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Status Updates posted by LAGOSLOVE

  1. We were and IR/CR1 and will remove conditions in 2013. If you have questions or just need to vent.. You are Welcome on my page! Stay strong..keep your head up and welcome to your VisaJourney. P.S. Start a timeline so we all can help.

  2. Hello. I know it can all be confusing. IR/CR1 is for the married. If you are married and you turned in your I130 you will go into the IR/CR1 pool. Now this is the cheapest way to go bc when hubby gets home> if your married under 2yrs>2yr GC and you will have to remove conditions then naturalize if you want. If you are married over 2yrs>10 yr green card no conditions naturalize then ...

  3. Girl! Now dont make me act up on you (smile) listen. The devil only has the power we give him. I got you message about fasting. So I know that I need to tell you that we fast in secret so you gotta start over (smile big)I am here for you so I'm going to hold your hand until he gets home. XoXo

  4. Heynow what's good? Here I am at work missing thoes half days I had for the holidays. So your interivew is coming up.. I'm excited like it was me. I love that you are so positive because this is exactly what it takes to get that visa. Your relationship reminds me of my own. I have children that my husband excepts as his own. Your hubby will be home so soon. My soul is singing for all my...

  5. We are waiting on you to update us..I know you've been down but now it's time to RISE INSPITE OF YOUR SITUATION..:)WE MISS YOU

  6. Yea I'll send you a friend request on facebook when I get off work. You are gonna be just fine.. You know why.. because you are a fighter just like me!

  7. Hello! I used FedEx Global.They guarentee 3-4 days deliery clearing customs. Priced based on weight. However we used my husbands church address because someone is always there and because the area where he lived was out in a rual place. I suggest you use an address that easily accepts mail and go pick it up from there. Blessings

  8. If I can help I'm always here :)Welcome to the Journey of a lifetime.


  10. I'll be checking on you...send me a message when you get the letter.

  11. Call me tonight when you get a chance. I'm sick..my asthma is kicking my tail.. change of season..went from pleasantly cool to OMG Blizzard cold.. it was 19 this morning. Hear from you later.. blessings over take you!

  12. I went to the Kenya portal I didn't see many people who filed you and your husband are still on the recently approved side. WOW. It's cold as a witches ####### here in Charlotte to. Poor husband is like "how have you people taken this cold for so long" my answer.. put your coat on dear..lol

  13. It will not take 10 days this I can promise. Even coming from another state it's about 3 days.. I used to work for the postal service. You had better stay positive that's the only way to make it around here. I'm tell you what I know. Stop guessing or trying to guess. Relax and let God be God. Brother... pull it together. It's gonna be ok..

  14. I saw your thread and I did write the story of us thru my letters. Each milestone..the good the bad and the arguments. They don't expect to see perfection in realtionships they want to see real...people in love that have real issues living life as a couple. So start at the beginning.. expose your love and passion on the pages. Only you and your husband can word it correctly.Tell your story.

  15. I'm also watching your thread. STOP! MAKING YOURSELF SICK! It might be something seriously stupid.. like a birth certificate. You are stressing your unborn baby out thru mommy. Calm down you might get it today (US mail. I can tell you what I know. It's going to be fine. Gear up to get the info out. Rest now and stop upsetting yourself. I'm here for ya! :)

  16. That NOA2 takes around 6+ months anyway so I don't want you to think that because you got an RFE thats the reason for the slowness. I have no idea of why this one part take so long but once you get the approval the rest of the process goes "REAL FAST".

  17. The only way I can see that it will slow down is if you don't send the info right back. They don't respond they just keep going with the process. Once I sent the Birth Cert it was only a few weeks when I got the approval. Try your best not to speculate on what they want. Pray about it and leave it for God.. He will make it right.

  18. I'm glad to hear that the wedding is still on :D Yea waiting till school is out will be less stressful and you will be able to relax

  19. Goodmorning, I got your note. I too got an RFE. I paniced at first, then I got calm and prayed. I got a letter a few days later and all they needed was a Birth Certificate. So I'll say don't worry because you'll be able send the proof you need. Don't look at the negative in this just gear up to send what they ask for. You'll be fine. I'm here for you to vent or ask quest...

  20. I read your post and I must say that I can feel your pain. I know that you feel lost and incomplete. You have the power to call that this process into order. Words have power.. Use your power. Speak it as though it already is. Meaning it's finished and approved. Speak it and keep speaking it until it is a reality!

  21. Yes it is SSSo SSSexy to hear it. He was speaking to his sister boy she make him mad but he was calmly speaking almost a whisper.. this is going to sound crazy but his voice tone gave him one Loooonnng night :D

  22. Congrats on the job. Yea he's going back to school too. I'm trying to see if anyone will except his credintials as an IT tech. But I know he's got to me US standards. Girl talk about confusing.. let them be on the phone talking.. WOW..Say What??? lmfo

  23. It's crazy you mention Craigs list he was searching there last night. I was very unsure about using them but since I know someone who did we will go ahead. This man is after 2 jobs..hey now I still need some lovin he might be too tired..lol. Nah I said go make that Cash Big Money Grip.. he looked at me sideways..and said "what's that? it was soooo funny.

  24. Hey ladybug. Did you make a resume for your husband? I'm going to put one together tonite and gather personal references. Anything I might be missing??? What is your plan of attack for employment? Thanks

  25. Happy New Year! Well time is winding down.. What's on your agenda?

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