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Posts posted by brownnskinn

  1. Dee, dent worry too much, I was so surprised when Lake first tested, they said he was only reading and doing math at 3rd grade level. I thought WHAT!!! cz I know he is pretty smart, he loves to read, and is VERY good with numbers, at least in his head. He adds so fast in his head, I usually ask him the totals when I grocery shop, etc. I think it just turned out he was very rusty, (like I said so am I) and the vocabulary thing is a case of being around folks that if he ever used bigger words, they wouldn't understand them. So he had no reason to, and it "dammed him up" I guess you could say. Kind sad. Anyhow, its only the third week of taking lessons, and he is doing pre GEED stuff already. Althea vocabulary is tuff, he says he memorizes it, then forgets it pretty much right away. He studies it constantly tho, when he gets home he works on his math or reading for about 3 hours every night. I am surprised and happy he is taking it so seriously, but he grumbles about in his country if you want to go to college, you dent HAVE to go backwards first! Thats how he puts it. :haha:

    I'm glad he is taking it seriously as well, He is very smart and learns quickly its too bad he had to drop out at such an early age. I'm sure he will progress fast. When I mentioned the library, he was like why didn't you mention it before so that he could be repaired :huh: telling him that it is a pretest didn't help.

    One other issue is that when he speaks broken english at home, my three year old is picking it up. I tried to say it as nicely as I knew how, but he took it the wrong way. Last night he kept yelling (cause he was up stars) at my son to turn the "pipe" off , well after a few times, and he never repsonded, I said tell him to turn the "water down" no it's a pipe :blink: I said well turn the facet down, he's like what's a facet? I'm like he understands "facet" and "water" but not "pipe" We have these issue with the kids often. At times I want to let it go cause I rather not argue, but when my three year old is asking everyone to tie his "next shoe" I start to wonder???

  2. 4 way stops and the free right on red are going to be the death of me :dead: Then don't even mention speeding :huh:

    "yes you can go right on red...only after you have stopped COMPLETELY and made sure the coast is clear."

    "you can go right on red but you can not go LEFT on red...even if the coast is completely clear."

    "Just because the car in front of you is taking their turn at the 4 way stop you can't just follow them even if you are going the same direction...you have to stop and take YOUR turn."

    "Even if it is only you that comes to the intersection you still have to stop completely before going through"

    "Even though your buddy hasn't been pulled over for speeding and he speeds all the time that doesn't mean that you can speed and not get caught...think of what it would cost for the ticket and then the jump in insurance. We can't afford that especially since you don't even actually have a license yet"

    Honestly I have said these statments at least 5 times each and probably at least once this week already :help:

    :no: I gave up :lol::lol: and You forgot the tailgating. My honey just cannnot grasp the concept of one care length for every 10 miles per hour. He says when he's in the car with me he has to drive like at B%#*%. Esp when everyone else is passing us :lol::lol:

  3. "hey thats a red light you gotta stop!" :lol:

    OR, STOP! cause you have to stop at a stop sign....even if noones coming :blink: You never know when the police are looking :huh: and He's the yield king, everyone yields but him :wacko:

    I'm so annoyed...i can't get anyone at the embassy to email me back. I am using


    is that what you all have used?

    Good luck. Try sending it daily :blush:

    I have never gotten a reply in the same week.

    I agree...send it daily and include as much information as possible in your emails. It usually took about 7-10 days to get a response and I think if you send it over an over they get kinda sick of you and will respond. Its worth a try :yes:

    I just emailed asking if we can do a blood test for Davids daughter..I don't expect to hear back until next week. :blink:

  4. [Dee, lol, I know what you mean by trying to help work problems you barely remember how to do yourself. I probably couldnt pass the GED test now myself without a little touching up. And darned if I havent forgotten some of the easy 3rd/4th grade ####### too, like action sentences, telling sentences. action verbs, telling verbs, adverbs, etc. Frankly he remember that stuff better than I!

    And darn, I had forgotten how to make fractions into whole numbers, I THOUGHT I knew, (and I did) but wanted to make sure before teaching someone the wrong thing!

    American history will be a killer if they make him learn a lot of that, just becuz he studied NONE of it before. I am not sure they require that, you would think world history would be important, but not Am history. He has learned some as he has been here, and I explain to him stuff when we have watched movies and etc, but I wouldnt know zip about another country's history if I moved there recently, it would take me quite a while.

    Oh and Dee, all you need to send is a COPY of the bc, keep the certified for when you do the AOS interview.

    Thanks.....He woke up again with questions. I showed him the best way I know how :e will take the test today to show where is weak areas are. Trying to tell him not to worry about it :hehe: didn't do him any good. and I'm going to the library to get math, spelling and what ever else I can fine to help him. I know he won't be in a good mood when he comes come. American History will be a killer :huh: So I hope not much is required.

    I think that I mentioned that our paper drivers license expired in a year, well so did the paper state ID, when we received the real state ID in the mail It did have the same expiration date as on the I94, So I am assuming that his drivers license will be expired when we get it in the mail....WHAT A BUMMER!!! :angry: WE found this out yesterday at the bank when the lady wouldn't give him any money because it was expired!Well I never looked at it once it came in the mail. :( He was really upset until I told him that He would not have to take the test again. :huh:

    HAPPY B-DAY SQUITTO!!! :dance::dance:


    I'm so annoyed...i can't get anyone at the embassy to email me back. I am using


    is that what you all have used?

    Good luck. Try sending it daily :blush:

    I have never gotten a reply in the same week.

  5. I guess I got luck with my Jamaican, because other than driving a bit too fast, he's a pretty good driver :yes: He didn't have to go to driver's school or anything and he passed the written test the 1st time and the road test the 2nd time. (1st time he failed at parallel parking :lol: ) My biggest problem is trying to keep my mouth shut while he's driving :whistle: I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to that :innocent:

    Good morning (F)

    I told David that If he drove the way he drove with me in the car he would never pass. I make all kinda of noises when he drives cause I try to hid the fact that I am scared as hell. He scares the living daylight out of me, I I never remembered him driving like that in JA?? It's the only time we argue, it's so funny.

  6. I hope everyone has a good week.

    We are all doing fine. We were able to get our vaccinations at our doctors office, now were are waiting for the supplement form to come in the mail. Should I send our only certified copy of his birth certificate. Will they accept a copy? I hope we don't get into too much trouble for filing late. David went out driving by himself for the first time to a Soccer match last night, this morning he went to his GED class, found his way back without problems :star: He came back asking me how to work problems that I can barely remember how to work, he was somewhat disappointed. He feels he needs to go. Sometimes I want to tell him not to bother with it, cause he's so hard on himself, but I guess it should be his decision to make.

    Later Denise

  7. Good afternoon all (F)

    Good evening VJ family,

    Good new! Anthony got his driver's license. He has been driving everywhere since he got it. His license expires on April 11, 2006. He will need an EAD or green card to get a license for a longer period. I don't see why they wouldn't give him the amount of time his NOA for the AOS stated the processing time for the application (180 days). That makes more sense but then I don't make the laws.

    Thats weard David's good for one year.

  8. Condolences to Rhonda and Tony. Hugs to you both.

    Guys, I have a dilemma and want your input on it. Ok, I told you Lake had an interview Friday. Ok they then sent him for a medical on Monday, which he passed. They called him later that afternoon, and offered him the job. The company HR is the one that interviewed him. Ok...now, he accepted and was to start tomorrow. Ok, now the HR resource gal told me that we would get a call from another gal and we were to sign some papers there, and get all the details and she would see him on Thursday. Ok, happy day, things are good. Ok, the next gal calls us, and sets up an for appointment today, right? Its a staffing agency...

    Ok here is where things get weird. I guess the company itself was hiring up until right around this time, and now they have switched over to a staffing agency/temp company, and so...this lady said its just a formality and all we had to bring was 2 forms of I.D and SSN. Well we get there, and they want us to fill out a whole new app as if we had gone thru THEM. That and the pay is reduced by 1.00 an hour. I was definitately getting a baaaaad feeling about this, cuz this is a company where there is heavy lifting and hot metals and industrial stuff and so its no cake walk, they pay fairly well, but it can be very hazardous, so ....anyone know anything about electroplating???? Also, I saw a guy coming out that passed the safety video test and they were making him sign contracts with them, the staffing agency. I have no idea what kind, but that REALLY made me on edge.

    Anyhow, they call Lake back in and I guess he has to watch a safety video and then pass a brief test on. She never told us jack about a test or passing it to work. Well, they grade the test, and she calls us both back into a room and proceeds to tell us that he failed the test and you cant retake it for another 3 months.. She said he answered the hard ones correctly which is what everyone misses, so it was obvious he knew his stuff, but on the first question they asked to answer what safety equipment could cover...and had a whole bunch of check marks. Well he thot they wanted ONE answer, and so instead of checking every box, only checked the one he thot most appropriate. But that question was counted wrong for every box not checked, and there were like 9 or more of them. So it made him miss like 8 just on the one question. She even told us it was obvious that he just misunderstood how to answer it. Sorry but they couldnt place him and they wouldnt allow exceptions bucuz then they would have to do that for everybody. (The girl really had an attitude) Lake was hot, he told me never said anything about having to pass, they just threw the video in and she gave him the paper and said "here, fill this out" and left the room. He was plumb smoking all the way home, but in a quiet way.

    Well here is where it gets good. This lady called back at 3:45 and told me...well...she had talked it over with the other staff and since it was obvious he had just misunderstood the question, well..they would allow him to watch the video again and retake the test. Could getting there before 5 to do this, be convenient?

    Now I was pretty irritated myself bout this whole thing, but asked Lake and he said ok....whatever.

    THEN ...I was having SUCH a bad feelin bout the whole damn thing, my sis walked in the door and I was telling her bout the whole situation and she said to HELL with that, and my nephew things I am crazy letting him work at dangerous job (poor Lake, all this while he was getting dressed, for the 4th time today) and so he comes up and I tell him how I feel. I say its up to him, but I DONT have a good feeling and usually staffing agency's mean little to no benefits, or greatly reduced anyway. He says he doesnt wanna die young working with acids and boiling metals either, sooo, I decide to call the staffing agency lady back and tell her forget it, we were pretty irritated with the treatment, and he had another job interview next week anyway.

    She said, VERY snidely "WELL, we were just offering that as a COURTESY, we dont normally ever do that, so...we were doing HIM a favor by allowing it"...then "if he changes his mind, let us know"....YEA like I will let THAT happen. Now, I didnt even get the dirt on what kind of contract he would have had to sign, or what benefits he would have gotten. You guys think I did the right thing? I feel so badly for him, like I pulled the rug out from under his feet. He WAS so looking forward to starting work tomorrow.

    Altho he had a REAL good interview with the public school system today, and goes for a second next week. It would be custodial but it doesnt mean he has it yet.

    I just want allyour input. That stupid lady acted like she was doing an immigrant a favor. I HATE that attitude. The company HR person herself (the one that actually interviewed him) was really sweet, I dont know what happened with getting hired directly by the company, which we THOUGHT was happening, but somehow we got in right at transitional to staffing agencies. I thot staffing places were in charge of finding workers, how come they hired him, THEN sent him there? Crazy!

    Anyhow, I am gonna go console my honey, I will be interested in your responses.


    I should KNOW not to try to start a new job, or do ANY paperwork whatsoever during mercury in retrograde. Wait about 3 days before sending anything off, guys, for sure.

    Hello everyone

    Everything happens for a reason. I know he's disappointed but...I would just let go. Who wants to work for a company that operates like that anyways :no:

  9. So sorry to hear about this. I can't believe that they sent him home w/o setting it. Won't it be to late to set it when he goes back?

    Yes that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. It's true that they don't do much for broken bones other than to set and cast it, even that they do based on the type of break. Hopefully it wasn't a bad break and will heal fast.

    Dee -- Go into the Guides here on VJ. You can "link" to the 2006 Poverty Guidelines from there. <MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOOKING AT THE 2006 GUIDELINES!!> I agree with Rhonda for your 2005 taxes....include a copy of your W-2 -- and maybe a little note saying you haven't yet filed....the worst that could happen is you get an RFE -- and by that time your taxes will hopefully be done.

    Thanks for the replies all. (F)

  10. Anyone know what I put on part 4, section D-poverty guidelines of I-864 affidavit of support form?? Number three where it ask about the min income requirement for my household size(5). I am sure it will be based on my income, but is there a chart some where?

    Also seeing as I will not most like file my 2005 taxes in time, Should I leave out my 2005 information all together, and just go with 2004,03,02?? Or send the 2005 w2's without the return.

  11. I found form I-693.....What should I get from our doctor other than proof of the required Immunizations ???? Just wondering... I plan to send it off the the Dr. Micheal OKeefee that Jamie used, there are so many more items on the form other than immunizations, will he be able to complete the form without seeing him? I guess I'm asking you Jamie Thanks.

  12. Hello all (F)

    Can anyone tell me if I need to supply the from for the vaccination supplement, or will the civil surgeon all ready have it... and also is there a list of the required vaccinations some where. David has a Dr's appointment tomorrow and I am going to try and get them then and just have the Civil surgeon fill out the required paper work only thing is I'm not sure what all he needs to have done. We have the Immunization record from the medical exam in Ja, I want to make sure they give him all the shots needed..I hope that made sense (L)


    Hey Denise. How are you? Dave? and the kids? The civil surgeon office we went to already had the form but I print it off just in case. Take care.

    Good.....I'm stressed. I feel sort of bad for David cause he wants to work so bad, we went to Jiffy Lube to get an oli change, there was a help needed sign in the store, so he asked, the guy told him all he need was a drivers license so he got a job application, was ready to take it back when I told him that they would not hire him without work auth, well he did not believe me, cause the guy said all he would need was a DL and wanted me to ask if they would make an exception. So I feel bad, he was so dissappointed. So I'm trying to get the paper work in the mail. The kids are good. My daughter is driving me crazy.

    Printed it off from where by the way.

  13. -Have any of you regretted or doubted your decision once your SO was here?

    -Are things just not what they were when you were still in the LDR?

    -What do you think makes someone change their mind so quickly?

    My two cents:

    No dought's here. :P

    Things are just what they were if not even better, because he's here to put his words/ love into action. I am truly blessed. Things are not absolutely perfect, but nothing worth having comes easy. I am not sure what makes someone change their mind, other than not knowing who they are them selves before starting into a committed relationship before hand. the LDR aspect of our relationship gave me plenty of time to sit and think. I am grateful for it.

  14. Lots of trips to Ja WOW :crying: I'm jelious...Have fun.!!!!

    Congrats on all the good news:




    Good luck Kelly!!!

    Reflections :cry: was on point!!!

    good afternoon

    We sooooooooooooooooooooo need this :blush:

    Beat Stress Together!!

    Your spouse can be the one to cause you stress, but often he is the only one who can help you chill out. Here are 9 ways to de-stress as a duo (some might even make you laugh your stress away!).

    Hug it out

    Give your partner a hug after a long day at work. While you embrace, rub each other's upper back with your fingers and knuckles. Massage in between shoulder blades and spine.

    Share it

    Spend time debriefing about your day, taking turns sharing how things went. Each of you should talk for at least two minutes. When your partner is sharing, try not to interrupt. Simply listen with all your attention. Having separate time to vent will make you feel heard and acknowledged, and will release some of that hot air that’s been brewing inside you.

    Spoon her

    Lie together, one behind the other. Focus on taking long, deep breaths in unison. No need to talk; let the physical contact and deep breathing relax both of you. This works magic if you are not getting along or are feeling overwhelmed.

    Give mini massages

    Have your partner sit in a chair, and stand behind it. Give a massage like a pro, applying pressure with your forearms on the muscles between the neck and shoulders. Ask if it feels good. When finished, switch positions.

    Steamroll him

    Have your partner lie face down on the carpet or a futon. Lie on your partner's midsection so your bodies form a plus sign. Roll your body up and down your partner's body. Ease up on your weight around the knees. Ask if your weight feels okay.


    It's important to acknowledge your partner for the many wonderful things you offer each other. Take turns talking about all the qualities that you love about the other. Begin your sharing with "I love how you..." or "I love when you." Recognizing your partner makes him (and you) feel cared for and loved.

    Put your feet together

    Have your partner lie face down on the carpet or a futon. Place a pillow under his feet. Stand by your partner's feet and face away. Walk your heels on up the soles of his feet. Ask if he likes your foot pressure.

    Dance it off

    If you both feel worn out from a hard day, play some dance music and shake a leg together. Inspire each other to higher levels of enthusiasm and cardio exertion. Whatever was bothering you before you started dancing will vanish instantly.

    Give a rub down

    This is the world's easiest massage technique. Have your partner sit up in a forward bend. Make sure his legs are stretched out in front. Lie on your back about two feet behind your partner's back. Lift your heels up and place them on your partner's upper back. Rub your heels on the sore muscles between your partner's shoulder blades and spine. Ask if the pressure feels good. Switch positions.


  15. Hello all (F)

    Can anyone tell me if I need to supply the from for the vaccination supplement, or will the civil surgeon all ready have it... and also is there a list of the required vaccinations some where. David has a Dr's appointment tomorrow and I am going to try and get them then and just have the Civil surgeon fill out the required paper work only thing is I'm not sure what all he needs to have done. We have the Immunization record from the medical exam in Ja, I want to make sure they give him all the shots needed..I hope that made sense (L)


  16. i swear, the us government has damn near set us up to fail, #######

    You can say that again!! So sorry.....I know this is something that all of us are probably going to encounter at some time or another.....

    they won't let you work, and they require that you pay for school cash, with no job

    now that's some fuckery :angry:


    Tru dat :unsure:

    David was not in the best of spirts yesterday. The state Id fianlly came in the mail yesterday, they said it had to be checked out with the goverment before sending it to us..When it came it had a big NONDRIVER license stamped on it. Today when he passed the test, they said the same thing you think that she would just look it up in the computer. So he was upset about that, also I think that sitting at home is getting to him.

  17. Good afternoon. (F)

    David passed the written test :dance::dance: We were not worried about the drivers exam..she said he passed with flying colors.

    We have one certified copy....It's been working fine, most places just copy it and return the original.

    School is out of the question for us right now, When we get the work permit or green card which evers first..we'll work on getting a job that offers tuition renburstment(MSP) My job has a Cooperate Academy they offer different heath care degree's you can have the fees for school payroll deducted and get your money back when you pass the classes. The bad part is he would have to start off from the bottom... mantinence, dietary, or housekeeping. It's just an option. I'm really worried about finding a job that he will like doing. He said is hot picky but we'll soon see.

  18. I am just going on with my life because I am happy and that is all that matters!!!!

    Amen to that!!!!

    The Forrester's are sitting here having a glass of wine before bed. David just finished playing in a soccer match, they won, so he feeling good. He attempted to take the written test for the driver's permit last week but missed passing it by two. He was devistated, he is so hard on himself.

    Conrats Jamie & Andre I'm so happy for you, you'all so deserve it!!

    Welcome back Rhonda and Shemonya, Rhonda we were in Purta Plata (MSp), I kinda got sick myself, we stayed at the Riu last year, the resort was nice, but we were not feelin the Island. Shemonya I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves.

    I miss Jamacia :crying:

    MsQ. congrats on getting your ASO in the mail, I wish I could say the same, we descided to wait until I get off orrientation at my new job so that I can focus on doing it right. Right now I'm am just too busy.

    Hey Mrs P. how ya doin?

    Welcome Tonika.

    Hey Eric.

    Congrats Joanna!!!

    going to catch up :reading:

  19. David is watching Superman for the 4th time, like it's his 1st.... drive's me insane :blink:, it dosen't matter what movie he'll watch it over and over, He's yelling at the screen, like he dosen't know whats going to happen next :lol: Keeps asking me to watch with him, It's the very first one to make it so bad, I don't have to tell you how many times I've seen superman 1. :wacko:

  20. Dee: A few months ago Mr P had the hiccup thing (I know David is probably over this now, but if it comes back...) and my mum has this natural remedy book. Guess what was suggested to cure the hiccups? Half an orange! After four days of "noise in my head", an orange cured it.

    Now you tell me :lol: It was quite nerve racking. Now we know :thumbs:

    Hi all,

    Dee, aren't you near the KC area? I just put in MO for the state and retrieved a whole list of Civil Surgeons but not sure exactly where you are. Don't panic girl, its not THAT bad.

    A bunch in KC and one in Independence, etc. I thought you were in Kansas City but I may be wrong on that.

    Yes, did a few in our area but, after calling, they were no longer there, so I will put in the independence zip code and see what I get.....Thanks!!! I think my search was too narrow.

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