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Not a Tailor

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    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Supreme Court rules states must allow same-sex marriage   
    Texas isn't going anywhere. Don't you worry your pretty little head, sweetheart.
    From your link, again, dear. The license has been issued. It's done. It's over. Hood County fell.
  2. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Teddy B in Supreme Court rules states must allow same-sex marriage   
    Texas isn't going anywhere. Don't you worry your pretty little head, sweetheart.
    From your link, again, dear. The license has been issued. It's done. It's over. Hood County fell.
  3. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from We Keep Receipts in Supreme Court rules states must allow same-sex marriage   
    Texas isn't going anywhere. Don't you worry your pretty little head, sweetheart.
    From your link, again, dear. The license has been issued. It's done. It's over. Hood County fell.
  4. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Mr. Big Dog in Illegal Alien/Undocumented Random Act of Violence   
    The US economy has never been a closed system. The US does not produce most of the goods sold within the US. The US does not produce all or even 3/4 of the food sold within the US at this point--look in your grocery store sometime. Many people who are in the 1% are not US-born but came to the US because of how many tax shelter options they have by being here.
    The US economy is entirely dependent on other countries. The biggest things that have eroded the US economy is 1) tax loopholes for the very wealthy, 2) sending manufacturing jobs overseas and 3) sending phone and internet customer service jobs overseas.
    Abruptly cut off US trade with all other nations for a year and see how 'closed' the system is then. The economy would destabilize and crumble within a month.
  5. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Rob L in Dylann Roof’s sister sought donations to pay for wedding, honeymoon after church shootings   
    She may also be a victim, but sometimes you take a personal hit and get a disappointment. Sometimes, that's just the right thing to do. This is one of those cases.
  6. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Polygamous Montana trio applies for wedding license   
    I do believe that, one day, polygamy will be completely legal. I thoroughly believe that. It will take so much consideration and legal change, though, that it is quite some way off.

    For example: How many spouses can someone have on their healthcare plan? How do you tax a family with three adults? How do the legalities of three parents of a child work?

    They're not insurmountable questions, certainly. But they are questions that are going to take a lot of legal discussion before polygamy can be legalized in our society.
  7. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Greek villagers secret weapon: Grow your own food   
    And hey, look at the welfare that America gets from Bangladesh and Thailand in the form of cheap manpower!
  8. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Oregon launches program to tax drivers by the mile   
    Maybe do it quarterly or monthly for the first year, so they can figure out your average monthly use and you don't have a huge lump sum all at once at the end of the year. Then, the next year, charge you based on your use from the previous year, each month/quarter and check at the end of the year. You get a refund if you've driven less and a bill if you've driven more. Drivers whose driving habits have changed should be allowed to have it done more often. Businesses who own vehicles should pay the tax fee for company owned vehicles that are not handed out for personal use (example: A trucking company should pay the tax for a truck that drives for them. A business executive given a vehicle for personal use for his family should have to pay his own, even if the vehicle is on loan from the company).

    Ooh, or why couldn't people upload photos of their odometer and be issued an automatic bill based on that each month/quarter and have it verified once per year at licensing to make sure they're not cheating?
  9. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from OnMyWayID in Polygamous Montana trio applies for wedding license   
    I do believe that, one day, polygamy will be completely legal. I thoroughly believe that. It will take so much consideration and legal change, though, that it is quite some way off.

    For example: How many spouses can someone have on their healthcare plan? How do you tax a family with three adults? How do the legalities of three parents of a child work?

    They're not insurmountable questions, certainly. But they are questions that are going to take a lot of legal discussion before polygamy can be legalized in our society.
  10. Like
    Not a Tailor reacted to jyaku in George Takei: Justice Thomas 'a clown in blackface'   
    From: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefi...n-in-blackface

    Dissenting in the 5-4 Supreme Court same-sex marriage case, Thomas, an African-American, reflected on the origins of human dignity within society, invoking the belief that humans have God-given "inherent worth."

    "That vision is the foundation upon which this Nation was built. The corollary of that principle is that human dignity cannot be taken away by the government. Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved," Thomas wrote.

    "Those held in internment camps did not lose their dignity because the government confined them," Thomas wrote. "And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away."

    Takei responded to Thomas' remarks in the case, Obergefell v. Hodges, reflecting in an MSNBC op-ed on his time in a Japanese-American internment camp as a young boy.

    "I was only a child when soldiers with bayonetted rifles marched up our driveway in Los Angeles, banged on our door, and ordered us out," Takei wrote.

    "I remember my mothers’ tears as we gathered what little we could carry, and then were sent to live for many weeks in a single cramped horse stall at the Santa Anita racetracks."

    Takei reflected on his family's assets being frozen and their family being shipped by railcar a few months later to Arkansas where they "slept inside bug-infested barracks, ate in a noisy mess hall, and relieved ourselves in common latrines that had no walls between the stalls."

    "To say that the government does not bestow or grant dignity does not mean it cannot succeed in stripping it away through the imposition of unequal laws and deprivation of due process. At the very least, the government must treat all its subjects with equal human dignity," he wrote.

    In the Fox 10 interview, Takei also mentioned rape scenes from the movie "12 Years a Slave."

    "And he says they had dignity as slaves?" Takei asked.

    "My parents lost everything that they worked for in the middle of their lives in their thirties. My father's business, our home, our freedom. And we're supposed to call that dignified?" Takei continued.

    "This man does not belong on the Supreme Court. He is an embarrasment. He is a disgrace to America."

    "He is a clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry," the former "Star Trek" star said in an interview with Fox 10 this week in Phoenix, standing alongside his longtime partner and husband.

    "For him to say slaves had dignity ... I mean, doesn't he know slaves were chained? That they were whipped on the back?" Takei asked..

    Woah! Warp 10 from Mr. Sulu! Pretty scathing and 100% dead on. George pulled no punches at all. My head is spinning from the enlightenment he offered.
    But it's amazing how eloquently and intelligently he speaks from his own experience. Thomas is just a sack of guano. He has no clue what he's talking about and he's a sitting SCOTUS judge.. if there's anyone that should be impeached/ removed from the SCOTUS it's Thomas.

  11. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Jacque67 in Dylann Roof’s sister sought donations to pay for wedding, honeymoon after church shootings   
    The enormous balls on this woman. Holy . I can't believe she thought she'd get away with that or that it was appropriate. Holy .
  12. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in The @nytimes declared war on Texas when they suggested adding green peas to guacamole   
    It makes the guacamole 'higher protein' and 'lower fat' and it sounds absolutely appalling.
  13. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Darnell in No, Polygamy Isn’t the Next Gay Marriage   
    When science creates a sheep capable of understanding a marriage contract, I will fully support a man's right to marry a sheep.
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    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Mr. Big Dog in Ex-ISU Scientist Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison   
    Good. Fraud is fraud and every time someone pulls something like this, it hurts the entire academic community and makes it harder for everyone to get funding. Grants are drying up left right and centre and someone pulling something like this makes it harder to get the grants that are needed to continue avenues of research that are possible. For example, Cho, the researcher this man worked with, is still working on vaccines, especially ones for HIV and now his work will be dismissed much more easily, things that show some hope but need more development will be dismissed just because he was the one who found them.
  17. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Ex-ISU Scientist Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison   
    Good. Fraud is fraud and every time someone pulls something like this, it hurts the entire academic community and makes it harder for everyone to get funding. Grants are drying up left right and centre and someone pulling something like this makes it harder to get the grants that are needed to continue avenues of research that are possible. For example, Cho, the researcher this man worked with, is still working on vaccines, especially ones for HIV and now his work will be dismissed much more easily, things that show some hope but need more development will be dismissed just because he was the one who found them.
  18. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Ex-ISU Scientist Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison   
    Good. Fraud is fraud and every time someone pulls something like this, it hurts the entire academic community and makes it harder for everyone to get funding. Grants are drying up left right and centre and someone pulling something like this makes it harder to get the grants that are needed to continue avenues of research that are possible. For example, Cho, the researcher this man worked with, is still working on vaccines, especially ones for HIV and now his work will be dismissed much more easily, things that show some hope but need more development will be dismissed just because he was the one who found them.
  19. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from TBoneTX in Ex-ISU Scientist Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison   
    Good. Fraud is fraud and every time someone pulls something like this, it hurts the entire academic community and makes it harder for everyone to get funding. Grants are drying up left right and centre and someone pulling something like this makes it harder to get the grants that are needed to continue avenues of research that are possible. For example, Cho, the researcher this man worked with, is still working on vaccines, especially ones for HIV and now his work will be dismissed much more easily, things that show some hope but need more development will be dismissed just because he was the one who found them.
  20. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from We Keep Receipts in A Tennessee store put up a "no gays allowed" sign — and it's totally legal   
    I'm sure they will.
    And then I'm sure that he will feel attacked and claim that the gays are targetting him and ruining his livelihood.
    And then someone will set up a gofundme for him.
    And then he'll make two years' wages in ten minutes.
    And then the right wing will feel vindicated that they have stood up against the evil gays.
    And then various left wing groups will use this as a basis for one of dozens of upcoming lawsuits to begin tearing down the barriers that still remain for GLBT equality, focussing more heavily on the GLB and leaving the T largely out of it.
    And then in about ten years the Supreme Court will declare signs such as these unconstitutional, about the same time as nation-wide same sex workplace protections for GLB folks.
    And then about ten years after that, transgender folks will finally get something approaching equality, once they get employment protection.
  21. Like
    Not a Tailor reacted to Sousuke in California Vaccination Bill SB 277 Signed By Governor, Becomes Law   
    There is still freedom. The parents can still skip the vaccines and home school.
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    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Penny Lane in California Vaccination Bill SB 277 Signed By Governor, Becomes Law   

    Good. It's about time the anti-vax crowd lost their foothold on California.

    Though I'll bet that within the year, we see this one go to court and there be long, drawn out lawsuits about 'parental choice.'

    Personally, I don't think that it's 'parental choice' to make your child a public health risk. I think that's negligence. Yes, there are children for whom vaccines are contraindicated and those children should absolutely not receive them, but parents who make the 'choice' not to vaccinate are making the choice to play russian roulette with the children who can't be vaccinated. That shouldn't be allowed.
  23. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from Jacque67 in Josh Duggar Accused of Molesting Several Sisters as a Teen: Reports   
    Once people are already speculating about your identity, it's much easier to come forward than before, when no one is looking at you at all.
  24. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Josh Duggar Accused of Molesting Several Sisters as a Teen: Reports   
    Once people are already speculating about your identity, it's much easier to come forward than before, when no one is looking at you at all.
  25. Like
    Not a Tailor got a reaction from elmcitymaven in No, Polygamy Isn’t the Next Gay Marriage   
    When science creates a sheep capable of understanding a marriage contract, I will fully support a man's right to marry a sheep.
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