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Gloria asamoah

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Posts posted by Gloria asamoah

  1. Soo happy and finally able to breathe again after waiting for 2 months I finally got the notice oath was mailed. Thank you guys sooooo much for all your encouragement and positive words that kept me strong through this wait! 🙏🙏 

    Although the interview was a very tough one everything still went through 

  2. 2 hours ago, DallasDreamy said:

    @Gloria asamoah - What has helped me in some of the dark /depressing moments that enveloped me is to think of this entire process as a Marathon and we are at the very near end. Only a few more steps to go.... Yes it IS tiring, stressful, worrisome, lonely, depressing and feels like the weigh of the world is us but just hang in there for a few more steps...... Sometimes, if something is not completely clear for the Officer, they usually seek a second opinion of a supervisor before making a final decision. There are several threads in the forum that started with "A Decision Cannot be Made..." to "Oath Ceremony Scheduled".  


    I read somewhere (not able to recall) - Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart:star:


    You have lots of VJ Marathoners here who wish you nothing but success!!!

    Thank you 🙏 soo much for soo much encouragement it really helps a lot! 

    2 hours ago, Ife2020 said:

    It’s a manifesting ritual. Idk what your faith is, but if you’re Christian then call on Saint Expedite and light an Expeditus candle for him while saying his prayer. He will handle this for yu. 

    Thank you 🙏 a lot 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mike E said:

    Wow you are getting quite the mix of upbeat and depressing answers.  

    Mine is an optimistic one.  If your marriage was bonafide, and you said so in the interview, then I think you will be approved.  

    With the pandemic, it is taking longer to schedule oath ceremonies, so don’t panic if it takes months before you get a notice.  

    Do set up Usps informed delivery and electronic notifications.  

    There is nothing you can do now.  If you reach 120 days with no decision then you can make an inquiry.  

    Thank you very much did your advice I appreciate 

  4. 10 hours ago, bsd058 said:

    Sorry to hear you're going through this. They are trained to be cynical and suspicious. It keeps fraudsters on their toes, but still seems very rude. I mean, you've been here for at least 5 years. Abusive people aren't always abusive 24/7 like in the movies. So I get why you are stressed about an inquiry like that. But, in any case, the only thing you can do now is wait. What will be will be. And, tbh, you're already here. I doubt they'll think you used your husband to merely get a green card (and by extension, to naturalize). They usually catch something like that in the immigration interview (for the green card). Let us know what happens. Rooting for you.

    Awww thank you 🙏 soo much for your empathy and support will surely update if anything comes up yeah I hope all goes well just really nervous and had to go about my daily life but I pray everything becomes fine :(😥

  5. 3 hours ago, Russel1995 said:

    Read the reviews for any interview here for any immigration benefit.


    Stressful interviews are more than common, and many are still approved.  I think it's just a technique used to squeeze out confessions or cause people to fear and slip up.

    Wow thank you for your response that’s a lot cos it’s like you can’t even move on with your life and have to keep bring things from 10 years ago that’s already over he even asked me what attracted me to him the first day I met him! Like what? It’s been 10 years!! How in the world I’m I supposed to remember that ugh! 

  6. 13 hours ago, Ife2020 said:

    Yu should burn some candles and call upon your angels and ancestors to help yu with this case, Sis!


    12 hours ago, mycase17 said:

    I'm really sorry to hear about the situation. But I read somewhere that at this point, the burden is on USCIS to prove that your marriage was fraudulent which is opposite when you apply for your green card (Burden is on you to prove your marriage is legitimate). So I think you will be fine since they don't have any proof that your marriage was not real + you didn't reveal anything. 


    I'm in a similar boat as you, got married but things didn't work out and I'm applying as a divorcee for my N-400. Could you take documents at the interview that you had with you wife. I'm bit confused if I should take documents like joint lease, bank statements, utilities bill etc at my N-400 interview. 

     I only brought my divorce decree, marriage certificate and taxes but he didn’t even ask for the taxes . Just the divorce decree then he just went on even asking me why was I attracted to my ex when I first met him🙄

  7. 16 minutes ago, Lil bear said:

    Right now there is nothing you need to do ...  wait until you get notified of the decision.   Hopefully you will find that how you interpreted the interview wasn’t how it really was .. and that you are approved. If it is a different outcome you will

    then be able to get specific support and direction for moving forward ,. no one can tell you what you need to do before the USCIS gives you their decision and reason.   Keep doing what life is for you right now. 

    Thank you 🙏 I will try my best! how long does it normally take to hear a response from them? 

  8. I’m soo stressed and depressed right now I went for my interview for my N400 I’m already a 10 year green card holder I have no criminal records or any thing I’m divorced to my spouse and had all the necessary documents I passed all the texts and then he started grilling me about my ex and why he will help me if he was abusive cos he was that’s what led us to break up the officer wouldn’t understand why when I came to the country I was a house wife and depended on my ex for 4 years he then said my case is too big but made me sign my name change I needed and all the other forms I had to sign then told me he can’t make a decision and gave me decision cannot be made at this point I don’t know what to do I’m soo worried 😟 and also I forgot certain dates from the past he was asking me 



    So it been a while since I went for the fir removing conditions on my green card it all went well. But They wanted the finalized divorce decree which I didn’t relise that my ex didn’t file.  I finally filed the divorce and I don’t get the finalized till February next year. Uscis haven’t sent me anything after the interview since I went 10 months ago they did give me an RFE to bring finalized divorce decree which expired and I wrote them a letter explaining the reason why and even sent them a case number the court gave me but the finalized divorce decree I don’t get it till next two months. Should I be worried they haven’t responded to me or are they just waiting for the finalized divorce decree before they make their decision?

  10. On March 13, 2017 at 9:03 PM, neilsqueen said:

    Can't you petition the courts for a finalized copy?  You probably just have to pay a small fee for the copy.

    Well time is well time is running out and I can't even get an info pass I've tried to get infopass for weeks !!!! if I will have to file this myself I might need more time so at this piont I'm going to reply with proof that my ex gave me the run around about divorce and hopefully they reply back because I this piont I don't know what to do I've tried for two weeks to no avail and my ex keep telling me he filed it but the courthouse says he didn't and if I'm to file it takes 6 months! So any advice on if that is the right move because I have no id I can't get a job I'm really miserable!!!! Help anyone:(

  11. Hey everybody I went for the 1-751 waiver interview it went very well till they said the divorce papers I signed wasn't finalized so now they have given me another rfe to bring it before it can be approved I don't know how to get this finalized documents my ex don't speak to me anymore and I domt know how to go about getting the finallised divorce papers pls any help will be appreciated!

  12. Also the letter that uscis sent me was abit odd it didn't have a reciept number just A number it said

    "Please come to the office shown below at the time and place indicated in connection with an official matter. Bring this notice,two recent color passport photos, government issue photo ID and alien resident card( Incase of jiont filing, the petitioner must be present at interview with photo identification) your interview may be recorded on video tape.


  13. Hello everyone I'm very nervous I got a letter from my lawyer from uscis that I have to come for an interview for removing conditions on my green card I I'm divorced I went through a lot with my

     husband who treated me like garbage I want to know if any body has gone to such an interview before and what questions that normally ask I sent in a lot of evidence to prove our marriage was bonafide before things fell apart and he mostly verbally and at times physically abused me I'm very nervous and don't know what to do pls pls can I get advise and what I'm going to expect when I get to the interview?

  14. Hello everyone it's been two years now since my post we divorced which was a very nasty thing that happened all he did was threaten me all the time and now I'm trying to remove the conditions on the card I sent all the evidence that I had which was jiont bank statements , Facebook messges, pictures , and letters in both out names that we can had received at the time we lived together I mean it was a very abusive relation and I depended on him and stayed home and clean and cooked most of the time I don't know how to drive and all so most things are not jiont so now they sent an RFE asking for more proof but all I have now is a 2013 tax he paid in both our names, old iPhone messges from when we were dating long distance, a few more old pictures of us ,is that enough? I'm really worried I just want to move on from him!:(

  15. He finds an excuse that I didn't clean the house well or didn't cook dinner (sometimes he's not home till very late so he eats out and comes back and still attacks me for not cooking when I asked him if I should cook and he said no) his mom also gets involved and all they say i don't clean the house well and his mom even said something about me being black at one Pinot and she didn't really want her son marrying a black it's terrible I almost lost it at one piont plus he cheats all the time I've seen him post adds on craiglist for a prostitute to come so he can sleep with her and pay her whiles I was at his moms visiting I saw the message and post on his phone and he leaves the house for 1 week never calls or text will never answer my calls and comes home drugged up and get moods swings and start attacking me for the littlest thing ever and threaten to throw me out and make me homeless

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