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Posts posted by mrsGORE

  1. Hi sis!...i was praying for you this morning for your AOS interview,praying that you'll pass it.I wanted to message you to see how's your interview going but i got busy...i'm glad to hear you did it,Congratulations sis!...we're still waiting any updates from USCIS, it's almost 3 weeks now from my Biometric,hoping to hear really soon.God bless us in our journey!....

    yeah give them 1 more week then you'll received you EAD or interview letter..

    our case is more complicated but we did it...have faith and dont worry too much..

    i am so stressed out and worried before the interview only to find out that there's nothing to worry about especially when your marriage is legit....just pray,pray and pray and be confident :)

    Good luck sis i know you can make it too..In Jesus name :)

  2. we didn't hire lawyer when I filed the paperwork but I hired a lawyer to be presented today as we had prior marriages,lost I-94,and I worked before without working permit(so its illegal)

    We had our interview today at Santa Ana original time is 10am but lawyer not available that time so he moved it to 7am..

    Got there 6:45 meet the lawyer outside and handed him all the Documents...got two folder one for original and one for the photocopy..

    Got in the building 7ish lawyer handed the appt letter and explain why we came early then seated then wait for us to be called

    Then called us by Asian looking male officer (lawyer said he's half Filipino half Korean)

    Got in his office then seated and the first thing he took from my documents is my husband Army magazine i took them with me just in case we have to wait for an hours or so..

    -He confirmed my name,birthday and address

    -asked for ID handed him my passport,I'm dependent ID card and hubby's Militray ID

    -asked if i have state ID said I don't have SSN yet

    -Asked the Have your ever arrested etc.

    and talked to my husband about Military stuff as my husband and him both love cars and Star wars :lol:

    so more talked about cars while me and my lawyer cant even relate why they're talking about :unsure:

    -asked my husband about his divorce

    -asked me about my divorce

    -asked if we had any kids in past marriages and said NO

    -asked if i worked before i said Yes and asked if i received paycheck I said Yes

    asked if I file replacement for my I-94(lost it) and i said NO

    then talked about Military stuff him and my husband talked in Korean me and lawyer like what the hell are they talking about :o

    then talked about cars again then asked if we have pics looked at the pictures i brought just one album we don't have that much pics hubby is not a pic person..

    talked about the past Dictator President in the Philippines talked about the wife of this President having a shoes collection..and i asked if i know this President personally I said no

    then when he's printing something he's computer messed up so he need to restart the pc while waiting him and hubby talked again about Military stuff and cars....then when he's done printing letter

    he said well congratulations and you will received your card within 30 days file ROC 90 days blah blah...

    shook his hands and said we need to make a copy of this letter then while making copy he said even my husband is E6 the wife is still the Commander lol..were all laughing and handed me the"WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, This letter notify that your application for permanent residence has been approved,with my A# and CR6 and date today

    So our interview is about Military,cars and Star wars...

    He didnt took my EAD and he cannot keep my I-94(coz it was lost :lol:)

    Lawyer said that officer usually interview couple separately and he's the strict one...

    were so blessed for our interview experience...hope I'll have my GC soon:-)

  3. Can you AOS without sending a copy of your I 194? My friend husband came here a few years ago on H2B visa. They are filling out paperwork for is AOS but she said there is no I194 in his passport all she sees is the entry stamp. Can she use the enty stamp instead?

    I think as long as you have your stamp you're good but still better try to apply for replacement...had interview today and aks have u applied for replacement i said no and thats it

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