class (i.e. drugs like Xanax, Valium etc). I'm not sure if Dormital falls into this category, but relax if he has a legitimate medical reason to take it he should be fine. People at the Embassy live in DR too and realize that it's not as strict as the US regarding prescriptions needed for medications. Lots of other countries are like this! Hopefully he disclosed this during his medical exam to the doctor already- he would've been asked what medications he takes and what medical conditions he has. Lots of people suffer from insomnia (I myself do!), so just be prepared to give an explanation if he's asked about this at the interview. A simple statement from the pharmacist-perhaps on their letterhead or a script pad- stating the pharmacists name, medication and reason for taking it should suffice.

    Well I just told him to stop all actions on the new DS-160. I have never seen the DS-160 Form, so I just assumed that they asked about medications on it.

    If they don't, then it would not make sense to re-do it. I told him to ask Pharmacist for letter and to call the embassy and explain that he forgot to indicate it on his medical questionnaire and ask for advice. That's all we can do now and just be ready to make a explanation during the interview.

  9. Are DS160 application different between consulates?

    If not, I am not seeing where it asks about medications or medical conditions. The only question I see asks if you are a drug ABUSER or ADDICT. Using medication in the proper way, the proper dose, for the proper condition does not make you a drug abuser. I am so confused now. My fiance is completing his DS160 today. He has asthma and uses an inhaler. I do not see anywhere on the DS160 that asks for medications used or medical conditions. I've only seen that on the medical exam questionnaire.

    Your fiancee should be ok as long as, when he fills out the medical exam questionnaire, he indicates ALL his medications on it. My fiance did not tell them anything about the insomnia medicine, when he filled out the medical exam questionnaire, that's why I think we are going through this problem. To be safe, I guess in the future, we all should put down every single medicine we take, even if is an aspirin!!! Just Kidding, But Tell him to put everything he is taking, that's all I can advise.

  10. Negative; it is eszopiclone (AKA Lunesta), which is a z-drug (like Ambien). I don't know if they show up on a test that includes benzodiazepines, which I presume USCIS tests would include.

    so if it IS like Ambien and he gets it from the Pharmacy, can he get the Pharmacist to give him proof that he gives it to him? Is that even an option in the DR? I know you need a doctor's script for that here in the U.S.
  11. The doctor should tell your fiance if there is something wrong. The doctor who did my medical, she brought my medical results to the embassy and she called me informing me that she already submitted my medical results and I am fine, nothing to worry about. I guess, it depends to the embassy or the doctor.

    I hope you are right! We will still try to cover all bases just in case. Thanks for taking the time to give me your input.
  12. It is a shame that someone cannot take a "prescription medication, from a doctor".,..,.,,for a minor problem.,.,.,.,as I take a 1/2 milligram of Xanax every night, due to anxiety, does that make me an addict? If so, so be it.,.,.,.it is what it is!

    I totally 100% agree with you, but ........we have to please the higher authorities ... I suppose......oh well, as I said before, We don't even really know WHAT the reasons for sending results to the Embassy are, because the doctor gave no information or indications for what it might be. We are just trying to cover all bases. Could be something totally different, God Forbid, but after brain-storming, the medicine is the only thing we could think of. He is hoping to re-do the DS-160 and put the medicine on it and explain the rest to the CO. I'll ask about getting a note from a doctor, if that is even possible. There is a Hospital there but it looks smaller than a walk-in clinic here in Houston. We'll see what happens and keep everyone informed.
  13. dormital is like a sedative or hypnotic as we say. Sounds like it is a barbituate like phenobarbital . These drugs have multi uses those some as sedatives to make you sleep, others to stop you from having convulsions or seizures. His reason is purely to help him sleep. I think the key ingredient is dormital if im not mistaken is just diphenhydramine like In Benadryl. I would say he see if he can get a doctors note for the interview describing medical necessity for the medication. Otherwise, I'd resubmit the form clarifying any medication use. While barbiturates aren't "hard drugs" such as your scheduled II morphines hydromorphones hydrocodonses they can still "show up" in urine .

    i advised him to re-do the Ds-160 although I got some push back because he still believes that because the medicine from the Pharmacist, it will not be a problem. After explaining how this might be viewed by the CO! He relented and will re-do the DS-160.
  14. yep. If you think it could cause an issue, I believe you can go in and edit the DS160 if it has not been submitted. if it has, see if a new one can be 'updated' or simply be prepared to answer (if indeed the sleeping pill is the issue) reason why he takes it. If you want a piece of mind perhaps doctor can write a confirming note or statement proving it medically necessary to take the pill

    The medicine is called "novo insomnium " . He takes it in 3mg. It's expensive so if he can't afford it he gets a cheaper brand called "dormital". Let me know ok
  15. good idea just to ask. Yes pharmacies in the DR are more free, I did missionary work there so it is the truth. Hope it all works out. wonder if he did forget to disclose any medications he uses if he can resubmit a DS160? Or, he will just have to bite the bullet at the interview and disclose there. Would be great to get a doctor's note but.. doubt it works like that in the DR stateting or proving necessity for certain medications.

    Since He hasn't submitted the Ds-160 yet, I think I'm going to tell him to re-do it and indicate that he uses that medicine for insomnia. Great idea . Thanks a bunch!!!!!! It can't hurt me thinks.
  16. if he was taking any form of medication If I were him I would have stated it on his medical questionnaire and the reason being. As a nurse I know patients take chronic scheduled II narcotic drugs to keep them someone what pain free strong drugs such as morphine, oxycontin, oxycodone ect. If there is any reason a person would need a sleeping aid such as zolpidem (ambien) or any other sleeping aid even Benadryl, it is good practices for cases such as these to list any known medications and reason being, (E.G. insomnia, pain, whatever)

    I will ask him what he indicated on the Medical form when they asked him if he was taking any medications and also what he put on the DS-160. If he said NO on both, then we have our answer. RED Flag!!! OMG.

  17. I have advised my fiance to stop taking the insomnia medicine. I've been doing some research and found that the CO may determine that he is a drug abuser even if it's an over-the-counter-medicine, so to speak. :ranting:

    The Embassy may even delay the visa until he passes 4 clean urine tests. :wow: That's harsh because, we can go to CVS or Walgreens and get medicine to help us sleep and this would not even be considered drug abuse. I'm NOT saying that this will be the case during his interview, I'm just preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

    I also discovered that a person who lives in a small city in the DR like where my fiance lives, there are no major markets or food stores. When a resident feels sick, he can just go the the Farmacia and tell the Pharmacist what's bothering him and the Pharmacist will just give him a medicine. The majority of the residents are very poor and couldn't afford a doctor if they needed one.

    This is what happened to my Fiance. I also remember when I took a not so glamorous spill during on of my visits to see him, he just went to the Farmacia and told the Pharmacist that I had twisted my knee. He came out of store with two pills that seemed to have been cut from a pack of pills. He told me that the pharmacist stated that this would help my knee. I have to admit, that I was pretty skeptical, but I was in pain, so I only took one, and put the other one in my purse. When I got back to the United States, I googled the pill and came to find out that it was plain naproxen, similar to Aleve.

    I'm just praying everything works out for us and if he has to take the dreaded sets of urine tests, I guess this will set us back at least another six months or so in AP. Just thinking, thinking, thinking. Thanks for listening guys.

  18. Here's a thread here from 2012 but all report their results were sent to consult no issues for them.

    And it does say ion your info page "Medical results will be delivered to the Embassy following the exam."


    Thanks dwheels but I think it's old info because the Embassy Page in the DR states that NOW the results are given to the applicant. I just pray that it's the meds.

  19. So I just spoke with my fiancé and he told me that last month he began to have insomnia because of the immigration stress so he went to the pharmacy and the pharmacist gave him this pill and I can't pronounce it, but he told me that he takes one every night to help him sleep.

    He said that it is given by the pharmacist and not illegal. That's the only thing that he thinks could be the reason. He does not take any other drugs except that one. I'm thinking that this was the reason for the urine test.

    I don't know how things work in the DR as far as getting medicine from Pharmacist versus getting prescription from doctor. Anyone with information, please let me know how this works and what affect this can have on him at the interview.

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