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Posts posted by brownnskinn

  1. :lol:

    Somthing funny...We got into a arugment......He was yelling words I could not understand. I was like you better be lucky I cannot understand rey rey rey...Anyways he kept calling the kids "picney"...somthing like that.....I'm yelling stop calling my children names and rey rey....I felt so silly when much later he explained that thats their word for kid, or child.

    Oh my gosh....those were great so funny!!!!! :lol:


    On a bad note I had to rush my dog to the vet he was throwing up and had liquid bloody stools....I'm not sure whats wrong with him.. They said he needed to stay there. It doesn't look good. I'm sure it will cost me a pretty penny.

  2. Somthing funny...We got into a arugment......He was yelling words I could not understand. I was like you better be lucky I cannot understand rey rey rey...Anyways he kept calling the kids "picney"...somthing like that.....I'm yelling stop calling my children names and rey rey....I felt so silly when much later he explained that thats their word for kid, or child.

  3. Dee - I just got used to going to the gym with Damien. He used to tell me what to do and how to do it. We are known at the gym as the "crazy couple" because we would fuss at each other. Now he does his thing and I do mine. He'll help me when I need it. I like it better that way. Looking at my three chins in the mirror got me motivated :P .


    :yes::yes: I know this is sicking..but he has gotten me so comfortable with my self I don't see fat any more...until I step on the scale that is. We enjoy when the kids are not here we walk around....and don't laugh...naked ;):D:D:D Yall better not laugh. :hehe:

    Don't worry about it if you're comfortable. I was a cow and a half thanks to the visa process and the first year of marriage. Now I'm just a cow :lol: .

    I'm in tears.... :lol::lol:

  4. Dee - I just got used to going to the gym with Damien. He used to tell me what to do and how to do it. We are known at the gym as the "crazy couple" because we would fuss at each other. Now he does his thing and I do mine. He'll help me when I need it. I like it better that way. Looking at my three chins in the mirror got me motivated :P .


    :yes::yes: I know this is sicking..but he has gotten me so comfortable with my self I don't see fat any more...until I step on the scale that is. We enjoy when the kids are not here we walk around....and don't laugh...naked ;):D:D:D Yall better not laugh. :hehe:

    sorry i chuckled a little :hehe:


  5. Dee - I just got used to going to the gym with Damien. He used to tell me what to do and how to do it. We are known at the gym as the "crazy couple" because we would fuss at each other. Now he does his thing and I do mine. He'll help me when I need it. I like it better that way. Looking at my three chins in the mirror got me motivated :P .


    :yes::yes: I know this is sicking..but he has gotten me so comfortable with my self I don't see fat any more...until I step on the scale that is. We enjoy when the kids are not here we walk around....and don't laugh...naked ;):D:D:D Yall better not laugh. :hehe:

  6. Forgive me for this Dee -- but weren't you the one who had to "pad" your bed so your neighbors wouldn't hear you? I think I would consider that "working out together...." :lol: :lol:

    LOL :lol::thumbs: Thats the only exercise I been gettin :D:D .....It's not enough.

    OH..... every sense she called the apt manager to tell them that we were using the water hose to wash our car...we try to make a much noise as possible :P

  7. Spelling and losing weight happen to be.... He's losing and I'm gaining..... Anna I need help!!!!! I've fallen into that happy fat wife syndrome :help::help:

    Dee - what happened to your wonderful workout plan before Dave came? I can't talk because I just found mine last month. Maybe you can work out together.

    ???????Who knows....He says I don't work out anymore cause I got my man..... :( Is that true????? I think it's because I don't have any energy and I don't think I eat that much???I have gained seven pounds :angry: He keeps making those boiled dumplins. I have cut back to two or three...before I wasn't having any rice, bread or flour :huh: tho. I try to be strong. I have lost my motivation...I guess. I went to the gym today. I was wipped out. I do better when he is not there. Like today...When he comes home we'll go back together.

    Spelling and losing weight happen to be.... He's losing and I'm gaining..... Anna I need help!!!!! I've fallen into that happy fat wife syndrome :help::help:

    Dee - what happened to your wonderful workout plan before Dave came? I can't talk because I just found mine last month. Maybe you can work out together.

    ???????Who knows....He says I don't work out anymore cause I got my man..... :( Is that true????? I think it's because I don't have any energy and I don't think I eat that much???I have gained seven pounds :angry: He keeps making those boiled dumplins. I have cut back to two or three...before I wasn't having any rice, bread or flour :huh: tho. I try to be strong. I have lost my motivation...I guess. I went to the gym today. I was wipped out. I do better when he is not there. Like today...When he comes home we'll go back together.

    :yes: Yes true fighting words...thank goodness I don't work there anymore. :P

    Well ladies, it has been a great topic today...I'm going to get my daughter from after school care then I'm off to my step aerobics class. Have a great night and talk to ya'll tomorrow.


    Ditto (F)

  8. I feel very blessed to have you all, because I have some female friends who don't have anyone to talk to. My sisters only have me....there is NOBODY they can trust....they don't trust each other even (each wishes I would not discuss their business with the other). Scary.

    :yes::yes: DITTO....I am greatful for you all (F)

    Not so scary tho..I would not tell my sister many of the things I have mentioned to you guys...I understand...There have been many of times I have told my sister things...only to have her throw it up in my face when she gets mad....I do not trust her...I am there for her but I don't tell her personal things about my life. :no:

  9. Dee I love the way you spell! :luv::P My favorite is your favorite when you spelled doubt as dought and you did this :bonk: Spelling is a gift. My siblings are bad spellers and I love to spell since I was like two.

    I am not teasing you in a bad way, just saying it aint everybody's thing.

    :lol::lol: It is not my thing never has been, even back in school school days :unsure: .

    I only skim read the last few pages (as I've been in training for most of the day) but I'd like to share one observation that I've made. I've noticed a slight trend. Last year this time many of us were agonizing over approvals and missing our SO's so much and ranting about phone cards and the separation issues and LDR frustrations and all that. Now that many of us have our men right here with us, reality has set in and we now complain about the f*ckery associated with a real relationship and find our men driving us bonkers. I ask myself...was I (we) living in fantasy land all that time when he was in JA? Did I (we) just dream that everything was going to be a-ok once he finally made it to the US? Did I (we) really believe that the deep love that we had for one another would be the bridge to get us over whatever problem presented itself? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

    Very good point and question, Ms. Squitto!! And that is how we can keep them (the daily realizations that worry, scare, disappoint and frustrate us) in check....I remind myself that last year I used to have (involuntary) shaking fits, when I the feared that we would get denied or have some other issue plague us and how I prayed to God to have this work and for him to be able to join me here. I remember praying for strength when people at church suggested that I pack for JA because JA was high fraud and I would have to go live there. And God answered my prayer. I saw a show Dateline Primetime or some such thing and a 9/11 widow said she would give anything to have her husband leave the toilet seat up again or leave the milk on the counter again...just to have him back. The host asked if he came back and left teh seat up and let the milk spoil what would she do, and she implied that she would just put the seat down again without a word and she would pour the milk away and buy more the next day...just to have him back.

    So, you are right., Ms. Squitto. But, on the other hand, I think folks are venting so they don't go crazy. I hear the same complains at work from americans married to americans whom they met in a bar and lived with for years.

    Very well said. I agree that a lot of it is venting and even more so trying to determine if you are "normal" and going through "normal" things. It is awesome that we can support each other here and get it all out and cuss and scream and all that good stuff. You got to get it out sometime and getting it out around your man can be costly.

    I agree. It's eaiser for me to discuss with people who are in the same boat. Some people are waiting for us to fail. A co-worker asked if everything was good at home because I never say anything about Damien. I think she wanted me to complain about him like she does her husband :blush: .

    How bout this... I Had a coworker ask a good friend recently how I was doing.....when she told him I was happy....he replied "I just wanted to know if he'd gotten his green card and left her yet" :angry:

  10. I feel very blessed to have you all, because I have some female friends who don't have anyone to talk to. My sisters only have me....there is NOBODY they can trust....they don't trust each other even (each wishes I would not discuss their business with the other). Scary.

    :yes::yes: DITTO....I am greatful for you all (F)

    Not so scary tho..I would not tell my sister many of the things I have mentioned to you guys...I understand...There have been many of times I have told my sister things...only to have her through it up in my face when she gets mad....I do not trust her...I am there for her but I don't tell her personal things about my life. :no:

  11. I agree with Julie. That would be very hard to ignore and pretend it was ok. I wouldn't show my anger but I would at least inquire about it. Dee you are very right about the trust thing!


    I inquired...He said it was a friend, I had no reason to believe it was a lie. He doesn't give to reason to believe other wise....You have to trust your instincts...Not saying that mine are always right but...I did not see a reason to force the issue. It wasn't easy. I was married for 6 years and lived with the same man for 5 years before that. I have learned a lot about being unhappy...having controll over your emotions ect.. I trust my instincts. :huh: I guess you can say that I have grown in many ways. I have a lot more to learn, I know that I don't plan on making the some mistake twice...Insecurity is not one of my issues.

  12. also from past experiences, with David as well...we must allow our men to make their own mistakes. I too found that I was babying my husband at first... it is easy to belittle and not realize you are doing it. All though we all all holing it down right now we must remember that they are men. We are their wifes and we should make them feel like men....There have been many of times that David has been wrong.... I just agree cause I know that my telling him will do no good. They have to learn to make their own way....

    For the most part I am blessed....I am greatfull for him...we talk to each other often, we touch each other often, At times we find ourselves saying thank ..you Jesus at the same time... MsSquitto is right it helps. "We pray together morning and night...I would say that we are very close, He is still the same man. Than I have had conversations will our the past two years..My life has changed dramticly...I am not bragging, it's not perfect. I'm just very happy....I hope it never changes. :unsure: Nothing worth having comes easy :unsure: ....SO when ###### hits the fan I weigh the neg and the pos. The positives all ways win....for now that is... :unsure:

  13. David has contacted at least one girl from past relationship here in the states.... Well he said it was a friend we all know what that means... :wacko: I walked in on the conversation.....I did not let him know I was a bit vexed about it, but if he is going to do anything...there is nothing I can do about it...so I act like it did not bother me. I trust him competely. It's the only way this will work. I expect the same.

  14. You guys have me ROTFLOL!!!

    Hugs to Jamie (L)

    I agree with Minday..we must choose our battles.

    Interesting lying......I have not caught David in a lie as yet :huh: You ladies have me scared. I notice that he exaggerates things. He'll tell a sory and the next time you hear it it gets worse and worse. I don't think it's cultural tho, I think many of us have done it one time or another. My x husband was a pathological liar. I'm trained... I don't think David could get one over on me if he tried...not for long. I don't want to say I "give" him freedom.. It's assumed that we need our time alone, even tho I am not getting much lately. I ways have something to do :angry: I have never been a clingy type of person. I encourgage him to go out and meet new people...In fact...he has more friends than I :huh:. The other night he was mad..I was up working on the computer late when I was finished I started reading VJ post...he had a cold, had on long johns and a hat, was mad cause I want to read VJ posts, and he was cold :blink:u He was like didn't you hear me ask you to come keep me warm??? I must have fallen asleep. I did not appreciate the tone in his voice. I did not hear him. :angry: I find him asking me to do things he normally will do for himself....becoming a bit spoiled I guess. :huh:

    He has said the same thing about asking for directions or anything else in JA...Never to believe what they say. :no:

    He is not a big spender is my issue, neither am I but feel bad when I buy things we need for the home he tell me I', wasting money..or will ask do we really need that, for the most part I am greatfull, but I don't but whats not needed :wacko: ... he doesn't mind the online banking....Once the money is in the bank...he feels like it should come out only for emergencies :hehe:

    Our biggest obstacile will be mine and his daughter...."He is just not trying with my daughter anymore :(

    I'm not having the common sense issue.....He has plenty of it....I wish he would use it when he drives :angry:

  15. Good morning

    Jaime I agree-[ I would use the latter, or average them together.

    Jill...Yes let it go...if he forces the issue tho, I think she know it all, the nerve of him!!!!!! Stay strong.

    Thunderd....I don't think he is sleeping to much, he has an odd schedule..may be he's sleeping when she's around and she dosen't realize what he is really doing? I'm not hatin on your Mom but marriage is hard enough alone, we don't need family members budding in, I think it clouds your judgement. :blush:

    Jill&Joanna :blush: ...Congrats :dance:

    Hugs to all going thu a difficult time.... I will keep you all in my prayers....Marriage is a tough Job. I've been through one divorce, I would say that I would never want to go through it ever again...I do know that working different shifts cause strain on a relationship. I quit my second job, just so that I could be home, when my family is home money is tight but It makes a difference.

    David is going pretty slow with the GED prep classes. He takes it very seriously...I think is very hard on himself. I'm sure he needs to be in class for some time to be prepared for the test. :huh:

    Everyone have a good day.

    Rhonda...Dose Tony really like working for your parents???

  16. Jaime I agree-[ I would use the latter, or average them together.

    Jill...Yes let it go...if he forces the issue tho, I think she know it all, the nerve of him!!!!!! Stay strong.

    Thunderd....I don't think he is sleeping to much, he has an odd schedule..may be he's sleeping when she's around and she dosen't realize what he is really doing? I'm not hatin on your Mom but marriage is hard enough alone, we don't need family members budding in, I think it clouds your judgement. :blush:

    Jill&Joanna :blush: ...Congrats :dance:

    Hugs to all going thu a difficult time.... I will keep you all in my prayers....Marriage is a tough Job. I've been through one divorce, I would say that I would never want to go through it ever again...I do know that working different shifts cause strain on a relationship. I quite my second job, just so that I could be home, when my family is home Money is tight but It makes a difference.

    David is going pretty slow with the GED prep classes. He takes it very seriously...I think is very hard on himself. I'm sure he needs to be in class for some time to be prepared for the test. :huh:

  17. Hello (F)

    ......They were being extra nice to us at the embassy while trying to get Davids visa. We told them that he would not make his flight. So they told him that he could pick it up there.

    David and I are sitting here watching girls ...big ones too :hehe: do the durtty wind videos from JA :blink::hehe: I would not be caught dead doing it. :huh:

    We party together!! ..He says I can even do da durtty wind, as long as it's wit him :huh:

    Congrats Shamonya :dance:;)

    Joanna: Good luck!!

    Kim: congrats on your NAO2!!

    Jill (F) the lord works in mysterious ways :blush:....Its what I am thinking about David daughter someting nah right.

    David's birthday is tomorrow :luv: I have jury duty tomorrow:angry:

    Mothers day...nothing planned so fa.

    Weekend ...nothing working :(

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