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Status Updates posted by LAGOSLOVE

  1. Yea.. at work now on computer.. all illegal.. lolololololol. I'm lovin them warm nights cause it's sooo cold out! OOOOOhGirl SMH.

  2. Mrs Lady... I see that fear is stopping by to pay your heart a visit..But I'm here to tell you that your PRAYERS will not go unheard. Girl you know God is good and if he brought you this far...You and your husband know eachother so he wont be stumbling and falling over his words. I speak confidence and compassion from the CO to your husband. He's coming home!

  3. I see you stopped by my page and didn't even speak.. I shame on you :( LMBO You've been quiet lately hows the cooking going and being a new wife? I still can't believe my husband is here. After all the paper work and money..whew, Is it still sereal for you too?


  5. I'm excited that you are leaving on friday..But while you are there go ahead and marry that man of yours and turn your K1 into a CR1 then when he gets here have a JINORMOUS WEDDING. You go have a wonderful time with your HUSBAND and keep in touch with me.. Safe travel!

  6. One other thing. You can also send your offer letter and acceptance letter from your job(On letter head) with the salary you will be paid. I'm praying for you. I know just how you are feeling.God is faithful. Just believe... LL

  7. Find someone who loves you enough just give you thier tax info for 2011 and sign the form. Let them know that you can take care of your husband and that you will not ask them for any financial support. It's just to show. Before you spend money on an attorney who is going to tell you that you need a sponsor Just please look for someone.Sit them down and explain it slow and clear. It's go...

  8. Hi, I just read your post. I had your same issue because I was on medical leave for the year of 2009 and some of 2010 so my income for the year 2010 was 18,000 for three people so I didn't meet the income requirements. My 2008 and 2009 were fine but Girl I searched Hi and Low for an answer. Finally a close friend decided to be a joint sponsor. It saved the day. What I beg you to do is>

  9. How long now before you leave out? Girl I know you are ready to be with your man. Are you planning a big wedding when he gets here?

  10. Hey sis.. What's up how you doing just checkin in.

  11. The joy I felt is yours my sister. Continue to claim it and watch it come. Girl this marriage is together because of fasting and praying. Govt agencies can be a good thing but in this kind of situation I'm trying to figure out what more can you give? I mean who do you have to be to prove that you two need to be together as a family. Well we servea God that is able. So that's what I'...

  12. My advicei is where I would start.I know you are waiting on the Consulate to send it back but.. First did they give him a paper or something that he can send or scan to you? Then call USCIS, call the State Dept>Senator and Govenor stating my case and REQUEST that they find out what his going on and ask for another INTERVIEW. This is not the end it' jsut the start of a fight. So fight fo...

  13. and providing, meeting new people and trying to figure out how to self survive. We are at the part where he is getting ready to look for work. I'm a little cautious about sending him on his own but this a is a grown man(lol)who came from a country where he had hustle to make it. Your man will be who you are so don't let him see fear. Send me your # on my email :)

  14. My husband likes it and hates it. They are used to home just as we would be. But the Bible tells a man to leave his family and cleave to his wife..so he is here. He is learning about laws, taxes, how the US is governed, paying bills ect. You just have to patient (not so easy) but love them thru the process and realize that it's just a matter of time before his is off on his own working>

  15. I was nervous on my wedding day too. I couldn't believe I was standing in Nigeria, no fam or friends getting married but it was the BEST! My brother resented it, my oldest sister thought the worse my baby sis wanted me to be happy but filling the papers was very private between my husband and myself. It's costly and people want to judge. I didn't have time to waist on the fears ...

  16. You already took the first step when you got married. The next steps are just part of being married. I did all of my paper work with out VJ did't know it exsisted..lol Just make sure to make a list of items that need to be sent the check it off 3 times with someone checking with you. Are you in ATL? If so you are close to NC where I am. Adjustment takes time..no worries about that now.

  17. I know your Christmas was out of this world. So I'm sending NEW YEARS wishes of more love, more prosperity, more health and life and more of all good things in deed because you deserve it so may God provide it. Amen

  18. Merry Christmas.. How are you doing? Well it's after Christmas.. time to file :) Don't be nervous be excited!

  19. Hello Olami, I just saw the pix of you and your husband. The CO that sent back your papers must be on something real strong or was trying to detox because the love is so evident. On your next interview CHARGE your Mininstering Angels to go forth and speak into that CO's heart. We will Pray for the RIGHT one to get the papers and do the interview.. I see your husband home very soon. Praises...

  20. Just checking in on you. Let me know what plans you have come up with. Here for you!

  21. Merry Christmas to my VJ family. Today was a looong beautiful day. Woke up to my new Kindle Fire and diamond bracelette with matching earings. My husband to his Wii and Soccer game. The children spoiled once again. How did our first Christmas feel together... Simply lovely. Just being able to look into his eyes first thing in the morning and get all stupid excited like being big kids... run to the tree and go at it even before the kids made my heart spin. I'm looking forward to every o...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tyeger87


      that sounds amazing!!! i am glad you had a fantastic christmas

    3. olumides_wife


      I am late I know...but awesome! I am truly happy for you and him! I can't wait until me and my sweetie can spend Christmas together!

    4. olumides_wife


      I am late I know...but awesome! I am truly happy for you and him! I can't wait until me and my sweetie can spend Christmas together!

  22. Thanks for the shout out!

  23. Calling you tonight!

  24. Rest over the Holiday.. NO stressing because you have a lot to get ready for. We are all here for you. I'll check in over the weekend.xoxoxo

  25. I'm guessing AP being sent back to USCIS. They should be asking for more information before the final decison. Call USCIS and ask what is next but be very specific in what information they gave your husband (ask him again). They should be able to give you some kind of answer.Also get your govt officials and the State Department involved. I'll keep researching.. You start gathering...Don...

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