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    M J got a reaction from rhein in I had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)   
    I totally agree with this. It also amazes me how many petitioners leave it up to the beneficiary to compelete all the paper work. I could never imagine leaving that up to my fiance to do. Especially since English is not her first language, even though she knows it very well. I will and have done anything I can to be with my Fiance and eventually bring her here to be with me. I never once was too busy to do what was required. What is a little sacrifice now for a lifetime of happiness? Was it a hassle? Yes, and some things have taken longer than I liked, but I always did what was required. I was even initially denied after waiting 5 months, so I started over and spent even more time researching, gathering info, double, and triple checking everything. All I did was think how in the end it will all be worth the effort and compared to most trials in life, this is really not that big of a hassle or too much to ask of me to do. If this process is too much for someone to do, then imagine what will happen when other bigger obstacales are encountered down the road in life. Honestly, if this is too much for someone to do, then I have to question how important the relationship or person is to the petitioner.
  2. Like
    M J reacted to Zedayn in I had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)   
    Ok if you are having problems in your relationship and fighting over doing simple paperwork, how do you think the rest of your relationship will be after you come here? The paperwork for this part of the process is rather easy in my opinion, and if your fiance is having difficulties or "hates" to do it, then you will have a huge uphill battle with other steps of the process. Honestly, he should be eager and willing to help you in this process, no matter how difficult it is! You really need to have a long hard talk with your fiance.
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    M J reacted to DvMan in I had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)   
    I really don't get how people can complain about paperwork. Out of all the things we do in life, making the effort to bring our spouses home is the easiest! Sounds like there are just some lazy people. How many hours are spent in front of the tv...compare that to how many hours it takes to do a little paperwork. Doesn't compare. I will do any amount of paperwork it takes to get my love home and so should those who love their spouses!
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    M J reacted to Darnell in I had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)   
    I think there is something else causing his lack of acuity for paperwork processing for you.
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    M J reacted to Nonofurbusiness in Married yesterday on K1, now my new wife wants to leave to go back home.   
    tuck4x4 you have mentioned she is educated, and has a degree.. maybe she wants to work?... just, please talk to your wife.. good/great communication is a key to a successful marriage
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    M J reacted to tuck4x4 in Married yesterday on K1, now my new wife wants to leave to go back home.   
    "Don't use your Son as a crutch. He is a teenager and if he has his Mum then he can stay there and you can both visit. Maybe your Son will like living in the Phil. I have many coworkers whose children are going to school over there by choice."
    Really? I can only wonder what kind of parent you are. This is crappy advice. Believe me, growing up without the presence of your father changes you for life. I have experience with this. 3 years is a small sacrifice for a healthy child.
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    M J reacted to Sandra G. in Married yesterday on K1, now my new wife wants to leave to go back home.   
    Let her go back, clearly you are not her priority.
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    M J reacted to raven52 in Married yesterday on K1, now my new wife wants to leave to go back home.   
    i agree, I "think" she had an agenda, as why would she marry you one day, and say she wants to go back to the Philippines, the day after!!
    There is "far more " to this than has come out, in my opinion.,..,this is strange, and I "think" well planned, for some reason!
  9. Like
    M J reacted to The Nature Boy in Ariz. to trim voting if citizenship proof lacking   
    More absurd Lib Logic
    They assert no illegals are voting but raise hell if you ask people to show proof
    Logic would dictate that
    If only Legal U.S. citizens are voting and they are eligible to vote then showing proof would be no big deal
    Kind of like raising hell because the police are going to enforce the speed limit, but maintaining no one ever speeds.
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    M J reacted to Karee in A political crisis unfolds   
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    M J reacted to Karee in A political crisis unfolds   
    THe probelm is that not only are they getting the transmission repaired, they're getting 20 inch rims, a brand new sound system, a new paint job, and other un-needed things.
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    M J reacted to lostinblue in Prof on shutdown: Racist Republicans hate black president   
    The tea party scares the ####### out of liberals... Just look at the hate they have for them on this board. It is a group the mainstream cannot control. Everything is about control with liberals. This is why kenyan care is so important. It gives the government control over so many things in your life. including your bank account,
  14. Like
    M J reacted to Danno in Prof on shutdown: Racist Republicans hate black president   
    Marvin, why is this so hard for you to get?
    When the only source available is eye witness testimony, that "Is" evidence (though not proof).
    When there is multiple recording devices and none of those agree with the eye witness accounts
    one must ask.... which is more reliable?
    So answer that question Marvin, which is greater proof?
    Now to be honest, I too assumed those early reports were true, in a crowd as big as was present that day it was very conceivable, someone could have walked in among them and shouted such things, (since then a number of "plants" have been exposed).
    But when when you look at the tape and hear the "Other testimony" from people there, it is clear, there were no mobs shouting the N-word nor spitting on Rep. Conyers. It just never happened.
    Now clearly they were baiting the crowd by even taking the longer route, going right through the "gauntlet" of people, no doubt hoping for just such a scene.... why?
    The Left always propels a cause off the emotion of a victim.
    Q: Have you ever been to a Tea Party event?
  15. Like
    M J reacted to Karee in Prof on shutdown: Racist Republicans hate black president   
    First one ###***les.
    Second one ###***les.
    Third one [it sounds like Zimmerman says under his breath, ‘F-ing coons’ at 2:22] Sounds like????
    Fourth one same as #3.
    Thank you.
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    M J reacted to Karee in Prof on shutdown: Racist Republicans hate black president   
    bull$hit. NBC said that. GZ didn't say that.
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    M J reacted to Danno in Prof on shutdown: Racist Republicans hate black president   
    That should read "It was falsely reported."
    Marvin I can't believe you are still believing that story, even after a $100,000 was offered to anyone who produced the tape, no one came forward.
    if you can scrounge it up, post it here.
    All those people.all that anger, all those cellphones, all those news stations and not one person has a clip of it.
    HeII we even have two clips of Kennedy getting shot... but these "N" words were flying all day at that tea party event and no one picked it up..........
    it was like a ghost that appears on camera.... only in reverse.
  18. Like
    M J reacted to Operator in my fiancee 17yrs older than me   
    This; in my opinion, is very dangerous advice. It's like telling someone going to the Arctic Circle to forget the cold thing.
    OP- Yes the age difference will be an issue at the consulate. You should be prepared to deal with it, start preparing now. Your faith in god will not sway the consular decision one bit.
  19. Like
    M J reacted to The Nature Boy in So who doesn’t like Texas? Apparently the rest of the nation   
    He never really responds unless it is some far from left field personal attack
    I think that goes along with some inferiority feelings or something, never any substance
    Brags about his ####### size and inelegance a lot
    I think that sez it all..You have known those kind of guys your whole life. always bullies and cowards..Usually abusive at home, based on my experiance
    I pretty much ignore him now
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    M J reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in So who doesn’t like Texas? Apparently the rest of the nation   
    I don't feel any guilt. (but) I recognize yours.
    Bolded = Your guilt.
    & how many fingers did you just point? = "a bunch".
  21. Like
    M J reacted to The Nature Boy in So who doesn’t like Texas? Apparently the rest of the nation   
    Translation. Which state makes you maddest because they do every thing you say will not work and it does
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    M J reacted to Crashed~N2~Me in So who doesn’t like Texas? Apparently the rest of the nation   
    No offense.. have you ever considered - you might be the problem...?
    "fake pretend hospitality"...? Give me a break. Seems you might have a heart full of hate brimming over too...I wonder just how much "fake" you put out = takes 1 to know 1.
    & if you've "met a lot" like this...hmmmm...I'm starting to recognize a common denominator =

    I didn't label him a villain...you did.
  23. Like
    M J reacted to Operator in Obama-care will be loved like iphones.....just got to work out the "glitches"   
    The difference I guess is that with phones you have a choice????
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    M J reacted to The Nature Boy in IT'S OFFICIAL: The Government Has Shut Down, And Here's The GOP's Next Move   
    you know your question is so simple a caveman could get it
    Yet round and round we go
    But somehow they thinks it you
    You know the drill..Avoid the question, pretend you answered, then call you stupid for not understanding how their non-answer is an answer
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    M J reacted to madtownguy in People causing problems for us   
    Yeah I agree, why the heck are you looking at the ex's facebook anyway. Seems a little crazy in my opinion. Also it seems very odd that you just happen to be about to marry someone with an ex from the same town in the US. Not filing for AOS is also not a crime, it's not even that abnormal. My wife and I haven't filed for AOS, neither of us care much about it. You have to get married within 90 days, it never said you had to file AOS in any certain time. Personally I think your story is a huge red flag and I myself would be a bit worried.
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