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Status Replies posted by indiana_sweetie

  1. Hi! I seen your posts and I am from Kosovo too . I wanted to ask u how long from Case Complete took till they scheduled the interview I am in this process too.thanks

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Our Case Complete was January 10 and the interview was February 28, so it was 7 weeks. Good luck!

  2. How are you tracking shipments of visa?

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Congratulations! Is he with you in the US now?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Looks like they did not put you guys in Administrative Processing. YAY!!! Did they say how long it would take to get visa in hand?

  4. Visa approved today. Yay GUZ IV Saturday workers !

  5. How are you and is your Hubby enjoying living in the USA? I hope that you are both having a great time.

    1. indiana_sweetie


      We are fine. Hubby says he loves life here with me :) We both miss Kosovo and want to go back to visit family and shop a lot and drink coffee at the coffee bars, but that will be later, maybe next year.

  6. Our case has FINALLY been sent back to the USCIS for review. Now we wait again for about another year.

    1. indiana_sweetie


      At last some news! I hope you have a positive review.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. God you are so awesome. I am just overwhelmed by your mercy and grace towards me. In tears of joy ya'll. Thank you for answering prayer. HALLELUJAH Ya'll dwheels is A HAPPY LADY.

  8. Sitting in my hotel room in Skopje, Macedonia waiting for my baby to return from his Interview!!!! The hardest part this morning was when I had to put him in a taxi to go by himself because the Embassy emailed us and notified us yesterday I could't enter with him. I don't know what to do with my self. I just want to see him walk through that door and see that smile of his on his face and run into his arms!!!!!

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Waiting to hear from you. Hope all went well.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I'm so frustrated and stressed out with this system and process. I checked with all of the departments again today and they said that our case has still NOT been sent back from ISL Embassy. How can we move forward if they don't do their part?!?!?!?!?

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Any news on your case?

  10. Carolyn, I'm so HAPPY to hear finally there is something positive going on with your case! So why are they even asking him for another birth certificate anyway because they have one already. To me that is just another attack of satan trying to keep you and your husband under a lot of stress and pressure. I'm praying sistah that everything changes really soon. Let me know something alright :-)

  11. In less than 5 days we will be on a plane to Copenhagen and then to Iceland and then FINALLY to America. *Excited*

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Today is the 16th so I will say welcome home!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Enjoying & loving life with my husband & our new born son.. Thank you Almighty Allah for making it possible..

  13. Just waiting, waiting, and waiting on the medical so we can finally be issued the visa. Nervousness will not subside until we are in the US.

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Just wondering if you got the visa and wishing you a safe trip to the US

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. We are getting close to being done!

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Good luck at your interview tomorrow! I hope you guys are on your way to the USA soon

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Having my own personal Pity Party today! It's just one of those days that I don't feel like pretending that all is OK. So I will have my day and come back tomorrow with a better attitude.

  16. My husband and I have been married nearly 29 months. Our petition was sent back to USCIS at the first interview on January 12, 2012 and we are now waiting six months for a reapproval after receiving a NOIR in September 2012. Pray for us.

    1. indiana_sweetie


      6 months from September? So you might know any day now?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. Finally together... When you held me close to your heart, gently clinching me in your arms, I always feel blessed to be loved by you, as we strengthen our marriage being so far apart, your affection will forever burn deep inside of me just like the first time we’ve met… Hamdoullah..

  18. What's on your mind?

  19. My husband arrived Friday the October 12th and had a very smooth and easy POE in Boston. Finally he is here and we couldn't be more happy!!!

  20. Still waiting for a new interview. After our case was reaffirmed we have been in AP 6 months. Lord please help us.

  21. What's on your mind?

    1. indiana_sweetie


      I have been thinking about you and wondering how it's going, is your case moving forward. I was reading the comments and I do hope everything will be resolved soon.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  22. celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary today.

  23. Today is our 300th day in AP - when will this end?!

    1. indiana_sweetie


      We are stuck in background checks and waiting for NOA2 for 9 months now. I don't understand why this process takes so much longer for some of us. Have you contacted anyone for help?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. So my husband is in A/R..they need more proof of relationship..i wonder how long its going to take :(

    1. indiana_sweetie


      Wishing you guys the best and a speedy review

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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