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Status Updates posted by Andrea&Henry

  1. Ahhh ok ok! El sr que me saco los papeles redacto una carta en mi nombre donde ponia mis datos y el motivo por el cual pedia los antecedentes penales. Y dos fotocopias de mi cedula de identidad

  2. No entendi la pregunta. Pero si mal no entendi me preguntaste que documentos se apostillan? Bueno la partida de nascimiento y los antecedentes penales

  3. 1 year ago WE got my k1 visa!! The best day ever!

    1. Juan y Sandra

      Juan y Sandra

      pronto llegara esa green card..... te acordaras de mi,me tienes mas q abandonada...

    2. Juan y Sandra

      Juan y Sandra

      pronto llegara esa green card..... te acordaras de mi,me tienes mas q abandonada...

    3. GJen


      I liked ur story :) I hope you get your greencard soon :)

  4. we are closed!!! c'monnnnnnn green card!!

    1. Harpa Timsah
    2. moemac59


      CONGRATS!! Haven't seen any activity from you for awhile so I was wondering if you guys got approved. Finally, that is great. So happy for you both

    3. moemac59


      CONGRATS!! Haven't seen any activity from you for awhile so I was wondering if you guys got approved. Finally, that is great. So happy for you both

  5. Yes! You've a point, how could u apostille a chinese documents? That's why Im having some troubles helping you hahahaha. Once you are approved your fiance must call the embassy and have everything clear with them so u dont have surprises during your interview

  6. Yes! You can go to the ministerio and have it apostillAda! ALL of your documents needs to be apostillada. Besides that remember to translate all your chinese documents to english or spanish

  7. And about the skype stuff, is not a video, i just took print pages so its like a photo of the exact moment while were talking. You can see the both of us and how much time we talked. I also made some print page from our facebooks

  8. Your main concern right know its try to get your venezuelan ID so you can get access to everthing else, cause they are gonna ask you qhy dont you have you venezuelan police records, so you have to tell them you dont have a cedula...they are going to think you are ilegal here

  9. If you "notarizas" a document, you are giving this document a legal property locally but if you "apostillas or legalizas" a document you are giving it a legal property ,internationally

  10. If you are not 100% legal in Venezuela this issue can give u some troubles during your interview and your k1 process. Notarizado is not the same of legalizado. A "notario publico" notariza all your documents. El ministerio popular para las relaciones exteriores "apostilla" o legaliza your documents

  11. Normally, legal residents are allow to have an special venezuelan's cedula but for foreign people, so you can work and live legal in my country. Even with this foreign cedula you can ask for your Venezuela police records

  12. Hi Xin! Thanks for writing me! Well your case it's pretty new for me cause the other venezuelan's cases, we all were born and raised venezuelans so I don't know how to proceed in your case. Obviously with no cedula you cannot get your police records. But my main question is...are you a legal resident in Venezuela?

  13. There's a whole new era for my beautiful Venezuela #HayUnCamino

  14. I'm in! Just sent you an email!

  15. Thanks for your response to my case, I really like the way you handle the forum and I truly appreciate your opinions.

  16. I know but THANKSSS!! i will let u know

  17. 10 amazing months since I moved to the US! Thank God

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David&Xin


      JUSTICIA MUNICIPAL -ALCALDIA DE CHACAO, Plaza del Indio, i got the Buena Conducta from there, have no idea if i can do the apostillas or legalizas there at El ministerio popular para las relaciones exteriores.This is the only thing that i can get now; though several years ago i had a Cedula, but could not renewed it, so it's ileagl now

    3. David&Xin


      Thank u so much, i have both Birth Certificate , the Police Report, Unmarried Certificated those 3 documents translated from china; hope it's unecesary that i do the apostillado here in Venezuela for these 3, although, after your words, i do think about it, they are all certified from china since i' m chinese, do not have Venezuela paper, how could the Ministry apostilla documents that i took from china? but, i will deal it in Venezuela USA embassy, i'm still thinking about it......

    4. David&Xin


      as to the police report here, it is because i live here more than 6 months,i ll do the apostillaje when i have the interview day, since it will be valid only for 3 months. Thank u Andrea to give me more question about my papers and my situation, you're really very nice !!

  18. Thanks! I can't wait to be done with al this GC drama. Since sept 2011 I've been working with immigration stuff when my hubby applied for my k1. I need some vacations! Besides that today in turning 10 month since I moved to the US so my goal would be, have my GC before my 1 st anniversary since i moved in

  19. 2 weeks ago I met a girl who was exactly in my same circunstance. But she applied for AoS 10 days early than me. She got her GC last week without interview soooo...that's what I'm hopung for

  20. Im gonna try to contact my congressman if I don't receive an answer from my e-request. My only hope is that my package still remains at the NBC facility so maybe is taking too long cause I will be receiving my GC without an interview

  21. 7 month already! C'mon God need some miracles here :) till waiting for my GC

    1. moemac59


      Aww that sucks. Was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if you had heard anything yet? Fingers crossed that it comes soon

    2. moemac59


      Aww that sucks. Was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if you had heard anything yet? Fingers crossed that it comes soon

  22. no is not an issue...the law states that you must known each other in person within 2 years. My husband and I became boyfriend and girlfriend on june 21, 2011 and he filed my petition on sept 2011. We only had the time to see each other twice (for a week each visit)

  23. Of course not! I don't mind at all. Im glad I can help

  24. Happy Valentine's day

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