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Jazel Stickel

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    Jazel Stickel reacted to Jen and Jon in cr 1 visa denied   
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to together4evr in cr 1 visa denied   
    Has she spoken to you in 4 months?
    Is she being nice now?
    Have you sent her money in the last 4 months?
    Who is the sponsors?
    You and who else?
    If she is not being loving now--she will never be loving here
    Cancel her interview if she just wants your money.
    Do not let her come here and claim abuse charges on you and file Vawa-which alot of people do and it will affect your future and jobs and reputation
    Be careful
    Good Luck
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to Tygrys in cr 1 visa denied   
    Oh, boy...
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to ruseter in cr 1 visa denied   
    yeah your too blurred son... make your question correct...
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to kzielu in cr 1 visa denied   
    Have a little hard time understanding what are you asking, but with no income and job (and no co-sponsor) the answer is yes, you will get denied.
  6. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to Windza in cr 1 visa denied   
    Wahaha... you had me up until this point mike1111. I'm sitting there one eyebrow raised, squinting disbelievingly as I read the first page... out of morbid curiosity I ventured to the second page thinking "this poor soul needs some serious guidance".
    The whole "she tolde me she hope i die and call me lot of name" was just toooo much though...
    Some might think this was a waste, but I award 10/10 for this jest!
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to rolemodel29 in cr 1 visa denied   
    I am sorry but i dont really understand what you are talking about her. I notice your english is bad . are you a US citizen? Are you a permanent resident? Give us a little more about your background. Meeting just two times dont seem to me to be a relationship developed over time. You did not mention how ling you knew this person before meeting and getting married. Also what is the age gap between both of you? Give us some more information to go on in order for us to help you please.
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to Harpa Timsah in cr 1 visa denied   
    Yes, it will be denied if you only make $7000 a year. If you don't love this woman and know she has used you, then you should cancel your petition and also divorce her. Why are you waiting and waiting and wishing on a star that it gets denied for lack of income? Take matters into your own hands and withdraw the petition you filed, and stop filling out forms and sending in paperwork. You have the power to stop the process, so do it.
  9. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to rlogan in Divorced american man now married to filipina   
    sure -
    This is an example of a manipulative person without a conscience blaming you and putting you down, and it is exactly what someone treating their spouse like dirt will do. For this guy it is just sport, because he enjoys the idea of making a person who shows hurt feel even worse. But for a spouse it is to let them get away with bad behavior.
    For example, when your spouse is having an affair they'll say how insecure you are, crazy, imagining things, that you are too suspicious or don't allow him time with his "friends" etc. If you were a decent wife then you'd let him screw the babysitter on the dining room table in front of you.
    The only person whose business this is: YOU. I would never treat a wife as you have been treated nor would I put up with it. So I understand how you feel. But if your husband is making you unhappy then that's the sole issue for you. It is very common for a manipulative spouse to show affection to other people instead of you. Why? Because they know how it eats at you. They know how much stress it causes, and this weakens you. It wears you down. It puts you into a depression where you can't eat, can't sleep, can't think straight - it is emotional warfare to keep you in a weakened state and easier to manipulate. The text message during dinner was not to make his ex wife feel good so much as to put you down: watch me show you that you are less important than my ex-wife.
    You said the right thing about going back home if he doesn't stop. That's right. It's what you have to do: either he treats you with respect or you go. There's no reason to live with a husband that does not put you first. What a miserable life.
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to flicker in Divorced american man now married to filipina   
    no!!! it is not normall !!!! it is disrespectfull to you and just plain rude for anyone who is married to someone else to show more attention to the ex instead of them,,not once did you say the kids called ,,it was always the ex,,useing the kids as an excuse is sickening and for anyone else to say its normal or youre being insecure,,well i dont think they are liveing in the real world,,sure it would be great if we all loved each other but thats not the case and with the divorce rate being over 50% in the usa WHERE WE LOVE TO PREACH GOD AND COUNTRY i think you deserve a little more respect and attention
  11. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to DouglasFiel in the new guy   
    Since you have been married less then two years,,, The visa you are needing is the CR-1.
    Your need to file the form I-130 to apply for the CR-1 visa.
    Start here: http://www.visajourney.com/content/guides
    Guides if you are married:
    US Citizen lives in the US & Spouse lives overseas:
    ----- Option 1: CR-1 / IR-1 Visa and I-130 Petition Guide, NVC Flowchart
    It is not so hard,,, just read and lean on the VJ family.
    Of course things change,,, but, this is the I-130 cover letter that lists the contents I sent in with my I-130 app in 2009.
    Dear USCIS,
    Enclosed please find form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, and the supporting documents. The petition is filed by a United States Citizen (USC) on behalf of my
    spouse a citizen of the Philippines.
    {My Full name and address here}
    {Spouses full name and address here}
    Contents of I-130 package:
    □ Check
    □ I-130 petition filed by USC, petitioner on behalf of ALIEN, beneficiary
    □ I-130 addendum (additional information in support of I-130)
    □ Copy of Birth Certificate of USC
    □ Copy of Birth Certificate of ALIEN
    □ Copy of Divorce Decree {Ex Wifes name here}
    □ Copy of Marriage Certificate (copy from church – much clearer)
    □ Copy of Marriage Certificate (copy of the registered marriage license from the local register)
    □ G-325a Completed by USC
    □ G-325a Completed by USC - Addendum
    □ Passport type picture of USC
    □ G-325a Completed by ALIEN
    □ G-325a Completed by ALIEN - Addendum
    □ Passport type Picture of ALIEN
    □ Proof of Bona Fide Marriage (Note: Married on 3/21/09)
    o Selection of Pictures that document relationship, wedding and marriage
    o Affidavit
    Thank you,
    {My full name and signature here}
  12. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to Hank_ in CFO at PRISM in Manila No Better/Givin Fiancee a Hard Time   
    **May not be a government agency performing the "service" but it is a government requirement, which makes it about the same: Per Republic Act 8239 and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Order 28-94, Filipinos proceeding abroad as spouses and other partners of foreign nationals are required to attend the CFO’s guidance and counseling program as a pre-requisite to the issuance of passports
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to RickJovi in CFO at PRISM in Manila No Better/Givin Fiancee a Hard Time   
    They won't allow him in, only you. Better be prepared for everyhting under the sun. If you are 25 and younger, better have parental advice and consent letterss, his divorce dewcrees, a letter from him summarizing why his previous mnarriages failed, a letter from you stating you know about his divorces and why you want to marry him and if somone introduced you then a letter from them stating that fact with their photo ID, etc.... Just a bunch of BS because they want to make it as difficult for you and try to discourage you from leaving the Philippines. Read some of the other CFO posts they are like nightmares,
  14. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to Caryh in How to Marry...   
    I'm not sure how much she wants to return to the Philippines, but there are issues that could, not that they will, but could come up. She will always be married there, unless she gets the annulment. Getting married to you would make her an adulteress and a bigamist, both of which are crimes in the Philippines and she could be jailed. Neither of these crimes are generally prosecuted unless a family member makes a case against them, but cases are made when someone is looking for a pay off or just mad because someone gained a new and better life. Her husband may not care now if she remarries, it might be very different should he return to Philippines and starts to get teased about his wife having a new husband, or she returns there and suddenly he decides this is a good way to make a few Pesos. Theoretically you could also be charged with adultery and jailed in the Philippines. This might or might not be something you care about, but she could never get a passport in her new married name in the Philippines, and your marriage could never be recognized in the Philippines. If neither of you never intend to go there, and she intends to get USA citizenship and give up Philippines citizenship, then none of these issues matter one bit. But you should be aware of them if you choose her getting a divorce instead of following the annulment process the Philippines allows their citizens to use.
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to dale_trisha in How to Marry...   
    The problem with a divorce from Singapore is if the lady applies for it NSO will not recognize it. If the husband is a citizen from Singapore he can apply for it and then it works. But if he is also from the Philippines that the only solution is annulment.
  16. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to rocks in How to Marry...   
    I-130 is not for K-1, that is for people who are married. I-130 is "Petition for Alien Relative". K-1 is "Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)". Fiancee visas are for people who are not married. I suggest you read the guides here and try to become familiar with the different types of visa. Sorry to say but there is no way to shorten this, you will have to wait like everyone else.
  17. Like
    Jazel Stickel reacted to Therealworld in what is the Difference between K3 and IR-1......   
    K3 is useless
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    Jazel Stickel reacted to RickJovi in Black ink pen or Blue ink pen???   
    Whatever the instructions say. If they don't specify balck or blue, I don't think it matters. I always use black, even on signatures and had no issues. Then can tell if it is photocopy or not. Ink from a pen is ink. Printed signature froma printer they can tell the difference. Relax you will be okay as the documents requiring an original signature have it. Good luck.
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