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Posts posted by brownnskinn

  1. Wow, that is fast processing. Anthony just had his done today. We filed in February!

    They must not be processing very many applications here :thumbs:

    THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

    ok i will tell him to do that...this is just one confusing mess...ok so 100 for the interview...an how much for the actual visa??? :unsure:


    Thats's it. I think there is a fee to have it delivered, there are also options to pick it up, I'm not sure how much that is as we did not have to do that. We recieved ours at the Embassy. Not much tho.

  2. no because his mom actually faxed me a copy of the checklist...and she called me saying that is must all be filled out and the money paid ect//i don't know who she talked to..

    but what you are saying makes sense..but why would they include it in the packed if it doesn't apply for the k-1???


    Mindy .....is right the embassy sent me the same fax... I also got the fax from my lawyer it was not the right fee. The fee is only a 100$ Just go to the paymaster and tell them which visa you are applying for :yes:

    Dee: Congratulations!! I am so jealous!!!!!

    Don't be...... I'm scared to death...It came so fast. :unsure:

  3. David understands about saving for retirement ect. I just had to explain our tech names for it all. I thought that because they were not US Citizens they did not have to pay taxes, meaning that they would get it back at the end of the year.

    David's daughters mother will not allow her to have the test done at this point. Maybe she will change her mind, I encourgaed him. He's upset says that people are mking fun of him in JA something about a "Jacket" and taking care of someone elses child. She is his daughter in his heart, but because the mother is acting this way he wants to know so when we get throught this he is going to take her himself. I told him that it's not a good idea to tell the daughter if not but, he says that he will not hide anything from her because the mother belittles him for leaving his daughter :angry:

    What I Love most about my man. Jonsie, Tenika, and Shamonya have described him to a "T" He's grounds me when I'm on high, he's kind, thoughtful, loving and never judgemental......... It would be a lot easier to name the things I do not like :D

  4. Hi-

    My name is Kim and I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. My fiancee lives in Jamaica nd we filed for the K-1 visa in February 2006. I am in the waiting process at this point!!!! I have been really stressed because it seems like the NOA2 is taking FOREVER.

    Sounds like most of you are pros at this and you already went through my pain. I could sure use some support and words of wisdom from any...ALL of you!!!!!!


    Hey Kim Welcome to the thread....You are setting a record with your trips tp JA. You are going almost Monthly...anyways goodluck!!!


    Things are moving along and time is definitely ticking at this point! He has to drop off his DS230 and apply for the Police Cert (needs to get his passport back--he tried to weeks ago to get his police cert, but they wouldn't let him get it with just a photo ID and Birth Cert...ONLY a passport). Then wait for the Packet 4....


    :D Business blah...blahh... :lol: I'm happy for you.


  5. Hey Everyone, dropping in to say Hello :D(F)

    Ms Squitto :(:angry: ....Maybe I'll get the same I did not send in my 2005 tax return either, I make well over the poverty line a well.

    RITA/ERIC Where ever you are we all hope you are okay!!!

    Manicure: I give David a pedicure and manicure, he won't let me put clear polish on his nails :angry: ...yet :P He would never let anyone else do it :huh:

    Thndrdancr: I would have him take the FT Job , and if it were me I would have already checked those idiots at the other place :angry:

    Joanna: Wishing you a safe trip

    Update on David's daughter:..tha babe mama will not take her to get the blood test done :angry: I'm bout ready to whip her assests!! :angry: Most likely cause she know she is not his :angry: He's hurting right now :angry: This chic is so stupid she won't even talk to us on the phone..she sends messages threw the child yelling obscenities through the phone :angry:

    Anna: speaking of Javon what's up

  6. Photos are up! :dance: Check Yahoo

    Where are they...I could only see the old ones???

    Welcome home Kelly and Michele.

    How was your trip....I I missed your report??

    Joanna, looks as though you had a wonderful shower :dance: ....I was thinking of a place to take D for his birthday next week we have place just like that, I think we'll go there.

    Damien has been here a year and a half and he still crack me up everyday with his adjustment.


  7. [:[/s]D (L):D(L) Hey Everyone! ROHAN IS HOME!!!!!

    He came in Friday. He said his flight was wonderful and he wasnt nervous at all. We had a wonderful weekend together. It was awesome. He is so funny and he loves NY. Here is an example...Saturday he went to the track with me to do some excercise, I said ok we need to warm up. He said ok I will warm up now, and bolted the wrong way down the track, smilng and saying hello each time he passed me, then he stopped before me and did some unknown stretches, Even other runners/walkers on the track was looking at him and his stretches :lol: After word I told him you did not warm up, he was like I did running around the track ...oh boy. I also had to tell him the goal of excercise is not outrun everyone on the track...it was hillarious. We are having sooo much fun...Congrats and WECOME HOME ROHAN!!!

    That is funny...We have many of those moments.. :yes:

  8. Is your husband/fiance going to apply to become a U.S. citizen eventually? What are the pros and cons of doing so?

    We don't see the point in doing this right now. Too much of a pain in the you know what! I'm sure that not even I could not pass it. :no:

    Is anybody still up? What's everyone doing this weekend?

    Working....drinking rum and mango juice with my sweetie right now....he's jealous of VJ :lol::wacko:

  9. Hmm, I have a question for a discussion, but since its so late, not sure anyone will read it. :lol: Anyhow, I will go ahead and ask....

    How many of your men are REALLY fed up with all the paperwork that is required in America? I know we are a paperwork society, and for some reason it just really gets to Lake, I mean, like a 6 page form to apply for each job, then another 10 forms when you GET a job, and immigration requires a darned book, etc, etc. You all know what I mean.

    I don't know about him, he hardly complains sense I'm doing it all...Sometimes he fill it in , but for the most part I am filling it out. We haven't gotten to the filling out forms for employment but I can only imagine :huh:

  10. Damien is trying so hard to get another job. He isn't making much money at his current job but his benefits are excellent. He's in a union, has sick and vacation leave, insurance, etc. Of course none of that matters because he wants to make more money.

    I was able to add him to my health insurance for free because I already had family coverage.

    Hey Shamonya, I read your message late, I'll give to a call later tonight.

    I added David to my insurance with no extra cost as well, basically if you are not in healthcare or working for the state or the government and maybe a large company, insurance is not reasonable at all.

    The busier David becomes the less he does at home :( He had me spoiled :((F)

    Welcome Newcomers (F)

  11. Good Morning Everyone (L)

    I have good news to start out the day... Michael got a job :dance::dance: He will be starting at a brand new water park that also has a hotel and restaurant in it. It was just built, they open the 15th of May but he'll be starting on the 1st with some training. It will be so nice for him to have steady work :D:dance:

    Way to go Michael :dance:

  12. David hates dept as well. Tells me that he dosen't know how I sleep at night knowing that I owe people money. I don't owe a lot but he is not comfortable with what I do owe :huh: He wants to operate on a cash only basis :unsure: If we don't have it his motto is we don't need it. He will only borrow money to get cars, home ect, even then he wants to be able to pay more than the min so that he can get it paid off eariler. I too wish I had met him 10 years eariler. :(

    Ok, I have another discussion question for u guys.

    Does your significant other have nice table manners, and if not, how do you politely discuss what and what is NOT appropriate? AND get them to understand?????

    No he has excellent table manners. He says it was instilled in him at a very young age. He about has my children trained. Absolutely no talking at the table!!!! :huh: He will suck the meat off the fish bones, this is when we are at home usually it dosen't bother me, I'm more amazed than anything. ;)

  13. ......and prayer, I decided to put myself back in the job market. I've been here for just over two years and had grown very comforable in my position but I wasn't exactly being challenged. I went on a series of interviews with one of the major ad agencies here in NYC and got a new job, making significantly more than what I am making now. My last day here is Friday and I have one week off before I start my new job on May 1st. I am really looking forward to the challenges that await me. The Lord has been so good to Squito and I. :luv:

    WOW great news...good luck and congrats with the new job!!!

    Yes! Congrats thats great!!

  14. Ok guys I have a question…well questions. I am not quite sure how to word it so bear with me.

    How do you know when it’s the right time to have a baby? What things did you/do you want to have in place before you decide to have a baby? Do you/did you want a certain amount of money saved up, assets, certain job wage? What are those things? Do those things need to be in place before you decide to have a baby or do you decide to have a baby and then trust that those things will fall into place? I am asking for personal opinions and experience…no right or wrong…just what is right for you.

    Also for those that have had children…how much do they really cost? Is it doable on a “regular” income?

    Just curious :innocent::whistle::whistle:

    Well, Jaime I have had children on very little on up to what others would call a very descent Income. I would have to say that no time is a good time. And I would not change any of my experiences for the world. This next baby will be the only one that will be "planned" so we'll see how it goes. I always pray and hope for the best. Things will work you fine for you all as well...When the time comes that is.

    I would say save up at least two- three months income unless you have PTO and ESL, so that you can stay some with the baby for a bit. The most expensive thing is the day care, then the formula. You can save money with breast feeding which is best, must in some cases you will have to supplement with formula. Lastly... the disposable diapers. When we get ready to have our next baby at the shower I'm going to ask for formula and different size diapers only. :thumbs:

    I have always has insurance, even medicade at one point, the care is no different. but my out of pocket cost has always been next to nothing.

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