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Posts posted by Mina90

  1. (quoted post removed as continuing inappropriate discussion after moderator warning removed - VJ Moderation)

    Whoa, chill out. If you want to "discuss/exchange opinions and ideas", there is a sub-forum here on VJ for that in General Discussion/Off Topic sections. This subsection is for AOS that the OP needed FACTS on, not people's opinions. When I joined this forum, I needed facts to help me with my husband's petition and it was very helpful. Thank goodness people weren't wasting my time giving opinions. I'm sure people who seek help here would want help from experienced members . (One inappropriate comment has been edited out - VJ Moderation)


  2. to everyone who response with my post .. thank you ... but the checklist that we received from the NVC is not a false checklist .... my husband able to get in touch with the NVC personnel .... they have receive our AOS package but yet my husband able to fill it out mistaken and it says that there is also a page that is missing.... dont know what to do now... we got ask some information and seek help to those page we dont understand but still we got it by mistaken information as they said...

    Good thing you guys called to confirm. Just re-sending the documents would have not have helped because obviously there were mistakes that need to be fixed first. Read the detailed checklist, and send them exactly what they're asking for. What mistakes are they asking for and what page is missing?

  3. Follow your mind.

    No. In this process, you don't "follow your mind", you follow rules and instructions.

    OP, this is most probably a false checklist as Dwheels already stated. We received one when my husband's case was in NVC and many others get this false checklist. If it is a checklist for something very specific, it will state it directly so. This is just the generic template of a false checklist. If you want to confirm if this is a false checklist, just call NVC.

  4. How can my husband put married on his tax if i do not have a SSN yet bec I have not lived in the US? They will ask for the spouse's SSN. So my husband put single. Are we going to have an issue bec of that? My husband told me if they ask tell them the true answer.

    Well, as another member said, married is married is married-not single. When my husband was not here and I had to file taxes, I filed MFS (Married Filing Separately) and in the place where it asks for spouse SSN, put NRA (Non-Resident Alien), this accounts for the foreign spouse not having an SSN or ITIN.

    This is not about telling them the truth, it's knowing how to file taxes correctly and accurately. Some will suggest it is okay to file single, but this is incorrect- especially for those spouses who will need to ROC (Removal of Conditions-you may need to provide tax transcripts as one of portion of evidence).

  5. .....in this whole process it is NEVER possible to get any concrete info from any site. They all vary and all the advice you get varies. Once you get to all these places in the process its all up to who is handling your process at that time.....It gets completely overwhelming. If it was me the petitioner here in the USA having to do all this, it would be a breeze!!!!! but we are dealing with fiancée's and loved ones from sometimes third world countries. Its nearly impossible for them to get anything done. Things should be changed where we the petitioners with access to modern technology do 99% of the work, after all we are the ones ultimately responsible financially for that person once they immigrate here.

    I'm sorry OP but I find your post counter-productive and kind of backward. I was the USC petitioning my husband from Bangladesh. As many people know, my husband's country is a third world country with not much technology available, heck, even to get just a police clearance certificate, you have to bribe officers (which my husband did too!). It's hard to step out of the house in his country because there are riots and protesters out for blood every day on the streets, yet my husband seemed to get all the documents I needed from his side in order. Just because it's a "third world country" doesn't mean things can't get done, they've been doing them even before technology existed.

    When I began this process, I didn't know where to start and then I found this site. It is really just basic reading and understanding. If there is something confusing to you on the forums, just go directly to the USCIS/NVC/Embassy websites and read every detailed requirement there (that's what I did when I needed to confirm on up-to-date things). If you really love the person you are bringing to the US, I don't think putting in some effort into reading, doing some running around for documentation and having some patience is a big deal in the long run. And frankly, this process is a breeze- but it depends on how you manage it. The key is to read a little, understand a little, complete one task at time, keep patience and repeat.

    P.S. Take a look at my timeline in my signature when you get the chance. Although you are doing a K1 visa, you will see all the things we did and get an idea on how to go about things little by little.

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