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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. It does to anyone who served or used to serve. Guess for some of us, that matters.

    And I'm waiting for your reply. Would you say that Bush was a better President than Obama?

    Maybe you should spare a little bit of indignation for former service members who shoot up city blocks

    The POTUS is weak, divisive, and ineffective. The sooner he and his 'just-us' department are out of there the better

  2. That's sort of what I was thinking when I saw the video. He never stopped struggling and his right arm was never secured.

    Sometimes obsessed people are just better off in their "happy place" because when their "happy place" is disturbed it potentially sets them off. Probably what happened in Dallas.

  3. is tbone expat's personal vj editor? mods might want to keep in mind, if you follow a topic-the original un-tbone proofed comment is available to see..shameful, really. it's one thing to remove a bad word. but this is moderation aiding posters in harassing other members within the bounds of tos. just shut this thread down. since moderation clearly can't manage their bias.

    I've served way more time in the VJ lockup than you have and in this thread all I'm doing is innocently posting stats. I would love to discuss your stats with you if you have any?

  4. Because after all the conclusion that police on a man with a gun threatening call really shot a guy for selling CD's and moving and that whole gun threat thing is irrelevent and not really worth mentioning was such a unique application of analysis and logic we really need feedback from the same source on why traffic stops on targeted people happen at a lower percentage than their population in our second largest state.

  5. Two things:

    1. The cop still had his gun pointed at them while the BF bled out in the car. I'd wager she really didn't have a choice. Had she'd made any other movements or even raised her voice, he might have shot her as well. At that point, it was about survival and making sure she stayed alive for her daughter's sake.

    2. This is what it's like to grow up here in America. A reality we all have to be burdened with when dealing with the police, no matter how much we comply, there's always going to be a chance we are going to be targeted. Every woke black person is fully aware of it and when it happens, you either die on your knees trying to comply or you die "resisting" trying to protect yourself.

    I wonder how you can say "black people are targeted" when according to REAL data black people are the Only group where traffic stop statistics show they are stopped at a lower percentage than whites or hispanics relative to their population? Reworded on percent population whites and hispanics are stopped at higher rates, blacks at lower rates, and yet blacks are "targeted". Can you explain this tale you keep telling Marvin? Blacks are also shot by police on at a lower rate than they participate in crimes. If they are "targeted" shouldnt it be higher and not lower?


  6. Obama actually said don't judge all by the actions of a few, in reference to the police shooting. I think we live in a parallel universe now.

    Of course he also said the way Hillary treated those around her when no one was watching was a testimony to her character.

    Again is anybody that stupid

    Obama always comes through when hope and change needs to be dispensed. Of course that message doesnt apply when it comes to judging NRA members by the actions of a "he could have been my son" terrorist with no mention of the New Black Panther party he identified with on his social media account.

    Thanks Obama!

  7. Yeah, i've talked to them a few times these past couple of months and they are still doing it but not daily like before. We ended up parking one of our cars on the driveway instead of inside the garage to make sure they know that they can't park even partially in front of the driveway.

    And now they opted to park just in front of our house and NOT in front of their house (maybe bc of the tree shade, idk) It just annoys me, i guess they don't know common courtesy... and to top it off, they are not friendly at all!

    We had a neighbor in Houston who had to deal with people parking under his tree and partially blocking his driveway when they played soccer at the fields on the end of the street. Soccer fields had plenty of parking but if they parked there they wouldnt have to walk as far + they had shade.

    Finally he got tired of it

    He bought a big water sprinkler at Home Depot, the size you can practically water a field with. For two weekends in a row he set that sprinkler on "fixed" and whenever they parked there he turned it on with water pouring over the entire car.

    Two weekends was enough. Nobody parked there the rest of the summer. I never knew the guy, just waved from time to time when I would push my daughter's stroller around but that halloween we had a good laugh about it. I told him next year we would pony up for his water bill if he had to do it again.

    It was the best and most effective 'no parking' message i've ever seen. My wife and I still laugh about it.

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