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Posts posted by brownnskinn

  1. Dee~ You do not have to file for AOS within the 90 days. It is highly recommened but not required. Once the 90 days are up then Dave is technically "out of status". As long as it isn't for an extended period of time (more than a couple months) he should be just fine. An time accumulated out of status is 99% of the time forgiven because the immigrant is married to a US citizen. I have seen it before on VJ and people are just fine. Just take your time getting AOS together and file when you are ready. Just make sure its not to long after your 90 days are up. Breathe! Relax! You are fine (F)


    That makes me feel a bit better, but I am still going to get the ball rolling, and still hopefullly get it sent in by the 15th .

  2. For everyone with their loved ones here, what was the biggest adjustment that they had to make? How were they able to overcome their obstacles? And what was their biggest misconception about America/Americans?

    The working restriction. Having to sit around and wait to help out money wise. It helps that he's good at budgeting money, I save so much more now. Otherwise Davids asjustment is going fine.

  3. Hi VJ Family...I've been very scarce lately, but this have just been very busy for the Squitos. I'm in the final stages of the AOS (his 90 days expires on Saturday) and I hope to make the rest of the copies this afternoon to send out his package tomorrow. I tried to do as much a catching up as possible:

    Hey can someone clarify. I thought we had to be married within the 90 days, we also have to file with in the 90 days for AOS ??????

    Good morning. :help: Question... What do you think about someone getting married at the same place (church, chapel, etc.) the second time around as they did the first? Is it tacky, insensitive, etc?


    WOW that is a tricky questions....as for myself I dont think I would do it...I would want it to be some where different. (just my opinion) ..but if both of you are comfortable with it then I guess it is ok.


    I agree, somewhere different

  4. (F) Hello everyone just checking in. I do not have much time to chat lately. Married life/ life in general is keeping me very busy. David puts up such as good effort to try be the "perfect" husband" I feel truly blessed, and I am very happy, but It's like having a fouth in my cause fifth job when both are putting up such an effort to make things work. Good luck on the up coming weddings, I know your day will be as special as ours. (L)

    ]MsSquitto[/color][/size]: did I "hear" to say that there is an expiration date for filing for A'S? Today we are going to try to get a state ID today, we've tried once this week the system was down, without the ID I cannot add him to anything.

    Rings: I/we had the rings we wanted to get picked out, but ended up being short on money so David brought basic bands, well in fact, footed the bill for our wedding cost all together. The ring I want cost about 2,000.00 1 carat in white gold that is in layaway.I actually like our gold bands too, so traditional. And the fact that I did not have to buy them this time meant a lot to me.

    Old Jewelry:: I agree sell the items and use the cash for something else, esp. past wedding /engagementrings. In deed if you wear the other items do not mention where they came from.

    GED classes: we both agrees that it will be helpful to enroll in the basic Edclasses. He needs to pass the drivers course so that he won't have to depend on my driving him to the course, in our case.

    My concern is that I'm a fraid that people take him the wrong way when we are out shopping, he can be so abrupt. He went up to a guy in the auto parts store who was helping someone else might I add and said "hey yo, question!! everyone stopped and looked cause he paused after saying it so loud, the guy said okay what is the "question" :lol::lol::lol: I was laughing so hard. It's like when he's in the store he expects some one to come over right a way to assist.

    Anna:: :crying: Sorry to hear.

    We purchased all these things to send to David's daughter it's going to cost 150$ to send them to her, who knows who much they will charge to pick the items up. Has anyone tried to mail a big box of items to JA?

    Have a great weekend.!!!

  5. For those of you that commented on getting all in one as far as cable cell internet.....SBC is not available in my area. I tried to get it so I could have it all on one bill. Hope everyones Friday is going well. I am gearing up for a full weekend at work. Hopefully a week from tomorrow I will be a married woman!! I told him he has 8 days to change his mind LOL. I will holla at you all lata.


    DTV has it as well as it, also try American Cable vision, if you have it in your area. Comcast as well.

  6. Everyone some of our photo's can be viewed at:




    Please, please, when everyone has time please go back and look at my photo's again I know it's a lot(144 in all) but I want share the photo's from the photographer with you ladies. They turn out nice!

    Dee, I love the new pictures especially the black & white ones :yes:

    Thankyou. Yes :yes: I love the ones in back and white the best.

    For those of you wo ho did not get a chance to view them. I'm going to change the password email me and I will send you a link to view as a guest. I just realized that it won't work if two people are trying to view at once.

    I will go ahead and send the link to the yahoo group again. Sorry to be so redundant, but I don't want to take any chance of the photo's being deleted :no:

  7. Hey everyone,

    Well I just got home and I am excieted to say that my parents bought me my wedding dress tonight...I know it is a little soon but I found it and really liked it...I am in a wedding next Friday and I went to this little bridal store today to see about getting my bridesmaid dress hemmed and I decided I would try on a few dresses while I was there (I have tried on several at Davids bridal but they just didnt fit very good in the chest area..too big busted I guess) but this one fit like a glove, just needs to be shortened a little...I was not going to get it this earley but my mom and dad said if i really liked it they would go ahead and get it for me....plus it was on clearance and was the only one they had at the store...it was reg. priced at $799 but was 1/2 off so only $400....GREAT DEAL.

    Great dress!!!

    Mine did not fit very well in the chest area :(

    TGIF!!! Everyone have a great weekend.

    Jonesie, Today is your day :) Best wishes.

    So far we have:

    Feb. 17 - Jonesie & Drew


  8. Hello all,

    To those of you that have been through the process already, I have a question...I am bored so I thought I would get papers together (I hate waiting till the last minute for anything) for the interview......

    What stuff did you turn in at the interview as far as the tax stuff, I just did my 2005 taxes a couple weeks ago and my statement is 16 pages long...DO they want all of that??

    My personal income stuff is a couple pages but add in the stuff that I deducted for my business it is about 16 pages long....I am going to use my business as income evidence because my full time job I make well enough over the 125% poverty guidelines.

    Thanks everyone and I am sure I will have more questions as time goes on....I am so glad I have all of you to ask questions to.


    I had the last three years tax returns. They kept the most recent. Looking to see if my w2's match my tax statments. They only looked at the pages with the numbers/ grids, if I were you I would take it all. Most likely they won't look at it all

    Hello family.

    Dee - your pictures are very pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Ms. Squitto - I love the jeans and red shirt idea.

    Take care everyone.

    Dee - I meant to say - your pictures are very nice. It's time for me to go home :wacko:

    Thanks (F)

  9. Thanks everyone (F)

    No Rhonda it wasn't cold, well at first in the moring it was chilly it warmed as the day went on, it ended up being about 60 that day and it was very sunny. Our ceremony was so nice,short but nice. We wish for nothing more (L) . The minister just picked some vows out of some book, but they were so us . None of that do you take & ra ra be your lawfully wedded and ra ra. I will never forget the look in his eyes as he said his vows to me. :wub: the girl in the red dress is my sister. The bigger guy was our camera man, the photo's you all saw were taken with my camera. He's working on the better quaility photos now. We went to a park and had some photo's taken there also We went to lunch afterwards at an up scale reaturant and the manager gave us a bottle of wine(The the white guy in the photo's). It was very nice.

    Thanks (F) You all.

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